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All Stormtroopers with Jango's voice

You know I was watching the original "A New Hope" on DVD (thanks Rikter) yesterday and thinking to myself there is a number of scenes where Han and Luke have the Stormtroopers outfits on and the scene when Han calls over the intercom to say everythings alright here...if they are all going to sound like Jango and in fact be clones...wouldn't there voices be different and stand out in suit or out. Not sure if this makes sense to you I certainly could have wrote it better, but I have been sick the last couple of weeks...and tired...though I have been watching more star wars.
16 years I wait and this is what I get???
While it would make sense if the OT were made now, it is a horrid-sounding change.

Can you honestly picture Jango's voice for the Stormies in ANH on the Taintive IV???
"There's one, set for stun."
"Inform Lord Vader we have a prisoner."

Jango's voice over THAT?!

Damn, this 2004 SE is gonna be the biggest pile of flat out shit I've ever seen.

My stance on revising fan edits.

well I guess what I mean is han amd Luke call up to the stormtrooper after the laserblast in the MF to come up and help (this wouldn't work now as their voices are different). Luke and Han upon entering that detention center control room with Chewie in cuffs explain why they are there in the stormtrooper outfits (now this doesn't work). Han after shooting everyone, gets on the Mic and says everythings all fine here, they start asking questions, then he shoots it...they'd know right away and not ask questions. Luke talks to Leia for a minute before she says "you're kind of short to be a stormtrooper"...now she'd now right off the bat. Right???
16 years I wait and this is what I get???
Yep your right. It will be one big mess come sep 21st. I'm still looking forward to watching them though. I guess well have to throw our hands up in the air and just go "it's only entertainment." After all when everything is said and done I bet they will still be somewhat fun to watch. I don't really care for Episode I or II but I watch them from time to time anyway just for the fun of it. Somewhere down the line Star Wars stopped being an experience and became something I pop in the VCR on a Saturday and fall asleep halfway through but still wake up in time to watch all the cool stuff.

Sad really.
According to rips on the internet, only Boba has been changed. Give George some credit. He may have lost some of his mind, but he's not a complete moron.

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.

Yes I too don't believe that all Stormtroopers will be replaced by Jango. I think you'll find most Stormies will either be Clones or genuine 100% human, recruited by the Empire. God, please let this be the case!
i doubt it will be that bad
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)
Right you are Hot Rod, I don't know if this rumor has even been around for "ages" Anyway, I guess we'll see. I know there are torrents for them, but I am waiting. Some people on the board may have watched all 3 already.
16 years I wait and this is what I get???
They can't change the voices for the simple reasons that you stated (and me). It just wouldn't make any sense when Han and Luke are dressed as Stormies!!
Clones my arse!!


Has anyone seen any proof of confirmation of this?
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
Not everyone in the detention block was a stormtrooper, remember.

Although Han's distincly Correllian accent might have raised suspicions.


No, but every time Han spoke, it would have given him away.
I think if it wasn't for the fact that there is a scene where Luke and Han are dressed up as troops, they would have changed all the Stormies voices to that of the clones. But now they can't coz it wouldn't make sense at all!!

Thats what I think anyway!


I'm still confused as to why everyone thinks that when you clone someone you also duplicate their accent...
"Whatever! I digitally put Jabba the Hutt back into the original Star Wars movie! I'll do what I want!"
I have seen many lists of potential chages to the OT and that is on nearly all of them. So while it may piss us off, it may be there, unless it is addressed in Ep.III that they bring men in too. Maybe there is a modulator in the helmet...and they make Han and Luke sound like the clones too...who knows with GL, do not feel safe with logic...he's failed us many times before. Come 9/21 there will be threads galore on changes.
16 years I wait and this is what I get???
thats the scary thing...
i say we should make ONE!!! thread concerning the DVDs...
if we have more than one stuff is going to get confusing....

so if someone decides to make one, try and include "the one and only" in the title...
we dont need 4 or 5 threads on the dvds...
just my thoughts anyway...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
Course making all the stormtroopers, and Tie-Fighter pilots for that matter clones...
Kinda defeats the purpose of Biggs going of and joining the ACADEMY run by the empire, guess he bailed out at the last moment cause of all the clones...

Or the fact that Luke also wanted to join even though he hated the Empire. (hmm kinda like what a lot of people that join the military today do, they don't do just cause the like the goverment in power.)

Personally I think that is a strong arguement that they ARE NOT all clones. Also why the reason Clonetrooper was dropped for Stormtrooper, cause eventually they weren't all clones.

Course, Boba Fett would probally feel pretty unnerved walking around with all these guys that look and talk like him. Which btw would be a good reason to keep his voice unchanged... his helmet actually changes his voice, so its different... much like Leia's, Boushh disguise.
it's a pity they couldn't redub jango's dialogue with the helmet on so that he sounded more like the boba fett from Empire, so that he had a completely different voice with the helmet on to when he did unmasked, it would have added a lot to his character, in his line of work it would pay to be able to disguise his voice, look at what it did for Vader's career, Imagine the uproar if George redubbed all of James Earl Jones' dialogue with Hayden (in Georges twisted 'vision' it would certainly be a logical change in terms of continuity). god I hope he doesn't read this and get anymore brilliant ideas.
Mageguru, I think you've forgot we are talking about George Lucas here, a man that laughs at plot holes and dosen't think twice before raping childhoods.
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering

Originally posted by: buddy-x-wing
it's a pity they couldn't redub jango's dialogue with the helmet on so that he sounded more like the boba fett from Empire, so that he had a completely different voice with the helmet on to when he did unmasked, it would have added a lot to his character, in his line of work it would pay to be able to disguise his voice, look at what it did for Vader's career, Imagine the uproar if George redubbed all of James Earl Jones' dialogue with Hayden (in Georges twisted 'vision' it would certainly be a logical change in terms of continuity). god I hope he doesn't read this and get anymore brilliant ideas.

Never gonna happen. You forget that James Earl Jones is recording dialog for Episode 3.
Jimbo he's just making a point that it would be just as pointless....
he's not saying its going to happen...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
Yeah I was just making a point, but If you're interested Jimbo I've got a Bridge you might be interested in purchasing.

Originally posted by: buddy-x-wing
it's a pity they couldn't redub jango's dialogue with the helmet on so that he sounded more like the boba fett from Empire, so that he had a completely different voice with the helmet on to when he did unmasked

That's an EXCELLENT idea! Does anyone know who did the original voice? It wasn't Jeremy Bulloch, was it?