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Updating Ghostbusters and Back to the Future........ — Page 2

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Gaffer Tape said:

Well, I'd still rather take someone seriously and be proven wrong than treat someone like a joke and be proven wrong.

Sure...but this one is mighty suspicious.

*narrows eyes at Gaffer*



Yowza! I just got off shift and, boy, look at all of the replies i got!

Thanx for sticking up for me, Gaffer Tape. xoxoxo

For the record: yes, im a girl! Is that so weird?

Oh, and timdiggerm, thanx for the explanation, but i guess i just dont get it. Whats the point of keeping old movies around if they dont look good for people anymore???


TaggartFrenzy said:

For the record: yes, im a girl! Is that so weird?



TaggartFrenzy said:

Whats the point of keeping old movies around if they dont look good for people anymore???

And old people too, what's the point of keeping them around? They look terrible.


TaggartFrenzy said:

Yowza! I just got off shift and, boy, look at all of the replies i got!

Thanx for sticking up for me, Gaffer Tape. xoxoxo

For the record: yes, im a girl! Is that so weird?

Oh, and timdiggerm, thanx for the explanation, but i guess i just dont get it. Whats the point of keeping old movies around if they dont look good for people anymore???

Well, let's use the last example in my reply. There are plenty of old paintings that don't look very good, now that we have cameras and photoshop. Why do we keep those around?

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