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Wolfman Back In?

I just noticed something real interesting on the offical Star Wars website of all things. You know how they have a scene from the trilogy, with some kind of quote, you know to promote the upcoming release? Well, check out the scene that is featured right now on Starwars.com. A scene where the Wolman was replaced!? Weird I tell you, if GL and the guy who brought the mask hated it so much, but there it is. What do you guys and gals think?

EDIT: Here it is, before it gets replaced with another scene in the next few days.

What did they replace him with? I cant remember.
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
Some kind of elephant looking thing for the SE. I am just thinking, what's up? But then again, considering the latest SW Insider has the Vader unmasking scene with Luke and Anakin, showing Anakin's eyebrows in the pictures, but having it deleted in the DVD, maybe this is so more disinformation.
I highly doubt he would put the wolfman back in. He stated he never liked the wolfman. Rick Backer who did most of the aliens in the cantina never liked it either. He stated he meant it to be used in the background and was dissipointed that it held such a prominante place.

Originally posted by: jimbo
The key to a girls heart is through her parents. Have sex with them and your in.

Jesus. But on a second thought...

“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering

Originally posted by: jimbo
I highly doubt he would put the wolfman back in. He stated he never liked the wolfman. Rick Backer who did most of the aliens in the cantina never liked it either. He stated he meant it to be used in the background and was dissipointed that it held such a prominante place.

Exactly what I thought as well, but I mean if you're going to advertise for the DVD's, why use a scene that no longer exists? Either way it's very weird. Thanks for your thoughts.
I think this is Lucasfilms first false advertising offense.
Hey maybe they digitally altered the wolfman so he would look better. Ugh. I feel so dirty saying that.
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering

Originally posted by: ricarleite
Hey maybe they digitally altered the wolfman so he would look better. Ugh. I feel so dirty saying that.

I doubt we will get the wolfman back. This is just blaten false advertising. I would like digital altering to all the cantina aliens. I honestly would rate them as real as anything you can find in Halloween USA. There lips don't move and there eyes don't blink.

This is just blaten false advertising

you think that is false advertising and calling the 2004 release the OT is not??

"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
He is calling it the Star Wars trilogy. This is the Star Wars trilogy. It says original versions knowwhere on the box. No false advertising there. However this definutly is. If the wolfman is not in the DVD then he should not be in DVD advertising.
well if George didn't like him and Rick Baker didn't like him, someone must of liked him enough to feature so prominently for 20 years, I guess he's an underdog *boom Boom* sorry for the lame-ass pun
The Wolfman, while unquestionably out of place, always gave me the creeps when I was a little kid. Those glowing red eyes...

But if they were going to repalce him, replace him with something good, not an elephant-man or a lizard-man (which subbed for him in his other shot). For those of you who have "The Art of Star Wars," remember in the Cantina sketches that jellyfish/ribbonesque alien? That sort of thing would have been a perfect subsitute, not another goofy mask.

Originally posted by: Commander Courage
The Wolfman, while unquestionably out of place, always gave me the creeps when I was a little kid. Those glowing red eyes...

But if they were going to repalce him, replace him with something good, not an elephant-man or a lizard-man (which subbed for him in his other shot). For those of you who have "The Art of Star Wars," remember in the Cantina sketches that jellyfish/ribbonesque alien? That sort of thing would have been a perfect subsitute, not another goofy mask.

Personally, I have a Lak Sivrak action figure displayed proudly in my room. A physical representation of the O-OT. It is ironic that they are using him in advertisment for a SE release.

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.

I think it'd be neat to get the "Jedi Sprits" figure set.
It's the three spririts at the end of ROTJ in blue that you display on a stand.

(With Shaw of course.) That would be my physical representation of the O-OT.

My stance on revising fan edits.

I always wished I had bought that figure. Weird they made the figure when, by the time that series was released, he was eliminated because the SE was already out.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic

Originally posted by: Hal 9000
I think it'd be neat to get the "Jedi Sprits" figure set.
It's the three spririts at the end of ROTJ in blue that you display on a stand.

(With Shaw of course.) That would be my physical representation of the O-OT.

Given current events, it would be now.

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.

i think its time to buy that spirit ghost set...

people are prolly jacking up the prices now...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."

Originally posted by: Jedi Master DJR

This picture illustrates so well something that has bothered me for some time now... This quote "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy" is from Ben Kenobi (he say that to Luke when they look at Mos Eisley from the edge of a cliff) and when Ben and Luke finally enter the cantina, the "scum and villainy" are all aliens (and ugly ones!). Isn't this a little racist from our beloved Jedi Master?

(by the way, it's my first post here!)

Originally posted by: Z6PO

This picture illustrates so well something that has bothered me for some time now... This quote "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy" is from Ben Kenobi (he say that to Luke when they look at Mos Eisley from the edge of a cliff) and when Ben and Luke finally enter the cantina, the "scum and villainy" are all aliens (and ugly ones!). Isn't this a little racist from our beloved Jedi Master?

(by the way, it's my first post here!)

Welcome Z6PO.

This brings an important issue, something I've always wondered: the whole human-alien relationship in Star Wars. Seems to me the humans are the dominant majority, the one's ruling the galaxy and the whole history behind it...
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
interesting first post...

although the Cantina was swarming with aliens and stuff i think we just notice those a lot more than we do humans because its something different...
i mean how many times do we see aliens in a bar??

after all Han was in there, the bartender, the pilot who was talking to chewie at the bar... im sure there were more but i've never looked hard enough...
but then again i could be wrong...
im sure theres more aliens than humans... but maybe not by much...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
One of the Wolfman species was a Jedi on the 20th chapter of the Clone Wars cartoons, by popular vote.

Maybe this had something to do with it? Maybe they figured why not keep Wolfie in there?

My stance on revising fan edits.


Originally posted by: Z6PO

Originally posted by: Jedi Master DJR

This picture illustrates so well something that has bothered me for some time now... This quote "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy" is from Ben Kenobi (he say that to Luke when they look at Mos Eisley from the edge of a cliff) and when Ben and Luke finally enter the cantina, the "scum and villainy" are all aliens (and ugly ones!). Isn't this a little racist from our beloved Jedi Master?

(by the way, it's my first post here!)

Hey Al Sharpton visits these forums. Come on dude racist. This is Star Wars. Tatoinne is a place where all the criminals of the galaxy hide in a place of no law.