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Post #60218

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You might not believe Lucas said this...
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Date created
18-Aug-2004, 9:06 AM
Nothing earth shattering at all. I just pick up little things here and there from the official site. In 2007 we will celebrate the 30th anniversary of Star Wars. GL said that he may compile a special box set DVD of the original three films (SE, or OT??? Who knows?) on the new format DVD (16 hours of info.) He mentioned blue screen work, special features, etc... Lots of other tiny inuendo's within articles as well.

Like I said, nothing mind blowing, or definitive... perhaps I should've said "Little instances from the official site that give us hope," rather than "Official hints." I didn't mean to sound like I found some secret info... I didn't. I just meant to say that I look at his press releases and quotes with a positive attitude, and sometimes come out with a bit of hope that he will release them eventually.

But I really think that these boards should be a little more pro-GL. I mean think about it; If everyone was trashing me because they wanted something from me, would I give it to them? Probably not. We need some positive insight here, patience, and a little hope.
