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Post #62539

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The tauntaun stiffy thread
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Date created
4-Sep-2004, 9:08 AM

Originally posted by: Hal 9000
This isn't a line, per say.

But in ROTJ when Han is running from the shield generator yelling "Move!" and jumps down on the ground some few meters away from it.
Then it cuts back to show a HUGE explosion, covering a great distance.
Cut back to Han who is just barley a few meters away, smiles, and dashes off.

Unintentionally hilarious.

- Yeah, that has always bugged the bejesus out of me. Han and the rest of the crew running a "few metres" away from the sheild generator and everything´s just dandy. No hellfire or nothing. Surely they would have been fried like a pork on a stick being where the were. It a HUGE explosion! But... what the hey!

As for bad dialogue I´ve always thought Obi-Wan´s mumbling line at the deathstar control room (where the gang first arrives) is very silly. He mumbles: "Good-plug-in-he-should-be-able-to-interpert-the-entire-imperial-network." Now why did he have to say it so darn fast, it sounds just like some mumbo jumbo!

