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Prequels from an Expanded Universe POV — Page 2


well mine is a very low budget R2 dvd player & when i bought mine i "asked" the salesman if he would give me the code to unlock it to make it multi region.

I think im right in saying ALL dvd players are multi region but due to copyright laws (i think) they have to be set to a standard format for the country or region they are being sold in.

might be worth running a google search with your "dvd make, serial number & multi region unlock code"

or something along those lines, has always worked for me mates!

btw that addy is www.google.co.uk (just in case ya didnt know)
Evil dude: "You do not no pain, you do not know fear. You will taste MAN FLESH"

Evil ugly dudes: "YIPPEEEEEEEEE!!!!"
I might have to look into it, but I never really had much cause to do it. Until now, that is. I'll see about it.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
Do note that the R2 has no subtitles as far as I know. So if you get it, be ready to speak japanese.

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.

if ya follow the link i posted to Play.Com & scroll down it clearly states that the R2 dvd has english subtitles.....................................

Evil dude: "You do not no pain, you do not know fear. You will taste MAN FLESH"

Evil ugly dudes: "YIPPEEEEEEEEE!!!!"
Interesting, maybe its a UK domestic release. I've only encountered bootlegs with subtitles. So many releases now-a-days.

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.

the problem is region 2 covers such a large area ( Europe, Australia & Japan, to name a few) that there are probably LOADS of different releases for each title, if you live in Japan & buy Battle Royale - why WOULD you need English subtitles? As for the UK (which can sometimes differ from the European version), they'd be insane to release a foreign language film WITHOUT english subtitles.....

arrgghh let the headaches & confusion commence
Evil dude: "You do not no pain, you do not know fear. You will taste MAN FLESH"

Evil ugly dudes: "YIPPEEEEEEEEE!!!!"
Wow, this thread sure got off topic in a hurry. Well, never one to be detered, I'm going to jump back on topic.

One of the many things that's saddened me with the prequel trilogy is how it has completely ignored one of the great contributions of the EU, namely Timothy Zahn's take on cloning. Zahn put forth the idea that the clones were unstable and had a tendency to go insane, hence the clone wars. The reason for this was feedback in the force. Like if you put a microphone in front of the speaker it's connected to, or aim a video camera at the screen to which it is outputting, the force "signature" of every being is unique, but with a clone, they're identical, and it creates a pressure on the clones mind that drives him or her insane. The way around it was a prolonged maturing process, allowing the clones to aclimate to that pressure naturally, or Thrawn's solution, surrounding the sparti cylinders with Ysallimiri to block out the force until the clones were fully matured and stable. Personally, I loved this idea, and I think it's a terrible waste that Lucas ignored it entirely, and seems to have overlooked the question of what a clones presence does to the force entirely.

As far as the EU goes, I'm not a huge fan. I've read the majority of the books, and save for the Zahn books, I've been unimpressed with all of them (I'm only speaking of the original SW book run, not the New Jedi Order or later). The books became episodic and star treky. At the end of the adventure, everyone was pretty much back to normal, ready for next weeks thrilling instalment. It hasn't been until they took this new direction with the New Jedi Order series that things have actually started to happen. I'm not a big fan of the Vong really, but at least it's something different, and the stuff that happens matters. The characters are growing and changing, and that's a good thing.

Anyway, anyone else miss the Zahn clone connection?

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Yeah, Lucas did miss the mark there. Maybe Kamino cloning was lost by the time of Heir to the Empire, or something. The biggest suprise for me PT-wise, is the fact that the clones fought for the Galactic Republic. I always assumed the Clone Wars were about the ethics of cloning, with fighting to keep it under control. Possibly in some grand ruse to weaken the jedi. Instead, we have an army of clones against yet another army of droids. They shoud've been called "The Seperatist Wars"

Yes, even I noticed that the novels tended to be more political rather than action oriented at times. Still, they all fit together. I think Zahn's work, coupled with the X-wing saga and the short stories are the best they have to offer. I've enjoyed all I've read with the exception of Barbara Hambly's books (Children of the Force was ok, what the hell was Planet of Twilight?). The New Jedi Order has definately put the wars back in Star Wars. It just hadn't been the same with the Imperial Remnant.

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.

One of the big failings I see with the prequel trilogy, is a lack of overall planning by GL. I know there are people out there that cling to the idea that he had it all worked out before he rolled film on A New Hope, but it just aint so. The biggest issue for me is scales of time. The empire has to arise in Episode 3, we also know that episode 3 ends at least 20 years before A New Hope, because Luke and Leia are about 20 in that film, and they're born in 3. So, that means, unless episode 3 spans a large amount of time, that the rise of the empire and the Jedi Purges have to take place within that 20 year time frame. Yet, by the end of that, the public have forgotten the jedi almost completely, and the Empire seems to have been an omni present force for some time. I don't know, it just seems to me that the time between the empires rise, the fall of the jedi, and ANH should be longer. When I watched ANH, I never got the impression that the empire was the same age as Luke. I always felt the empire was at least 50 years old. I'd have set it up so that the empire came into existence, and the jedi forced underground when Obi Wan was in his early to mid 20's, and Anakin in his mid to late teens. Anakin wouldn't have turned to the darkside until after the rise of the empire. That's just my take on it anyway, but I've gotten off topic.

The Expanded Universe to me hasn't been anything too special. I loved the Zahn books, failed to read the X-Wing series, but everything else just did nothing for me. The short stories were alright, but nothing special. The Kevin J. Anderson stuff was just dreck, as is the majority of his writing. The corellian trilogy was so riddled with spelling and grammatical errors that it made me wonder if they employed a proof reader for that series. I've just found all of the novels repetitive. I enjoyed some of the comic books, particularly the X-Wing series. All in all though, the Expanded Universe does little for me, and with the exception of the Zahn novels, I wouldn't miss any of it if it were expunged from the record tomorrow. the EU is mostly moot now anyways, considering GL's inattentiveness to detail in regards to continuity. Oh well.

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Originally posted by: Hal 9000
R2 D2 & C3PO are also to be found in Raiders Of The Lost Ark...they're represented as Hieroglyphics on the wall of the Well Of Souls, just behind the Arc.

In Indiana Jones & The Temple Of Doom the club theyr in at the very beginning is called Club Obi Wan.

Does this mean that all these films are connected in some way? that they all exist in some parallel universe?

According to my theory, they'd be EU.

It's a joke. I was only being half serious.

These are frickin movies! Of course things are gonna contradict.
You forgot about the E.T. connection:
In E.T., at Halloween he saw a Yoda costume and started walking toward it saying "Home, Home."
In TPM, there are E.T.s in the Senate.

I'll bet we are all connected.
I've got a half-finished Fan Fiction about this kind of stuff too.
A Star Destroyer battle group picks up our earliest TV broadcasts of Hitler at the Munich Olympics, comes to investigate. Its spotted by military satellites, one grainy image is released to the public, and "I" (the reader) am the only one to contact the US government because I could make out its form and I understood the danger.
well starkiller... umm.. good luck with that...

hey has any one read breaking point?
Timothy Zahn is the master. It's a shame he didn't write any of the NJO books.

I belive his new book, Survivors' Quest, is set before the NJO, so I don't think that counts.


no it doesnt, i looked into it, the first books that will take place after NJO are writen by tht guyy that wrote destiny's ways i think its a trilogy but i cant remeber the first book is set for fall of 05 i think.
Wow. And I thought the last 6 words of The Unifying Force made it sound so Final--as if the saga wouldn't extend into the future.

I hope they bring Anakin back.



Originally posted by: Darth Chaltab
Timothy Zahn is the master. It's a shame he didn't write any of the NJO books.

I belive his new book, Survivors' Quest, is set before the NJO, so I don't think that counts.

I've decided that I'll either read that, or continue the NJO. I got siderailed by KotOR recently.

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.

Yeah KoToR is awesome. Everyone who plays it gets addicted.

Plus it finally gives a name to Jorrus C'aboth's power from the Thrawn Trilogy: Battle Meditation.
And you can purchase the armor of one of Jango Fett's ancestors... Cassus Fett.



Originally posted by: Darth Chaltab
Yeah KoToR is awesome. Everyone who plays it gets addicted.

Plus it finally gives a name to Jorrus C'aboth's power from the Thrawn Trilogy: Battle Meditation.
And you can purchase the armor of one of Jango Fett's ancestors... Cassus Fett.

Addictive is an understatement, I'm writing fanfics! Not something I normally do. I'm surprised I only now bothered with this game. Much catching up to do in the Star Wars universe. It's what I get for being the man with a thousand interests. What is it like to have only one hobby?

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.

Actually, the term "Battle Meditation" first showed up in the Dark Horse Comics, a specialty of a character called nomi Sunrider as I recall. I don't remember exactly which series it was though. Possibly the Freedon Nadd Uprising, but it may have been earlier in the continuity.

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Oh. Well, thanks for the info.

The only comics that I have been able to find are the Clone Wars comics, The "funny" comics called Tales, and a Empire, which is appearantly set in an alternate universe in which Palpatine didn't die on the DSII.

Does anybody know where I can find comic adaptations of The Thrawn Trilogy and Hand of Thrawn Duology?


Actually, you can download those comics on torrent. I found the whole thrawn trilogy on isohunt.com. that would be my suggestion. Saddly, each book is handled by a different artist, with varying results. My preference is the artist who did the first book, although he took a few too many stylistic liberties at times, the Nohgri being the most blatent example, followed by the ysalimiri. Personaly, for my money, the older comics were a lot better than the current batch. I much prefered the tales of the jedi and sith war stuff to the current batch. But perhaps that's just me.

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"isohunt.com" isn't working for me. Page can't be found.

Any other suggestions?


Well, there's always DC++. http://dcplusplus.sourceforge.net

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.