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Post #628610

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Info: Re-mixed audio tracks on video releases
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Date created
21-Mar-2013, 8:56 AM

GregK said:

Of personal interest to me are the two upcoming SENSURROUND titles due to be released on bluray this year: BATTLESTAR GALACTICA (1978 version) and EARTHQUAKE... Given new bluray releases are around the corner, I would love to see this brief audio format finally presented properly. But I'm not holding my breath.

Midway is also due for release at the same time. But let's face it - faithful recreation of Sensurround mix - not going to happen. They'll use (I assume) lossless versions of the existing 5.1 and '3.1 Sensurround' remixes. And at the advertised price point they're going to be bare bones - Midway may get the extras from the dvd ported over. I assume a release of Rollercoaster will be just round the corner.


skyjedi2005 said:

Was Buck Rogers in the 25th Century in Sensurround as well?

No - just the four...

Battlestar Galactica