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Post #624308

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Date created
26-Feb-2013, 11:11 PM

Oh, the premise is downright comic. But you know the premise going in, even though face transplants are (now) a real thing, there is no way you can justify fool-proof face switching to the point where the people's family members can't tell. But the characters and dialogue and everything are okay, sometimes it got a little weird like when John Travolta is hitting on his supposed daughter, but if you accept the fact that it's part comic books it's not a deal breaker. All John Woo films are like that, right down to The Killer and Hard Boiled, which aren't nearly as absurd as that but are clearly and intentionally unrealistic to the nth degree. Maybe sometimes Face/Off seems like it takes itself a bit seriously, but in my memory when you step back and take it all in, does it really ever? His Hong Kong films have more of a poetic quality, which I took seriously as a 13 year old having his world turned upside down watching The Killer when few people knew John Woo or Chow Yun Fat, but as an adult that poetry is more like comic book poetry, which is sort of how I remember Face/Off being like. It wasn't the story, it was the presentation. But who knows, I haven't seen it since around 1998 or something like that.