goldfunk said:
Some may think it's blasphemous.... But there's a fan edit of the entire 12 hours of the SW saga, cut down to one three-hour movie...just focusing on the story of Anakin, from when he was a little boy, until he becomes Darth Vader and is redeemed by his son.
Umm. How is that blasphemous in any way, shape or form whatsoever????
I don't understand how Darth Vader/anakin skywalker was "redeemed" in any way, shape, or form. So, switching your religion and converting to the lightside/the good side of the force and saving your own flesh and blood biological son redeems you from 20-something-or-so years of enslaving inncocent alien civilians and wookies, commiting galactic genocide, not to mention blowing up a defeneless planet filled with 2 billion innocent civilians people and possibly even more planets, even more billions, and possibly maybe even trillions? Give me a freaking break, will ya, George Georgey toy boy luke lucas!!!!!!!!!!