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Kerry Lied — Page 2


Originally posted by: jimbo
Also to bad karma if you believe a women should have the right to kill a child may God have mercy on your soul. Wait no he won't. If it were up to me id excecute every women and every doctor who commited an abortion. On the charge of senseless murder of innocent human lives.

A fetus is not a human child. I also added that once the fetus is fully formed it should not be removed. Grow up a little and realize that some choices just have to be made. Would you rather the child grow up in a loveless family and on the streets?

Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here, this is the war room!


Originally posted by: Warbler

And wheither or not it justifies the war, the world is better off without Saddam. One less murdering dictator in the world. How you beleive that the world is better off with a man like Saddam than without? You don't have to think that that justifies the war, but Saddam definitely was not a good guy and I am glad it is not longer in power. I can only hope this ends with a stable Iraq with the people of Iraq being able to choose their own leaders.

Warbler, I'm pretty sure you are confident on the actions taken by not only Bush, but the whole republican staff at the white house. Therefore, since the job being done on war on terror is so great that justifies what is being done with the country, you should vote for him, and get 4 more years of a republican administration. Or voter for Kerry, who cares. Both are mindless puppets, moving where the money is. Don't even bother voting green, or voting for other candidates. Don't even consider changing the electoral system to a democratic one. One person one vote, nah, that's the way those banana republics choose their insane liders, like Idi Amin Dada or Pol Pot or Saddam...


Normally I won't want to start a political discussion on a Star Wars site but I have to make an exception now.


And no thanks, I rather not look at the pictures of innocents human beings being sadistically murdered because someone decided to have inconsequential sex. So glad we agree on that.

That's it I give up.

You know, I enjoy talking with all of you about any subject at all, from Star Wars to 70s european porn, but I don't feel so great talking about american politics. It's a heavily polarized issue, strictly two-sided, and both sides defend their own opinions and wishes as their lifes depended on it. Well, somehow people belive they do, as TV has told you every single day, but worry not, your life is being guided by clever marketing campaigns and sitcom plots. They need you alive so you keep consuming. Me, I don't give a rat's ass about who wins this mud wrestling match, Bush, Kerry, Nader, George Lucas, I don't care anymore. The world could become a wonderful world of bliss and joy, or we could be nuked by the north koreans right now, I don't care anymore, I don't care if terrorists armed with letter openers kill me while I'm asleep, I don't care if a 75 year-old pensioner from Louisiana is getting his free medicine from the government, I don't care if Bush decides to invade Brazil because our president is torturing people with samba and boring soccer games, I don't care if I get killed by us marines who think I'm a "terrorist" because of my Die Jar Jar Die t-shirt, I don't care if I'm taken to Abu Ghraib 2 and tortured in a Pulp Fiction way by a us marine gimp going medieval on my ass, I don't care if Kerry throw a thousand purple hearts at me killing me with the weight, I don't care if Michael Moore makes a movie about how much of a loser I am, I simply don't care anymore. But yes, I'd like to see Bush win, because, frankly, lately I've wanted for the whole world to blow up in pieces.

And that's it, I mean, what's the point of going on talking about politics with you guys, I don't want to create enemies here, I don't need to change you people's minds, and I'm positive that whatever I say people will disagree, so now I'm serious: I refuse to speak about anything slightly political ever again.
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
BTW Warbler, by "you should vote for him" I didn't mean you, I meant the "plural", impersonal form of "you" - somehow inexistent in the english language...
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
Just to stir the pot a bit....

What about Bush's environmental record. He hasn't exactly done much good there durring the past four years.
I hate getting into politics, because nobody ever actually changes anybody's mind... They just keep saying the same thing over and over again...

If I was old enough to vote, I would vote green party. Their "Ten Key Values" have almost restored my faith in the american goverment... but then again, I guess all the parties look good on paper.

I don't like the fact that everyone is caught in this mind set that they have to vote for either democrats or republicans... there are other, better choices, but people don't seem to notice them. I also hate the fact how america just seems to be stuck in this endless loop... we always vote for somebody who we think will do a good job, but then he doesn't and we get mad and vote for somebody else, and he doesn't do a good job either... Gah, all politics suck.

Originally posted by: Jaster Mareel
I hate getting into politics, because nobody ever actually changes anybody's mind... They just keep saying the same thing over and over again...

You said it all.

Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here, this is the war room!

it's funny what 50 years of the wrong junk being pumped into peoples heads will do to 5 generations.
"Who's scruffy-lookin'?" - Han Solo
"I wish my lawn was emo so it would cut itself." -sybeman
"You know, putting animals in the microwave is not a good idea. I had to learn that one the hard way." -seanwookie

Originally posted by: ricarleite

Originally posted by: Warbler

And wheither or not it justifies the war, the world is better off without Saddam. One less murdering dictator in the world. How you beleive that the world is better off with a man like Saddam than without? You don't have to think that that justifies the war, but Saddam definitely was not a good guy and I am glad it is not longer in power. I can only hope this ends with a stable Iraq with the people of Iraq being able to choose their own leaders.

Warbler, I'm pretty sure you are confident on the actions taken by not only Bush, but the whole republican staff at the white house. Therefore, since the job being done on war on terror is so great that justifies what is being done with the country, you should vote for him, and get 4 more years of a republican administration. Or voter for Kerry, who cares. Both are mindless puppets, moving where the money is. Don't even bother voting green, or voting for other candidates. Don't even consider changing the electoral system to a democratic one. One person one vote, nah, that's the way those banana republics choose their insane liders, like Idi Amin Dada or Pol Pot or Saddam...


Normally I won't want to start a political discussion on a Star Wars site but I have to make an exception now.


And no thanks, I rather not look at the pictures of innocents human beings being sadistically murdered because someone decided to have inconsequential sex. So glad we agree on that.

That's it I give up.

You know, I enjoy talking with all of you about any subject at all, from Star Wars to 70s european porn, but I don't feel so great talking about american politics. It's a heavily polarized issue, strictly two-sided, and both sides defend their own opinions and wishes as their lifes depended on it. Well, somehow people belive they do, as TV has told you every single day, but worry not, your life is being guided by clever marketing campaigns and sitcom plots. They need you alive so you keep consuming. Me, I don't give a rat's ass about who wins this mud wrestling match, Bush, Kerry, Nader, George Lucas, I don't care anymore. The world could become a wonderful world of bliss and joy, or we could be nuked by the north koreans right now, I don't care anymore, I don't care if terrorists armed with letter openers kill me while I'm asleep, I don't care if a 75 year-old pensioner from Louisiana is getting his free medicine from the government, I don't care if Bush decides to invade Brazil because our president is torturing people with samba and boring soccer games, I don't care if I get killed by us marines who think I'm a "terrorist" because of my Die Jar Jar Die t-shirt, I don't care if I'm taken to Abu Ghraib 2 and tortured in a Pulp Fiction way by a us marine gimp going medieval on my ass, I don't care if Kerry throw a thousand purple hearts at me killing me with the weight, I don't care if Michael Moore makes a movie about how much of a loser I am, I simply don't care anymore. But yes, I'd like to see Bush win, because, frankly, lately I've wanted for the whole world to blow up in pieces.

And that's it, I mean, what's the point of going on talking about politics with you guys, I don't want to create enemies here, I don't need to change you people's minds, and I'm positive that whatever I say people will disagree, so now I'm serious: I refuse to speak about anything slightly political ever again.

I don't even no where to start! Ric don't you dare tell me what I am and am not confident in! You don't know me! I have said over and over again that I don't like Bush, have never liked Bush, have never voted for him and will never vote for him. Don't put words in my mouth again!! asshole! jesus christ!

and as for the rest of the things you said, are you f***ing serious?!? I assume that you really don't mean it when you say you don't care about the world,your country, and yourself. And maybe you should stop talking about politics until you can do it rationally!

see ya'll later, I'm not coming back to these boards again.
"Who's scruffy-lookin'?" - Han Solo
"I wish my lawn was emo so it would cut itself." -sybeman
"You know, putting animals in the microwave is not a good idea. I had to learn that one the hard way." -seanwookie
Switch, please don't leave because what I said. I wasn't talking to you I was talking to Ric. I am sorry if what I said offended you but Ric has pushed me over the edge. I understand if you don't like whats happening in this thread, but please don't leave the forum because of it. The fact that you have 200+ posts means that you have seen enough of this forum to know that this doesn't usaualy happen in other threads. Please don't go, man. I'm sorry.
close this damn thread down...
we're going to have more fights on this thing than ever...

Jimbo stop making threads that you know are going to piss people off you little SOB...
dont tell me you didnt do this on purpose

Jay can you please lock this thread before things get out of hand...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
this is way too funny... no luke, dont close it down.

where to start:

jimbo, take it from someone who has studied medicine... you cant have an abortion past 3 months. then it is self-inflicted. and the foetus is not looking LIKE anything that would RESEMBLE a child. those pics are of babies 7-9 months old. and they didnt bring a tear to my eye at all, which has nothing to do with me being a cold-hearted dick or anything. ive seen it before and ill probably see it again.


When Bush said they had weapons knowbody not France or Germany disputed this since the United Nations intellgence determined he had those weapons.

show me the report, coz that is not true. Hans Blix was sent over to Iraq to lead a team of inspectors to try and find WMDs, which they didnt, and which Hans blix SAID(!), france and germany and belgium and so on said to give the inspectors more time, since they didnt find any. THEY DID NOT FIND ANY! the UN tried to stop this by going into the security council, which the USA blatantly disregarded. why go to the UN, because they stated that they would invade Iraq anyway.


He probably shiped them out of the country before the war.

oh please... the man couldnt light a cigarette without the CIA knowing which brand it was.


The man tryed to assasinate a united states President, the man lied and deseved the United Nations multiple times, the man used gas on his own people and American troops found mass graves were Saddam excecuted thousands for fictious crimes.

when did he try and assassinate the pres?

he lied? and deceived the UN? bad boy!!!! the USA pres has never lied ("I'm not a crook" "I did not have sex with that woman" and so on) apparently and never deceived the UN?? did you know that the USA have not paid their membership fee to the UN in a very long time, a very long time...

used gas on his own people? hmm... some states in the USA there is the death penalty (debatable...), indians - native americans for you PC fans - got murdered, killed, rowed (spelling?) up like cattle and then dumped in reservations.


7. Kerry supports letting Gays marry. Changing what marriage means.

so? and what does a marriage mean? its not that i like or love gay people, but i dont mind them; if thats what they want, then let them have it, they are not going around killing or murdering or selling drugs, whereas guns are legal and more guns on streets means more deaths.

WARBLER: im sorry if i came across wrongly... i know that a lot of young men were drafted and sent to 'nam pretty much against their own wishes, i meant to say that it is the government's fault, all the way. and what i meant with them not fighting or dying for their country, i meant as in not defending it as did the vietnamese.
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)

Originally posted by: Warbler

I don't even no where to start! Ric don't you dare tell me what I am and am not confident in! You don't know me! I have said over and over again that I don't like Bush, have never liked Bush, have never voted for him and will never vote for him. Don't put words in my mouth again!! asshole! jesus christ!

and as for the rest of the things you said, are you f***ing serious?!? I assume that you really don't mean it when you say you don't care about the world,your country, and yourself. And maybe you should stop talking about politics until you can do it rationally!

I won't categorize this as a political comentary, so I won't be violating what I've said before, of never posting about politics again - at least not here.

Warbler, I wasn't talking specifically of you. I am sorry if I've offended you in any way, as it was NOT my intention. As I've said in my last post, when I said you, I mean "you all", not YOU you. In english there isn't a plural, impersonal form of "you", thus creating this misfortunate mistake due to language barrier. Please do not take it personal, I know you are not going to vote for him, and as a inteligent person, you have your own thoughts and ideals about the issue. And for the same reason I don't know you, I never intended to either offend you or put words in your mouth, as you've said. So again, I'm sorry. I'll keep myself from posting until you reply accepting my apologies, only if you decide to, of course.

About the later part, yes, I do feel that way nowadays, and yes I don't care about it anymore, since my single thought and opinions won't really matter. I do care about the world in a way, in the same way I care about the life of innocent people, but I don't care about myself and what the Powers that Be can do to me and my own life, since I have little to no control over that.

As a later note, based on what I've seen here today, and in other political threads, I'd suggest that such topic is not discussed here.
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering

Originally posted by: Switch Radic
it's funny what 50 years of the wrong junk being pumped into peoples heads will do to 5 generations.

No Kidding. I'm at school and have no desire to get into this now.

But I was unaware that Bush has an imaginary friend.



Originally posted by: bad_karma24

Originally posted by: jimbo
Also to bad karma if you believe a women should have the right to kill a child may God have mercy on your soul. Wait no he won't. If it were up to me id excecute every women and every doctor who commited an abortion. On the charge of senseless murder of innocent human lives.

A fetus is not a human child. I also added that once the fetus is fully formed it should not be removed. Grow up a little and realize that some choices just have to be made. Would you rather the child grow up in a loveless family and on the streets?

Yes I would rather have a child grow up on the streets then murdered. A fetus at any stage of life is a human being deserving of protection. Harming that fetus should be a crime against humanity and should be viewed as nothing more then cold blooded murder.
For the record, my leaving has nothing to do with this particular thread or any of the things said in this thread. Yes, there are some things that I disagree with, but these things are not a debate. Debates don't change peoples minds action sometimes can but never debate. debate just leaves both parties blue in the face and angry at one another. Only God or a person can change a man's (or woman's) mind, and quite frankly, God is a gentleman. He won't change your mind unless you invite Him in to do so.

My leaving this forum is simply about my need to move on in life. By doing so, you sometimes need to make tough chooses about people or places that you frequent. So see ya'll later it's been fun!

P.S. I'll only come to see the replies to my post for the next two days.
"Who's scruffy-lookin'?" - Han Solo
"I wish my lawn was emo so it would cut itself." -sybeman
"You know, putting animals in the microwave is not a good idea. I had to learn that one the hard way." -seanwookie
awwwwwww Switch are you sure this is it??
don't leave on a count of jimbo's wanting to make love to George Bush speech.....
after all these months he's pretty much tarnished his reputation on these boards and therefore ruined any say he has on any topic....

if it is because of other reasons than i understand and you will be missed...
but we'd hate to lose you...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."

Originally posted by: Warbler
how bout the Iraq war, starkiller? the one he mishandled. The one where he celebrated on that ship that the war was over? How high has the death toll gone since then? The where he originally said we were going to war because Saddam had WMDs? Where are the WMDs? How about the fact that a good portion of the world hates us because of Bush's policies. We need to work with the world not against it. You say Bush will be stronger on terrorists. It's 3 years since 9-11 and Bin Ladin is still at large, and terrorist are still planning and carrying out attacks. Doesn't sound like he's strong on terror to me. Maybe he's too busy trying to ban gay marriages. Bush is too strongly connected with the Religous right of the GOP. I think Bush and the GOP is out of touch with todays America. I think it's time for a regime change.
Iraq War is part of the War on Terror, even Kerry has admitted that point in speeches on TV (look for tape from the day that the 1000 dead number was announced), so I semi-touched on it above.

- Did he celebrate too soon? Yes, I'll give you that.
- I'm honestly quite sick of the WMD discussion. He said what he was told by his advisors.
If you had been told all your life that grass was purple, can we fault you for not knowing any better, or those that gave you the info.
- We gave the world a chance to work with us. A lot of countries (80+ being in Iraq) took the chance. France, Germany and Russia did not. France has never been very fond of the US, and is trying to assert itself to take some control power in the EU.
- No, we haven't gotten bin Laden. But you know what, they're still finding Nazi concentration camp guards and putting them on trial.
- How many of those attacks have been inside the US, or even in US territories?
- You consider the GOP out of touch with America. Well, perhaps its just your perception of what America has become.
Glass half empty, or half full?
If I fill the glass, then take a sip from it, are you looking at how much I filled it or how much more there is now than there was when it was half full/empty?
Nowadays we expect things like terrorist threats, 'wardrobe malfunctions', political mudslinging, excessive movie violence. What is wrong with wanting to return to the times before we expected it all?

Originally posted by: ricarleite

Originally posted by: Warbler

I don't even no where to start! Ric don't you dare tell me what I am and am not confident in! You don't know me! I have said over and over again that I don't like Bush, have never liked Bush, have never voted for him and will never vote for him. Don't put words in my mouth again!! asshole! jesus christ!

and as for the rest of the things you said, are you f***ing serious?!? I assume that you really don't mean it when you say you don't care about the world,your country, and yourself. And maybe you should stop talking about politics until you can do it rationally!

I won't categorize this as a political comentary, so I won't be violating what I've said before, of never posting about politics again - at least not here.

Warbler, I wasn't talking specifically of you. I am sorry if I've offended you in any way, as it was NOT my intention. As I've said in my last post, when I said you, I mean "you all", not YOU you. In english there isn't a plural, impersonal form of "you", thus creating this misfortunate mistake due to language barrier. Please do not take it personal, I know you are not going to vote for him, and as a inteligent person, you have your own thoughts and ideals about the issue. And for the same reason I don't know you, I never intended to either offend you or put words in your mouth, as you've said. So again, I'm sorry. I'll keep myself from posting until you reply accepting my apologies, only if you decide to, of course.

About the later part, yes, I do feel that way nowadays, and yes I don't care about it anymore, since my single thought and opinions won't really matter. I do care about the world in a way, in the same way I care about the life of innocent people, but I don't care about myself and what the Powers that Be can do to me and my own life, since I have little to no control over that.

As a later note, based on what I've seen here today, and in other political threads, I'd suggest that such topic is not discussed here.

Ric, I apoligize to you as well for things I said, I lost it last night and as a result, we have lost a forum member I hold myself responsible for that. I deeply regret that I misunder stood you and lost my temper and called you those things. I am sorry. FYI next time to avoid misunderstanding, if you want to us a plural 'you' say 'yous','you guys','Americans' ,'people' you will be understood more clearly. But that is still no excuse for my actions.

It is ashame that you feel so helpless in determining what I happen in the world, your country and yourself. I know sometimes it feels like there is nothing you can do, but you can still try. Don't give up on the world Ric, or yourself. and I accept your apology.

Originally posted by: Warbler
Ric, I apoligize to you as well for things I said, I lost it last night and as a result, we have lost a forum member I hold myself responsible for that. I deeply regret that I misunder stood you and lost my temper and called you those things. I am sorry. FYI next time to avoid misunderstanding, if you want to us a plural 'you' say 'yous','you guys','Americans' ,'people' you will be understood more clearly. But that is still no excuse for my actions.

It is ashame that you feel so helpless in determining what I happen in the world, your country and yourself. I know sometimes it feels like there is nothing you can do, but you can still try. Don't give up on the world Ric, or yourself. and I accept your apology.

You are not the one to apologise AT ALL. I should apologise, not only to you but to all of you, as I was putting my personal beliefs interfere with something that is supposed to be fun. I belive that being said that perhaps we could change someone's mind here about leaving the forum, unless he has other reasons for it. I also apologise for being so rude lately, not only in this thread but in others as well, I've been facing some huge personal problems (I don't feel like going into details about it) and my life has been a huge mess, so I've been discharging all this emotional stress into things non-related to my problems, such as my relatives, friends, colleagues, and other stuff.

About being helpless, well, I am. I have given up, I admit. I will not go into the details of why I have given up as it would be a political commentary, and I'll not talk about such topic here ever again.

Thanks for accepting my apologies, such a behavior will not repeat itself.
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering

Originally posted by: ricarleite
but to all of you

Oh, and see? Now I've learned. "All of you". I'll suggest a plural form of "you": "yous". When I'm talking to more than one people, or I'm not being specific, I could say "Yous should boycott the DVDs", or "Did yous hate Episode 1 too?"
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering

Originally posted by: starkiller
Iraq War is part of the War on Terror, even Kerry has admitted that point in speeches on TV (look for tape from the day that the 1000 dead number was announced), so I semi-touched on it above.

- Did he celebrate too soon? Yes, I'll give you that.

well we agree on somthing. In celebrating too soon, Bush embarassed himself and the nation and insulted the troops that were and are still fighting and dying there.


Originally posted by: starkiller

- I'm honestly quite sick of the WMD discussion. He said what he was told by his advisors.
If you had been told all your life that grass was purple, can we fault you for not knowing any better, or those that gave you the info.

who hired his advisors? I can't beleive that a better President would have gone in there with such little proof. And I can't accept that the President isn't reponsible at least in part for the mess. And again he came off looking like a moron. And proof that he really wasn't going to war for oil please.


Originally posted by: starkiller

- We gave the world a chance to work with us. A lot of countries (80+ being in Iraq) took the chance. France, Germany and Russia did not. France has never been very fond of the US, and is trying to assert itself to take some control power in the EU.

please name the countries that are in Iraq with us(other than England). And we did not work the U.N. We need to try harder somtimes we need to compromise somtimes. We need to stop this go it alone approach. More effort should have been made to cooperate with U.N. to resolve the Iraq crissis


Originally posted by: starkiller

- No, we haven't gotten bin Laden. But you know what, they're still finding Nazi concentration camp guards and putting them on trial.
- How many of those attacks have been inside the US, or even in US territories?

the point is, not enough effort was gone into to catch him. And even though there have been no attacks on US soil since 9-11, There still have been attacks, innocent people have died . And how long before another attack is carried off here? And I know they are still find Nazi guards, but the point is athought some are still free, that have atleast been put out of business. Can you say the same for the terrorists groups?


Originally posted by: starkiller

- You consider the GOP out of touch with America. Well, perhaps its just your perception of what America has become.
Glass half empty, or half full?
If I fill the glass, then take a sip from it, are you looking at how much I filled it or how much more there is now than there was when it was half full/empty?

not exactly understanding what you meant here, please explain more clearly.


Originally posted by: starkiller

Nowadays we expect things like terrorist threats, 'wardrobe malfunctions', political mudslinging, excessive movie violence. What is wrong with wanting to return to the times before we expected it all?

Unfortunatly we can't. Most people don't consider 'wardrobe malfunctions' to be serious problems in light all the other problems we face. And the only way to solve excessive movie violence is censureship thus violating the 1st amendment. And how mush violence in movies is too much? and who desides? politcal mudslinging goes way back and the
Republicans sling just as much mud as do the Demicrats. Finally we can expect terrists attacks untill we get leadership that nows how to effectively deal with. Bush doesn't. Will Kerry? we'll see, I am ready to give him the chance.


Originally posted by: ricarleite

Originally posted by: ricarleite
but to all of you

Oh, and see? Now I've learned. "All of you". I'll suggest a plural form of "you": "yous". When I'm talking to more than one people, or I'm not being specific, I could say "Yous should boycott the DVDs", or "Did yous hate Episode 1 too?"

lol. perhaps 'you people shoud boycott the DVD' sounds better, or 'Did you people hate DVD as well' ?

I know the English language can be very confusing I have been told that it is most difficult language to learn as a 2nd language.

I am sorry to hear about your personal personal problems. My hopes, thoughts, and prayers for a quick resolution to them. Don't feel too bad about it we all have problems with our friends and family from time to time.

I wish we could change Switch's decision, but he seems to have his mind made up. I blame myself for that. But I will try again. I will send him a PM.


Originally posted by: Warbler

I know the English language can be very confusing I have been told that it is most difficult language to learn as a 2nd language.


I wish we could change Switch's decision, but he seems to have his mind made up. I blame myself for that. But I will try again. I will send him a PM.

I belive his decision don't involve this thread at all, at least I hope so...

It's not hard, really, as a matter of fact it is quite easy to learne. The verbs are conjugated in a very simplified form, there are no "gender" thing in words as latin languages have, it is almost as easy as esperanto, I belive. The most difficult language to learne as a 2nd language are those that does not involve the ocidental alphabet (A, B, C), such as arabic or japanese. I'm trying to learne japanese by myself, and it has been very difficult with all those polite forms and adjective tenses and 30 thousand kanji characters and stuff.
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering