darth_ender said:
By the unanimous vote of all twister111s here, I am starting a thread devoted to the debate of abortion.
Those who know my style know I'm generally fairly middle ground and am good at seeing others' perspectives and trying to be accommodating. You will find no such middle ground here. I feel abortion should only be permitted when the mother's health is severely at risk, be it physical or mental, meaning following rape/incest. Even then, I feel it should not be a default decision, but rather a well-thought one. I will never understanding how someone can feel so passionately about women's rights that they feel justified in removing the right to life of another human. Even if I did not believe in God, I could never support this practice. How can we protect the lives of endangered animals and plants, yet treat unborn human life as trivial because we are not endangered? I'll never understand it. But you're welcome to try to make me. I'm ready to be outnumbered, but I assure you I am will not cop out on this topic.
Because unborn embryo's have no feelings or sensations. That's is why I am very strongly pro choice, at the very least in that area of subject/topic..!!!!
George Carlin would explain himself perfectly if he were still alive.