To me it did seem like a bit of a stretch that the Emperor's plan would have been close to working, I couldn't say that it was because he was telling Luke the plan or what. For what it's worth, Luke looking at his mechanical hand then Vader's stump was a cool bit that helped sell the whole scene and I don't have a huge problem with how they played Luke's struggle. But yeah it could have been better for sure. At least it was way more convincing than Ep III.
But it does make it seem like the plan wasn't really perfectly orchestrated when the thing that almost brought Luke over was anger over the potential of them turning Leia. Which neither Vader nor the Emperor knew anything about her being his sister until just then.
I probably like RotJ equally as much as Star Wars and ESB, and nostalgia does play a bit in that. Like someone earlier said, there are lots of "goosebump" moments for me, probably more than the other 2. Funeral pyre, Vader saving Luke, the Falcon coming out of the central Death Star core with the explosion in the background, the fleet going to light speed, Luke taking down the speeder with a lightsaber. Those stand out to me more than the poor effects stick out.
Still, I do wish the tone overall was a bit darker and less campy. More scenes of rebel commandos getting it done and a bit less ewoks. And there could have been more of a sense of desperation in the end battles if some rebels died who got to say more than one line. Like the space battle was an awesome spectacle but it felt like you're along for the ride, but not on the edge of your seat. Even though hundreds or thousands of rebels died you didn't really feel for them. Compared to the trench run in Star Wars, you got to know the pilots a little bit and it felt more and more hopeless when each one died. Maybe they should have made it Wedge who was hit and crashed into the super star destroyer. That would have had an impact.