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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released) — Page 267


JasonQG said:

I have been following this amazing thread for a while, but not having grown up watching Star Wars a million times, I haven't had anything to contribute until now.  But as a recovering grammar nazi

'Recovering' eh? ...ho boy. (I only skimmed but I'm sure the comments were helpful.)

As for 'the GOUT', I always thought of that as an OT.com in-joke, e.g. referring to it as some kind of diseased version - e.g. referencing the now-archaic way of referring to maladies with a definite article. As in, 'the influenza', 'the polio', 'the consumption', 'the grep'. (And I'd be shocked if nobody ever said 'the gout'!) It's a convention of these boards by now, and saying it without 'the' is by now awkward...

“I find your lack of faith disturbing.”


bilditup1 said:

'Recovering' eh? ...ho boy.

It's a 12-step program, and I might have a few steps left.

As for 'the GOUT', I always thought of that as an OT.com in-joke, e.g. referring to it as some kind of diseased version - e.g. referencing the now-archaic way of referring to maladies with a definite article. As in, 'the influenza', 'the polio', 'the consumption', 'the grep'. (And I'd be shocked if nobody ever said 'the gout'!) It's a convention of these boards by now, and saying it without 'the' is by now awkward...

If that's the case, then I bow to convention.  However, this does bring up the question of the intended audience of this comparison.  Most people won't even know what the GOUT is, so maybe that should be explained.


JasonQG said:

bilditup1 said:

'Recovering' eh? ...ho boy.

It's a 12-step program, and I might have a few steps left.

I'm always available to help with the 'negative reinforcement' aspect :)

As for that...it is essentially explained by making 'George's Original Unaltered Trilogy' the title of that quadrant of the screen...I trust ppl can figure it out. If not maybe a small Puggo-style intro can run through those terms


“I find your lack of faith disturbing.”


If I'm not mistaken, the GOUT acronym is explained at least once.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


Ah, GOUT is in acronym form in the quadrant title as well. Hmph. 

“I find your lack of faith disturbing.”


Yeah. And mainly the BD is going to have a little doc breaking down all the sources.


Why not skip the text on the comparison gallery and just record an audio commentary for it?  It might be easier to explain the changes you've made.

Just a thought...


Most of those shots are like 2 seconds long, so an audio commentary is pretty impossible for the video part and it would be a bit weird for the still gallery.


I guess I didn't think of that.  I pictured this as a series of video clips that might repeat and zoom in on sections of the video while you narrated what changes had been made.  Like I said, just a thought.


I was turned on to this site and Harmy's work just this past week. And let me tell you, the work you're doing is amazing!

Trying to acquire a copy of DeEd but running into problem. Is it still on myspleen? If so, I PM'd the appropriate parties listed to receive an invite.

Looking forward to enjoying this.


This was the most well phrased public invite request I've seen yet ;-) If you don't get an invite soon, PM me, I'll get one for you :-D


blacklabel8829 said:

I was turned on to this site and Harmy's work just this past week. And let me tell you, the work you're doing is amazing!

Trying to acquire a copy of DeEd but running into problem. Is it still on myspleen? If so, I PM'd the appropriate parties listed to receive an invite.

Looking forward to enjoying this.


Have you received an invite?

Jetrell Fo said:

blacklabel8829 said:

I was turned on to this site and Harmy's work just this past week. And let me tell you, the work you're doing is amazing!

Trying to acquire a copy of DeEd but running into problem. Is it still on myspleen? If so, I PM'd the appropriate parties listed to receive an invite.

Looking forward to enjoying this.


Have you received an invite?


I have not received an invite as of now but I PM'd Harmy


I don't want to step on Harmy's toes....he said he'd give you one, rest assured he will.  Just keep checking the e-mail you provided him.  It will show up.



Harmy said:

This was the most well phrased public invite request I've seen yet ;-) If you don't get an invite soon, PM me, I'll get one for you :-D

Well that's no fun. :p


Sorry for the newb question, but I am itching to get my hands on the Despecialized Editions of all three films, and it looks like myspleen is the best place to get them. Can anyone send me an invite, or tell me how to contact walkingdork through this forum?




PM sent

looking for HDTV of the  Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.  Also HDTV of The Lord of the Rings trilogy


I will be glad to make copies for anyone as long as you  have the blanks and a self address envelope.  Just PM me. 

looking for HDTV of the  Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.  Also HDTV of The Lord of the Rings trilogy


Just for fun, I used MVKmerge and added the 93 LD's PCM stereo mix in place of the dolby 2.0 mix. It synced perfectly.  Harmys' version is amazing, and I love having all the various mixes available to just click through.

aka nostromo777 on myspleen


Hey, all. Got myspleen invite (thanks walkingdork) and successfully downloaded the Harmy editions. Can't wait to watch them!




I just found out about this and cant wait to get them downloaded. I have the old VHS but they dont play well and my rplayer is not working well at all. My kids love star wars but have never seen these and I cant wait to let them see them.


About the PM the appropriate folk.


so excited!




Harmy. Two quick questions. I think I may have asked already but if not I'll ask again. How come you didn't use GOUT upscale for the shot of Han going 'Yes, I'll bet you have!' and also the shot of the fleet taking off (with the man in the tower) in the original it was four ships in each row but in yours its 3?


crissrudd4554 said:

the shot of the fleet taking off (with the man in the tower) in the original it was four ships in each row but in yours its 3?

From post 6262:

Harmy said:

as to that ships taking off shot, I never noticed that, so it's indeed probably a little mistake. The fourth ships are still there but much less visible.

“It’s a lot of fun… it’s a lot of fun to watch Star Wars.” – Bill Moyers


corellian77 said:

crissrudd4554 said:

the shot of the fleet taking off (with the man in the tower) in the original it was four ships in each row but in yours its 3?

From post 6262:


Harmy said:

as to that ships taking off shot, I never noticed that, so it's indeed probably a little mistake. The fourth ships are still there but much less visible.


Thanks for the response!!!