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Post #633938

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Date created
15-Apr-2013, 3:35 AM

Mimic 2 (2001)

An incredibly weak, pointless sequel. Even if the chockful of discrepancies with the original film hadn't served to alienate me, the whole idea that a giant insect would want to mate with a human female would have.

What Lies Beneath (2000)

Not a bad movie, but it was just too slow-moving for my tastes. It was interesting to see Harrison Ford play a villain for a change.

Bad Moon (1996)

It wasn't stellar, but I liked it. The dog was a pretty good actor, and the werewolf design was - if a little stiff moving - still pretty awesome.

Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure (1984)

I remember the first and last time I saw this movie was back in the summer of '96. I hadn't yet seen ROTJ, so I didn't know this took place in the SW Universe. I found it an alright movie at the time, though it wasn't something I would have filed away in my category of "Awesome Movies I'd Love to See Again & Again & Again". Having watched it now, again, my feelings haven't changed all that much; it's well made for a TV film, and a decent time-waster, but nothing more than that.

Buried Alive (1990)

Not to be confused with the TV movie of the same name released in the same year. Though it claims to be based on something by Edgar Allan Poe, there's nothing to tie the film to any of the works he's done beyond the presence of a black cat and the villain's motif of walling his victims up alive behind brick walls. The story, while showing some promise, just wasn't that well written; few if any of the victims who die are even remotely likeable, so I felt nothing but satisfaction when they kicked the bucket; and Donald Pleasance gives one of the worst performances of his career playing an irritating ex-nutcase with a German accent and bad toupee. I will say in the film's favour, though, that the atmosphere and cinematography was pretty good.