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reality: everyones got to boycott — Page 2

I don't care how good the quality is, I aint gonna buy em....maybe borrow them, but not buy them.


Originally posted by: Luke Skywalker

For example when Han steps on his tail he now gives a look after of being seriously pissed off then gives a big smile when Han offers him more money.

so Lucas decides to fix a stupid change with an even worse one...
its usually what he does...

You see that as a bad thing. I like it. Rather then just talking this new Jabba has more emotion. He feels more alive. This is how he should have been in 1997.

Originally posted by: Darth Chaltab
The only teenagers here that I can think of are me and Jimbo.

And we never agree on anything but politics.

I'm 17....

Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here, this is the war room!


Originally posted by: bad_karma24

Originally posted by: Darth Chaltab
The only teenagers here that I can think of are me and Jimbo.

And we never agree on anything but politics.

I'm 17....

So am I
"When I was seventeen... it was a very good year..."
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering

Originally posted by: Magic_Al
The SE is not the DVD.

In ANH, the Greedo scene has been tightened. From leaked footage, Greedo now shoots exactly 2 FRAMES before Han does. That's less than 1/10th of a second at 24 frames per second. Also, in both the SE and the DVD Han shoots Greedo TWICE. Also, the DVD restores Han's, "Yes, I bet you have," as it sounded pre-SE.

Jabba's appearance in ANH has been redone from scratch and screenshots from the SE are no more representative of the DVD than pictures of the Irish actor who was on the set. Jabba looks a LOT better on the DVD, better than his appearance in Episode I.

Also, the DVD of ESB removes the scream added when Luke jumps after the duel, and actually FIXES flaws in the original like in the shot on the Executor bridge that is obviously flipped backwards, the officers uniforms have been digitally corrected so they appear to be turned around correctly. That is an indisputable improvement.

Finally, the incredible work done restoring the sharpness and detail of the film and recompositing original effects will make the blending of digital effects into the movie appear far more seamless. When you actually watch the films you will feel the story being told more intensely than before simply because you can see so much more detail and it seems so much more real.

Experience the films as they are now. Hear the story in your mind based on what you see and hear, not on what you remember. Feel, don't think.
No, it isn't okay. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Use original material only. Digital scratch removal, yes, adding digital effects? No. I would have let them flip the entire scene for the uniforms, but to "digitally fix it"? No. That's not original material.

When you actually watch the films you will feel the story being told more intensely than before simply because you can see so much more detail and it seems so much more real.
See that's the problem, you're not meant to be seeing brand new movies. You're meant to be seeing classic movies.

They are still classic movies.

We need to make a distintion here. It is as if everybody (generalization) on this board belives that just because of a few comsmetic changes and two really stupid scence change/additions that the SE is a different set of movies. Why?

The movies have the same actors, the old specail FX are still there and most importantly, the story hasn't changed... So how are they different films than the OV?


Its how I put it before, the feel has changed. The focus is different. Whole scenes are changed. To some, Han Solo was changed in a mere two seconds. There's now things one never thought about thrusted into one's face. There's so much stuff in the background of Bespin, that's all you look at. Heck, I'm still staring there when I watch the OT because of it. The new establishing shots put greater emphasist on otherwise unimportant things. The Jabba scene delays the plot and damages Jabba's character. We see celebration scenes that make it look like the Empire was hated by EVERYONE, with planets that don't even care taking part in the festivities. We have a stupid dance number that doesn't even fit with the film. The Vader shuttle scene in Empire is among my most reviled. The music is interrupted, the tension destroyed, you're sitting there cringing at every hit the Falcon takes, wondering how they'll escape, than suddenly the scene changes. And for what?! Vader landing on the Executor. George is so focused on hammering every point home that even that isn't left to imagination. What's next? A conception scene in ROTS to remove any doubt that Luke is Vader's son? If you think the changes are so diminutive, why were they made? If it changed nothing, what was the point? If I weren't so big on SW, and a fan of the EU, I probably wouldn't care as much. Lucas can do as he pleases, but the SE isn't canon in my book.

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.


Originally posted by: Klingon_Jedi
Its how I put it before, the feel has changed. The focus is different. Whole scenes are changed. To some, Han Solo was changed in a mere two seconds. There's now things one never thought about thrusted into one's face. There's so much stuff in the background of Bespin, that's all you look at. Heck, I'm still staring there when I watch the OT because of it. The new establishing shots put greater emphasist on otherwise unimportant things. The Jabba scene delays the plot and damages Jabba's character. We see celebration scenes that make it look like the Empire was hated by EVERYONE, with planets that don't even care taking part in the festivities. We have a stupid dance number that doesn't even fit with the film. The Vader shuttle scene in Empire is among my most reviled. The music is interrupted, the tension destroyed, you're sitting there cringing at every hit the Falcon takes, wondering how they'll escape, than suddenly the scene changes. And for what?! Vader landing on the Executor. George is so focused on hammering every point home that even that isn't left to imagination. What's next? A conception scene in ROTS to remove any doubt that Luke is Vader's son? If you think the changes are so diminutive, why were they made? If it changed nothing, what was the point? If I weren't so big on SW, and a fan of the EU, I probably wouldn't care as much. Lucas can do as he pleases, but the SE isn't canon in my book.

I wouldn't mind a good conception scene for Revenge of the Sith.

"Anakin we can't now there is a war going on"
"Anakins love is like Anakins fighting hard and fast"

Originally posted by: jimbo

I wouldn't mind a good conception scene for Revenge of the Sith.

"Anakin we can't now there is a war going on"
"Anakins love is like Anakins fighting hard and fast"

I honestly don't know how to reply to that.

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.


Originally posted by: Klingon_Jedi
I honestly don't know how to reply to that.

I find it best to just pretend you didn't see it and move on.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
well instead of jimbo understanding Klingon_Jedi's post...
he decides to post some of his sexual star wars fantasies...
which i didnt want to know...

well now that we have explained to you (yet again) why these movies are not the originals to us i find it pointless to ask the question anymore...
afterall we have a whole thread dedicated to it....
and if you still dont understand then i dont know what else to say....
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."

Originally posted by: Luke Skywalker
well instead of jimbo understanding Klingon_Jedi's post...
he decides to post some of his sexual star wars fantasies...
which i didnt want to know...

well now that we have explained to you (yet again) why these movies are not the originals to us i find it pointless to ask the question anymore...
afterall we have a whole thread dedicated to it....
and if you still dont understand then i dont know what else to say....

Dude that was a Futurama Joke.

"Thats the law Leela and Branigans law is like Branigans love hard and fast"

I modifide it to fit Star Wars. I can quote Zapp Branigan to death I love that guys lines. Read my signature for my favorite of them.
okay then i guess it wasnt that bad...

just weird when you dont watch futurama and hear someone saying im going to ....... your mother..

nevermind then...
carry on
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
Who thinks it is about time to ban Jimbo again? LOL Jk!!!!

I don't care about the changes really. Like I said, they don't change much and there are two or three very dumb ones. But If Lucas had just cleaned the film up and not added any CGI at all, I would've been perfectly happy with the SE.

But you gotta admit that the additional length of the Yavin Battle is cool. CGI may look fake, but...


Jimbo, it's called grammer, use it.

"That's the law, Leela; and Branigan's law is like Branigan's love; hard and fast"

In my opinion, if the CGI looks fake, it ceases to be cool. Then again, I prefer a realistic looking effect to zig-zagging cheesiness anyday.

"You're going to find that a lot of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view."

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.