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Post #605266

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Who should Direct the Star Wars VII, VIII, and IX ?
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Date created
4-Nov-2012, 2:41 PM

From what I have heard Steven Speilberg, Niel BloomKamp ( District 9 ),  Alfonso Cuaron ( Children of Men and Gravity ), Matthew Vaughn ( Kick Ass and First Class ), Darren Arnofsky ( The Fountain and Noah ) and Joss Whedon ( Avengers  and Serenity ) are some of the few names being panned around at Disney/ Lucasfilm. Also, sources I have read are pretty certain that this trilogy will center Around Luke Skywalker, and Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford  are on board to reprise their roles as older characters.

Also I have heard that there will be another trilogy after this next one and will center around the skywalker kids, but this immediate trilogy ( 7, 8, and 9 ) will follow the tone and method of the Original trilolgy.