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Here is what I wish...

I wish Georgie boy would just re-make the original trilogy. But before he does, make the "original" original available on DVD. Then he can go out and hire all the crappy actors he wants, and just do the whole thing over again so he is happy. Then he can make a few billion more dollars, be happy with his crap and leave the originals alone. And then in a few years, when nobody cares about Star Wars enough to make George $mile, he can go and fuck up the already fuck-up re-makes! What do you all think? Sounds like a pretty damn good idea to me!
But there weren't any crappy actors in the Original Trilogy. Old or SE version.

Some people...


I interpretted his comment to mean that today's actors are bad, not those in the OOT.
What about Russell Crow?

“You know, when you think about it, the Ewoks probably just crap over the sides of their tree-huts.”

Go watch Garden State. Then come back and tell me Natalie Portman is a bad actress. Hell, go watch Leon: The Professional. She was what, 12? Go watch Schindler's List, or practicly every other film Liam Neeson has been in and tell me he is a bad actor. Watch Transpotting and tell me McGregor is a bad actor. Notice a pattern?

I think the Harrison Ford interview in that clip from A&E's Empire of Dreams is very telling. Lucas basically wanted the actors to just do what he wrote. It's on paper, do it. Well, his scripts have been weaker this time around. While he is a great visionaire, he can't bring performances out of an actor like Spielberg or Scorcesse can.

I still think that if TPM hadn't been so miguided, we would not have been on him so hard for AOTC. It's very watchable, almost good if you ignore some goofy dialogue.

Basically, don't blame the actors. They aren't all Tom Cruise, they can't invent their dialogue and the script to their liking.

But I agree, let's face it....ain't none of them Sir Alec Guiness.
The Jedi are all but extinct.......
Very good point.

The actors/actresses are all good ones, they just can't work with the material that was given to them. I was especially surprised with Liam Neeson, he was given such terrible lines. What a waste....

Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here, this is the war room!

That's exactly the point, but I wouldn't go on blaming the script. The problem is with the director, he dosen't understand what the actors need in order to work.

OK I still think it's BS the fact that the actors complain about acting against bluescreens all the time, I mean, look at Bob Hopkins in Roger Rabbit, he had nothing there yet he gives a great performance - why? because he is a good actor and because bob zemeskins (forgot how to spell his name) was there.

What we need is to make sure GL never directs again, which I belive might happen.
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
They saying goes,

There are no bad actors, only bad directors.

Originally I was reffering to Hayden Christensen.
You have to remember that Bob Hopkins knew what Roger Rabbit was going to look like and be doing when it was all done. Lucas just told his actors that there will be a monster behind you. Most of the time they didn't even know what it was going to look like. I would be different if they had a picture of what is going to be going on with the blue screen. I can't imagine how hard that would be. Not that I’m defending Lucas I think he could do better as a director.

"There will be a vast army of something behind you. Maybe crab people but that doesn't matter we'll deal with that latter. You just have to look scared and slice at stuff with your laser sword. ACTION!" -George Lucas

And yeah that's not a real quote

“You know, when you think about it, the Ewoks probably just crap over the sides of their tree-huts.”

I imagine they would have had illustrations of what they looked like. After all, for the battle scenes in Ep II they already knew what the droids look liked and the clone soldiers are basically stormtroopers.

Oh, and it's Zemeckis

Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here, this is the war room!

well i think the difference with Roger Rabbit and STar Wars is that in Roger Rabbit although they werent acting with anyone at some points... they still had a real atmosphere...

they had a set around them... the could bump into chairs or car or buildings... something to base their performance around..
in Star Wars... most of the time they had nothing.... and when i say nothing... i mean absolutly nothing!!!
just green screen....
i dont see how it is possible to base a performance around that...
at least a good one anyway
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."