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Post #616155

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What do you LIKE about the EU?
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Date created
21-Dec-2012, 1:02 PM

adywan said:

Oh great, he's back again. So you went from Farter Skywanker to BumRubGuy.

How many accounts are you going to make, and then get banned with? In fact the last time i saw someone doing this exact same thing was JediTray. Could this be the return of the tray? And hadn't he been banned from the same sites that farter_skywalker_BumRubGuy claims he has been?

Well, it won't be long before we will see yet another account from you because you're going to get banned again. Maybe if you had waited for a reply from the mods before making your multiple accounts, you may have stood a better chance of getting back on these forums, but what you are doing is only going to piss the Mods off even more.

Adywan, even if I try to act like a completley different user and a completley different person here (this happened on the rebelscum forums too), people still recognize me immediatley. Why is that????

Also, witch/which websites has JediTray been banned from????

Rebelscum forums is the most stupidest website that I've have ever ever. they blocked totally 100% from their/the website, they've have had even blocked me even from reading those forums and the threads and the posts, not just from posting. On Twitter, I was banned for making a duplicate account. I aint exactly sure why I was banned the first time from/on Twitter, and I dind't feel like waiting another week or a two weeks or a few more weeks for a response to my unban rquest, so there Ya Go, I've have a made a new Twitter account, witch/which is banned too!!!!!

I was falsely accused of trolling from this original trilogy forum website. I've have already posted and mentioned that my intention was not to troll or to flame or to spam. I've have already emailed these website administrators/moderators, but they take too so long, forever, if ever to respond, so I've have created a new duplicate account as a very quick and a very easy way to send a private message to a moderator/administator that is here, without sending an email to the website administrator/moderator.