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2004 OT DVD release continuity error?! — Page 2

What? He didn't have a CLUE about the other episodes until SW proved to be a hit! If he knew there would be all those episodes all along, why isn't there a title claiming star wars was episode 4? It has been confirmed in a number of ocasions that the whole "4th episode" thing only came up when ESB was on its way...
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
No, he hadn't planned out a Trilogy originally. That's clearly evident. Jaba was a man in a fur coat in Star Wars... then in Jedi he's a slug. That completely disproves he'd planned it out.
Jesus...The Jabba thing...Jesus man, Lucas already said he wanted to have a stop motion thing replacing the actor.
And as for Star Wars being episode 4, Lucas also said that he had this rough outline to a story, took the most interesting part, ie the middle, and fleshed that out into a film.
I'm not saying he had the whole of SW already written out, but that he had an idea of what he wanted to do.

Watch some OLD docus about it. This was Lucas before all the bullshit, when he knew what he was talking about, unlike you.



Originally posted by: ricarleite
What? He didn't have a CLUE about the other episodes until SW proved to be a hit! If he knew there would be all those episodes all along, why isn't there a title claiming star wars was episode 4? It has been confirmed in a number of ocasions that the whole "4th episode" thing only came up when ESB was on its way...

True, but that doesn't mean he didn't have the next films in mind. He had some idea what he was doing.
Don't you think that it would have been a little confusing going to watch this big new film, only for it to start with Episode 4.

Lucas knew what he was doing.
Because SW was so big, because it made him money, it just gave him the freedom to make the films he wanted to make.

Just because some of you think Lucas is fucking the films up now, doesn't mean he was back then. Back then he knew exactly what to do, and done it well. If he didn't, we all wouldn't be here now!



Originally posted by: DanielB
No, he hadn't planned out a Trilogy originally. That's clearly evident. Jaba was a man in a fur coat in Star Wars... then in Jedi he's a slug. That completely disproves he'd planned it out.

I agree, he was flying by the seat of his pants...still is. He has said so much stuff back in the day that he now says is not ture. I remember in Bantha Tracks back in the early 80's he said that there were nine chapters to the story and the only two characters that were in all of them were the droids....of course now he claims he never said such stuff about nine chapters.....



Just because some of you think Lucas is fucking the films up now, doesn't mean he was back then. Back then he knew exactly what to do, and done it well. If he didn't, we all wouldn't be here now!

Maybe not but he sure is fucking up the OT just to try and make the whole story fit with these prequels....


Maybe not but he sure is fucking up the OT just to try and make the whole story fit with these prequels....

i agree with that....
i think SW fans as a whole would have been a lot happier with just the 3 original films...
ever since the PT came along theres been nothing but disagreement...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
And the lone voice of the wilderness.

I like the change. For starters, and this is something I have always wondered, why is that Obi-Wan and Yoda come back as Jedi Spirits of what they actually were and yet.......Anakin comes back as healthy, no lava, Anakin Skywalker? When did he EVER look like that? Never of course. I mean if he ever looked like that to Luke, why wear a suit? Why not have no helmet on and fight like Darth Tyranus/Count Dooku? Oh, yes that's right, he was horribly scarred, I see. And how exactly does Luke say, Hey that's my dad, since well he looks all nice and stuff? Oh, yes the force, that little thing that let him sense Anakin within Vader, even though he never saw Anakin at all, only Vader until the mask comes off. hmmm, like this change and these versions I do. Hate I do no OT along with it. Sorry, I just felt it would be good to say my opinion because while this site is purism biased, instead of the other way around on TFN, I know that I'm not going to get flammed because I have a dissenting opinion and I am in the minority on this particular board. May the force be with you.
I am sorry, I just read your ideas, and yes I agree with a good amount of it. So I guess I'm A lone voice in the wilderness, not the.

Originally posted by: Jedi Master DJR
And the lone voice of the wilderness.

I like the change. For starters, and this is something I have always wondered, why is that Obi-Wan and Yoda come back as Jedi Spirits of what they actually were and yet.......Anakin comes back as healthy, no lava, Anakin Skywalker? When did he EVER look like that? Never of course. I mean if he ever looked like that to Luke, why wear a suit? Why not have no helmet on and fight like Darth Tyranus/Count Dooku? Oh, yes that's right, he was horribly scarred, I see. And how exactly does Luke say, Hey that's my dad, since well he looks all nice and stuff? Oh, yes the force, that little thing that let him sense Anakin within Vader, even though he never saw Anakin at all, only Vader until the mask comes off. hmmm, like this change and these versions I do. Hate I do no OT along with it. Sorry, I just felt it would be good to say my opinion because while this site is purism biased, instead of the other way around on TFN, I know that I'm not going to get flammed because I have a dissenting opinion and I am in the minority on this particular board. May the force be with you.

Not only terribly scarred, he couldn't breathe without the suit.

OK, let me play the devils advocate here, when Luke saw three ghosts, who could those people be? The 3 spirits of christmas? Heck no, Luke recognized them: "Oh cool, so there's Yoda, Obi-Wan, and... uh... pizza boy? No, no, wait, I know him... oh I see, it's my dad! It's... uh... whatzmydadsname... oh, Anakin Skywalker."
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
Its just the same if an old Anakin was standing there. it's not like Luke saw him with hair and no scars, so whoever was standing there, Luke just took it to be his daddy.


I mean, the audience watching the movie knew who that person was, right? Luke's not so dumb. But anyway, that's not the point, the point is that putting Hayden on Mr Shawn's place is wrong, on so many levels it demands a post of its own.
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
maybe there was a photo of Anakin sitting around Luke's house on tat, and Luke reconized Anakin's ghost from the photo.
I still dont think theres any point to have Hayden in there.....
the only reason he is doing this is to have his trilogies tie in to eachother better....

other than that he had no justified reason to change this....
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
What Lucas should have done is use Sebastian Shawn as an older Anakin it EPIII. Btw does anyone know if he is still alive?
No Shaw is dead and I really don't see how being if alive around 80 or 90 he could play a 20 year old Anakin, but I am guessing you were thinking along different lines.

But no I think there is a point to putting Hayden in there, it's just in doing that the 3 Jedi's are not the same age anymore. It's just the "definitive" way to look at the scene if you buy the "no democracy" line or the way I look at it, it is an equal but different view of the end of ROTJ, different from the OT or SE.
well, before the PT was made I always thought Anakin was older when he was turned to the Dark Side. I always thought the Obi and him were around the same because their ghosts in the O OT were the same age.
I see, not a bad idea, but alas Mr. Shaw is dead as well as ALec Guiness for that matter.

I wonder when these changes become offical if the name of the forum will have to be changed to something like

"Theatrical Cuts VS. Special Editions VS. 2004 Editions"
I doubt it, especially because in 20 years we have to add 2 or more probably along with that.
I still think the best way to do this was retain the original spirits, but after Luke acknowledges them, have ALL THREE of them appear as their PT selves. And if you want to go for the fairy-tale ending, have Padme appear at young Anakin's side. I mean really, how happy an ending is it when the love of the main character's life, not to mention the mother of the OT's greatest heroes, is nowhere to be found at the big ending celebration, apparently lost forever to the afterlife. Kind of takes the cheer out of things, huh?