Going back to my radical, probably impossible, idea though, I've been thinking about an introduction to Anakin. Obi and crew are stranded on Tatooine. Perhaps their pilot is injured/dead. In any case, they need a pilot rather than a ship part. They ask in a cantina/shop if there are any pilots they can hire. Someone (perhaps Watto redubbled or with new subtitles) pipes up that they know of one - the best in the sector. "Where can I find him" Obi Wan asks.
Cut to the T-16 and another ship racing eachother through Beggar's Canyon. It weaves in and out between spires and there's a little bit of banter between the two over radio chatter. They are either brothers (in which case this other guy will be Owen) or friends. The other guy taunts him and Anakin pulls off some tremendous maneuver through a narrow gap, only just avoiding being crushed.
"Woooooooooo" he shouts in triumph and exhilaration - except this won't be from an annoying little kid, but a young adult whom we've already warmed to as a bit of a rogue. Anakin should always have filled the Han Solo type role in these movies. What a missed opportunity.
I appreciate that my ideas seem more like remakes than reedits, but Ady has stated he will be doing some refilming and suggested there will be new actors involved, so considering the talent on board when it comes to VFX artists, 3D Modellers and his 2 filming units, I don't think it's as far-fetched as some of you might think. Though it all depends on money, how much more support there'll be by then, and how much Ady himself wants to accomplish.
Also when Anakin leaves the planet with Obi Wan on this idealistic crusade, his brother Owen won't be happy about it and a bit jealous that Anakin has the Force and he doesn't. This would explain his apparent dislike of Obi Wan in ANH as "just a crazy old man".
The most similar example of this type of thing being done elsewhere is in Harry Potter where Harry's Mother, Lily is accepted to go to Hogwarts and Petunia, her sister who is not blessed with magic, is secretly jealous but reacts with anger, calling her a freak.