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Harmy's THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Despecialized Edition HD - V2.0 - MKV & AVCHD (Released) — Page 32


Showed my girlfriend this last night. Told her that you had done the work to remove all the Special Edition stuff, but she remarked about how wonderful the colors were, particularly during the duel. So yeah, although I know you've done waaaaay more color correction on SWDed2.x, the work on ESBDed1.0 really shines, even to laymen.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


I've found MySpleen to be very particular about BitTorrent clients.  After a couple failures, I found that Vuze works.  I'm sure others do too.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Harmy said:

uTorrent works for me.

uTorrent is now essentially adware. I wouldn't use it.


I didn't notice any adds but I only use torrents very occasionally, when I'm not at the school dorms.

Anyway, just for fun, I took a look at ESB v1.0 after not having seen it for ages and man is it bad; not only are the black levels pretty bad and there are some color issues but I think I'll have to redo all of the despecialized shots from scratch. Looking at it brought back a lot of memories - some of the shots that seemed so difficult back then would now take me like ten minutes to despecialize and make them look a lot better than they do in v1.0 - some of course will still be difficult but I'm confident I can do a lot better job on those too. I can't wait to get cracking on v2.0 of Empire. I have my last exam of this semester tomorrow and after that, I expect to be done with SW v2.5 quite soon and then I can start on this :-)


Considering how much I already love ESB 1.0, that post pretty much made me swoon.  Thanks for being a damned perfectionist, Harmy.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Smiles for ear to ear.  Good luck on your test.  :)

looking for HDTV of the  Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.  Also HDTV of The Lord of the Rings trilogy


Harmy said:

 I have my last exam of this semester tomorrow and after that, I expect to be done with SW v2.5 quite soon and then I can start on this :-)

So can we expect a release in like a couple of weeks then?


I don't want to say - it's possible but I still have school to attend, so I can't say for sure.


Harmy, I was looking at it the other day and I thought Empire looked amazing. Then again, you're the "creator" and will always see the flaws the rest of us missed.  I'm sure you could be working on these the rest of your life if you wanted, but eventually you just have to walk away.  Works of art are never finished, merely abandoned.

In any event, while Empire is my favourite movie, luckily it's also the SE that I find the least objectionable and don't completely hate watching.


Hi Harmy,


I like your despecialized versions of the OT very much. Its my prefered way to enjoy Star Wars.


At last you released Star Wars in the 1977 version in HD and with many additional languages. :)

Do you have any plans to release other languages for TESB? This version only have english and czech tracks.

I'm from germany and the blu ray release brought us the first good audio source of the OT for home entertainment.

So it would be perfect to have your despecialized version of TESB with the  german adapeted blu ray track :)


Same question for ROTJ, an audio update with the blu ray sound would be awesome :)

Short edit for ROTJ: I just checked it ... it seems that the german track for ROTJ is perfect :) So the question is only for TESB :)


If you're going to go back and fix ESB:DE,  the one thing I notice most that could be fixed is the saturation level of the red lights.


TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.


@TiiN: Yes, there will be additional languages, including restored German tracks on ESB and ROTJ v2.0. Furthermore, there will be a complete German version of SW based on v2.1 including the German crawl, Greedo subtitles and credits. I'm not sure if Laserswert is planning on doing ESB and ROTJ as well.

@chyron: I'll see what my color correction does to those, it could mute them a bit but then again it might not, because when you mute reds too much, skintones go to hell.


Those clipped reds are the sort of thing snicker was trying to fix, but he needs a raw unprocessed capture of the ESB Blu before he'd be able to look into them.  You could PM him if you want to see this happen--I don't know if there's time for snickers's (long, slow) process to be of any help to Harmy though.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Thank you for the infos about the german project :)

And your plans for v2.0 sounds great :) Do you have a schedule for this?


Not really - I'd say at least a few months for each. But you can ask the guys in the German version thread for their improved dubs and mux them in with the v1.0s yourself.


Hi Guys, 

Might it be possible for someone to send me a myspleen invite? I have a friend that wants to see ESB for the first time but he wants to see the non Lucas humped up version.




Harmy said:

 I'm not sure if Laserswert is planning on doing ESB and ROTJ as well.

Sure I am! But let's talk about that, once YOU are done with them ;)


Hey Harmy!


I just heard about your despec'd editions the other day and have since DL'd and watched ANH... wow.  Truly phenomenal work.  Haven't enjoyed Star Wars this much since my late '90s VHS tapes!  Thanks so much for doing the work.


I'm trying to download the rest (Paradox) and managed to get everything successfully except for Part 28 of ESB.  That link doesn't seem to be working anymore.   Any chance we could get a re-up?  Thanks again, and sorry if I've unwittingly broken any forum protocol with this post.  I'm new!


Unfortunately, I don't have the original rar files any more, so I can't just reupload the file.

Any chance anyone still got the rar files from when they downloaded TESB?


ESB:DE and ROTJ:DE are both on the spleen, and they currently have 22 and 21 seeders, respectively, and no leechers.

TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.


That's very nice but that doesn't really help with the issue - the files there are already unrared and even if they weren't, I'll get banned from my internet connection within seconds if I as much as start a torrent program.