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Post #617851

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The Unofficial Complete REVISITED SAGA Ideas and Random Discussion Thread
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Date created
5-Jan-2013, 9:09 PM

brash_stryker said:


Now whilst I understand where you're coming from and that a first time viewer would think that Anakin (Hayden) in the PT was Vader due to the fact he was: 

Seduced by the dark side of the force

The problem with this idea is that Vader was SUPPOSED to have been seduced by the dark side of the force......but they depict no such thing in ROTS. As it stands now, he was tricked into turning by Palpatine who is hinted at having had his fingers in the pie since, and including, Anakin's birth.

So not only does the PT not work the way it stands now, but nor would the idea of having Anakin as the perceived "good guy" who we later learn was actually the one who turned. "Seduced by the dark side" should mean that the character of Anakin lusts for power, and enjoys using it for evil/his own gain/less than benevolent purposes. Additionally, giving the viewer reason to perceive him as the good guy (even if it IS a trick) takes away from his eventual turn back to good. The whole point of Darth Vader (or more accurately, the person who wanted power so much that he eventually became Vader) is that he was a very bad dude, who became the baddest dude in the galaxy.....making it all the more surprising when it turns out that he actually gives a shit about his son and turns (giving his life in the process) to save him.

For the PT to respect the material that came before it and to also retain the surprise of Anakin being Vader you need to find a way of making him seem to desire power of his own accord (not being tricked into wanting it to save someone...therefore still allowing him to be a good guy, who sacrifices himself to save someone else...long before he does exactly that same thing for Luke), and also leave his death/survival and the fact that he is the one who becomes Vader rather ambiguous. Quite a challenge to accomplish these 2 things in the same plot.....but if you figure out how to do that you save a big part of the saga that GL ruined.