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Post #605589

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Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side (the TM edit) (Released)
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Date created
5-Nov-2012, 9:06 PM

Trooperman said:

I am just thrilled that we were able to locate you and bring you to OT.com; your voice work is going to make massive improvements possible in both Episode 2 and 3 for lots of future versions. 

Honestly, the lack of an good, new Anakin actor has plagued this project since 2005.  Now that you're here, when I am actually able to sit down and start finishing this again, I see it going much faster and the result being much more credible that it had ever been before with my voice.

My voice dubs will end up only being as good as your edit, and seeing the one clip on Youtube as well as your own samples, I have plenty of faith that our collaboration is going to be fantastic. I truly can't believe you've been working on this for so long! I really couldn't blame you for losing interest after 7 years, but I'm glad I can help bring some life back to the project!