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scifi.com ScifiWire Poll

scifi.com has a poll going about the SW trilogy at the following address:

The new DVD set of the original three Star Wars movies adds Hayden Christensen at the end and makes a few other changes. Which version of the movies do you like best?

Current Results:
The original '70s and '80s releases.
The 1997 "special editions."
The 2004 DVD versions.
Star Wars? Give me Trek.

Currently, the vote is...
55% for originals
12% for 1997s
18% for DVD versions
14% for Star Trek

Number of votes is 5926.
Well, I think y'all know how I voted on this one. So, Jimbo, the majority prefer the new stuff, eh?
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
all i have to say is...

jimbo you like apples?

The original '70s and '80s releases.
The 1997 "special editions."
The 2004 DVD versions.
Star Wars? Give me Trek.

Votes Cast: 6651

how do you like them apples?
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
considering the DVD's haven't been released quite yet, it's strange that people still prefer the new DVD versions to the 97 special editions.

Originally posted by: buddy-x-wing
considering the DVD's haven't been released quite yet, it's strange that people still prefer the new DVD versions to the 97 special editions.

I think some of these people are actually in favor of the changes like Jimbo. Others who voted in this category are just voting on the idea of them being available on DVD and missing the entire purpose of the poll.

Luke, all I gots to say is... "applesauce, bitch."
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
2004 versions are now down to 17%. Take that, jimbo!

Princess Leia: I happen to like nice men.
Han Solo: I'm a nice man.

Current Results:
The original '70s and '80s releases.
The 1997 "special editions."
The 2004 DVD versions.
Star Wars? Give me Trek.
Votes Cast: 7148

You know I actually have a theory that old man Lucas purposefully fucked these films up so badly because he felt responsible for the impact that the saga had on us children of the seventies.

Stay with me now. My theory is that he got scared when "Jedi" and "the Force" started showing up in Census form reports and he saw the damage that obsessive Star Wars love was having on the lives, behaviour and relationships of the series most fervent fanatics and decided to do something to rectify the situation.

Tough love.

So he oversaw the woeful 'Special (as in special school) Editions' with so many horrible changes in order to break the trance.

But that tactic did not work, so he started work on his most ambitious project yet, a trilogy of terror. Three films so calculatedly bad that they were destined to wreak havoc on the fanbase. Surely after such films we would all see that Star Wars is justy badly written fluff to sell toys and videogames.

However even this tactic did not work as fan-love for the OT only increased with each new excreble prequel so he launched his final attack on his followers. The 2004 New Original Trilogy.

Surely this gambit would work, surely now Star Wars could indeed be pronounced dead.

So that is my theory. It's either that, or Lucas is an actual deity.

This second theory arises out of the crazy defenses that the beaten-wife-syndromesque Lucas Apologists come up with.

"Who are you to question His will?"

"He is the Creator and He can do whatever He wants to His galaxy."

"Everything He does He does for a reason."

"All of His decisons are divine and unquestionable."

"Every one of His creations is perfect and full of unknowable majesty and wonderment."

"This was all part of His plan from the beginning."

"He is just testing our loyalty and devotion to Him."

"When bad things happen to good Star Wars fans it's just because they didn't really believe in Him strongly enough."


The good thing about this Earthly deity is that you can track Him down and punch Him in the gut when He pisses you off.
"The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." - Goering.

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." - Goebbels.

"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - Orwell.

Originally posted by: Regicidal_Maniac
The good thing about this Earthly deity is that you can track Him down and punch Him in the gut when He pisses you off.

My kind of deity. Interesting theory, Reg. It does make sense to a degree but I still doubt that was his reasoning. Still interesting, though.

That article you linked is pretty twisted. What a dipshit.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
That article was a hoot, Reg; only in Manitoba!

Princess Leia: I happen to like nice men.
Han Solo: I'm a nice man.

im starting to think the only reason Star Wars made it big was because Lucas didnt have the money for half of the effects...
if he had the money we may have got a less enjoyable movie...

hell the man could have simply lucked out on it for all we know
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
Which is why I like Robert Rodriguez. He understands that not having everything work exactly right may actually make a better film. The textbook example of this is, of course, Jaws; the fact that the mechanical shark didn't work most of the time forced Spielberg to be creative with how he would show it, and the end result was a better movie.

Princess Leia: I happen to like nice men.
Han Solo: I'm a nice man.

I'm not sure how I feel about Robert Rodriguez. His movies are fun to watch but they aren't very good if you know what I mean. Then you have Jaws which is a great moive and fun to watch.

I'm also a little sick of hearing about how he does so much with so little. LITTLE MY ASS. I could make a movie like Spy Kids with 30 million dollars too! Granted his first film was made for about 5,000 but his next film was made with 10 mill. Not exactly small beans.

Oh well just my two cents.

“You know, when you think about it, the Ewoks probably just crap over the sides of their tree-huts.”

Yeah, but you gotta admit that his early films are pure examples of how to do a lot with a little. The first two films in the "Mariachi" trilogy are spectacular for these reasons. He's a director that's not afraid to get down and dirty. Plus, he also knows how to bend and break the rules of the Hollywood establishment. Who else can you think of that would do all the editing and CGI work in his garage? Or, in order to secure rights to Sin City, he created a brief scene to show how he would establish the mood and portray the characters and took this to Frank Miller himself instead of just doing the whole script/oral treatment BS that most Hollywood types do. Sin City would still be a pipe dream if not for Rodriguez's creative way of getting it done.

By the way, Mackey, I just looked at your profile and we don't live that far apart. Scarily. You're in Rockford, I live in Geneva. Illinois Represent!

Sorry, hadda do it.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
It's like a little kid who has few toys, and a great imagination.
He can turn a stick into a raygun and do anything with anything. This is the FX Lucas of the seventies and eighties.

Versus a kid with lots of toys with no imagination.
This is the kind of person that the "malfuntioning R5-D4" toy was made for. This is the CGI Lucas of now.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Originally posted by: Hal 9000
It's like a little kid who has few toys, and a great imagination.
He can turn a stick into a raygun and do anything with anything. This is the FX Lucas of the seventies and eighties.

Versus a kid with lots of toys with no imagination.
This is the kind of person that the "malfuntioning R5-D4" toy was made for. This is the CGI Lucas of now.

Brilliant. I couldn't have put it better.

When Lucas lacked the dosh for an effect he was forced to come up with a creative story way around the problem. Now he has all the tools and all the money and the lack of creativity in the new stories is abundantly evident.
"The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." - Goering.

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." - Goebbels.

"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - Orwell.
I like you theory Reg!,
In Essence George is deliberately sabotaging his legacy, so as to save the world!

Originally posted by: Hal 9000
It's like a little kid who has few toys, and a great imagination.
He can turn a stick into a raygun and do anything with anything. This is the FX Lucas of the seventies and eighties.

Versus a kid with lots of toys with no imagination.
This is the kind of person that the "malfuntioning R5-D4" toy was made for. This is the CGI Lucas of now.

very nice analogy...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
Final poll results:

09/12/04 - 09/18/04
The new DVD set of the original three Star Wars movies adds Hayden Christensen at the end and makes a few other changes. Which version of the movies do you like best?

Final Results:

55% The original '70s and '80s releases.
13% The 1997 "special editions."
17% The 2004 DVD versions.
16% Star Wars? Give me Trek.

Votes Cast: 11116

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it Lucas.
"The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." - Goering.

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." - Goebbels.

"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - Orwell.