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Here's a Hint of the Public's Reaction that the '04 DVDs would not be the OOT — Page 2

Actually, the bit on what version they are is all the way down in the review section. If I went to the site and said, "oh, Star Wars on DVD. Must buy"(i.e. the average movie goer), they'd be no need to scroll down, and hence, I'd have no idea which I'm buying. Also, just because the ignorent, we don't care masses are technically on your side, doesn't make it better.

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.


Originally posted by: Klingon_Jedi
Actually, the bit on what version they are is all the way down in the review section. If I went to the site and said, "oh, Star Wars on DVD. Must buy"(i.e. the average movie goer), they'd be no need to scroll down, and hence, I'd have no idea which I'm buying. Also, just because the ignorent, we don't care masses are technically on your side, doesn't make it better.

Right. Jimbo just wants to think that people want the changes to the movies, though.
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Currently Reading: Shatterpoint, by Matthew Stover
Unrepentent Nader Voter
Hmm, how about this...

George Lucas listens to fans, not in my lifetime!
16 years I wait and this is what I get???

Originally posted by: Klingon_Jedi
Actually, the bit on what version they are is all the way down in the review section. If I went to the site and said, "oh, Star Wars on DVD. Must buy"(i.e. the average movie goer), they'd be no need to scroll down, and hence, I'd have no idea which I'm buying. Also, just because the ignorent, we don't care masses are technically on your side, doesn't make it better.

The problem with you guys is you assume that everybody is either one of you or ignorant. There are plenty of well formed individuels who do prefer the changes. Deny it all you want but its true.
yes and these people who like the changes are fanboys who like anything that Lucas dishes out...
the man could film a piece of dog crap on screen for 3 hours and add in some CG flies and you guys would be like...
"holy crap that was so badass!"
half of you fans didnt even grow up with the originals and prolly saw star wars for the first time as the SE...

so in a way your generation is all teenage kids...
im not saying that you guys dont count... but you did say that "The problem with you guys is you assume that everybody is either one of you or ignorant."

so there's us... and then there's the ignorant... and thats where you fall into jimbo...
you cannot back up any of your arguments... you simply say "AOTC is awesome because it has a memorable story with tons of action"
"i love all of George Lucas' work!" "I love George Lucas" "Yoda fighting was the best scene in cinema history".... but you leave out substance...

we dont know why you think any of this because you dont explain yourself...

so your right... they're are us and then the iggnorant...

and im not picking on you here... your the one who said it... im simply pointing out who the iggnorant are...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
Well I did live with the originals only for the first ten years of my life.
he did film a pile of crap. Did you forget the ever popular Howard The Duck?

“You know, when you think about it, the Ewoks probably just crap over the sides of their tree-huts.”


Originally posted by: Luke Skywalker
yes and these people who like the changes are fanboys who like anything that Lucas dishes out...
the man could film a piece of dog crap on screen for 3 hours and add in some CG flies and you guys would be like...
"holy crap that was so badass!"
half of you fans didnt even grow up with the originals and prolly saw star wars for the first time as the SE...

so in a way your generation is all teenage kids...
im not saying that you guys dont count... but you did say that "The problem with you guys is you assume that everybody is either one of you or ignorant."

so there's us... and then there's the ignorant... and thats where you fall into jimbo...
you cannot back up any of your arguments... you simply say "AOTC is awesome because it has a memorable story with tons of action"
"i love all of George Lucas' work!" "I love George Lucas" "Yoda fighting was the best scene in cinema history".... but you leave out substance...

we dont know why you think any of this because you dont explain yourself...

so your right... they're are us and then the iggnorant...

and im not picking on you here... your the one who said it... im simply pointing out who the iggnorant are...

The flaw in your logic is you assume that I like everyone of the changes. I have signed the petition and I hate him putting Hayden in Return of the Jedi. I hate it to death. My opinion of George lowered after seeing this. But for crying out loud why would you rather have matt lines, abandoned cities, fuzzy lightsabers, and dewbacks that don't move. There are far far more good changes then bad.

Originally posted by: jimbo

Originally posted by: Luke Skywalker
yes and these people who like the changes are fanboys who like anything that Lucas dishes out...
the man could film a piece of dog crap on screen for 3 hours and add in some CG flies and you guys would be like...
"holy crap that was so badass!"
half of you fans didnt even grow up with the originals and prolly saw star wars for the first time as the SE...

so in a way your generation is all teenage kids...
im not saying that you guys dont count... but you did say that "The problem with you guys is you assume that everybody is either one of you or ignorant."

so there's us... and then there's the ignorant... and thats where you fall into jimbo...
you cannot back up any of your arguments... you simply say "AOTC is awesome because it has a memorable story with tons of action"
"i love all of George Lucas' work!" "I love George Lucas" "Yoda fighting was the best scene in cinema history".... but you leave out substance...

we dont know why you think any of this because you dont explain yourself...

so your right... they're are us and then the iggnorant...

and im not picking on you here... your the one who said it... im simply pointing out who the iggnorant are...

The flaw in your logic is you assume that I like everyone of the changes. I have signed the petition and I hate him putting Hayden in Return of the Jedi. I hate it to death. My opinion of George lowered after seeing this. But for crying out loud why would you rather have matt lines, abandoned cities, fuzzy lightsabers, and dewbacks that don't move. There are far far more good changes then bad.

I think almost everyone will agree with this: we're not against the changes, we're against Lucas pretending like the originals never happened and not releasing them on DVD as well. Those changes seem a million times worse than they actually are because they're completely screwing with what the movies originally were and now the illusion is being made that the Prequels were made first, since Lucas feels he has to bend everything in the Originals to fit his latest vision.

And would I rather have matte lines, abandoned cities, fuzzy lightsabers, and dewbacks that don't move? If all of it's in a thirty-year movie that I loved without computer graphics, I definitely would rather have them. And I'll give you an example to follow, Jimbo; I'll explain my answer. Those original effects used to be the pinnacle of visual effects, and captivated audiences, becoming a major part of the reason why Star Wars is so beloved today. Without those original effects, much of the magic of Star Wars is gone, because instead of seeing the effects evolve with the films, the latest effects are simply being added to the older movies, taking away an essential part of Star Wars: the creativity of the original cast and crew.

Guys, I think we need to start hounding Criterion about this. If enough people complain, we could receive an ally in forcing open the safe where Lucas keeps the prints of the originals. I'd be willing to spend the extra money for a Criterion Collection of the Star Wars Trilogy, even if there aren't any extras except for six hours of commentary in which Lucas is muttering, 'Bastards...what have you done...distributing my work prints to the world...no...not good...bastards...why did it come to this?' and of McCallum shouting, 'You f*cking bastards...you destroyed my well-placed plans to ensure that these movies would never be seen again...damn, you, damn you!'
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Currently Reading: Shatterpoint, by Matthew Stover
Unrepentent Nader Voter
i've already said i would shell out over $100 if just for the OT on dvd

jimbo read the petition again and you will understand why it is such a bad thing that the OT is not being released...
and im not just saying this...
seriously read the petition again...
it explains everything....
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."

Originally posted by: Luke Skywalker
i've already said i would shell out over $100 if just for the OT on dvd

jimbo read the petition again and you will understand why it is such a bad thing that the OT is not being released...
and im not just saying this...
seriously read the petition again...
it explains everything....

So Luke, if a bunch of us e-mailed Criterion, do you think we'd intrigue them...I mean, they're all about film preservation, so perhaps they feel as we do. Here's a link to the Criterion website; there is someone you can contact with suggestions: why don't we give it all a try, write some thought-out e-mails, and maybe they'll join our crusade.
My Blog
Currently Reading: Shatterpoint, by Matthew Stover
Unrepentent Nader Voter
I have read and signed the petition. For one reason. My message to George. You are a talented filmmaker youve proven that multiple times but what the Hell were you thinking putting Hayden in Return of the Jedi.
jimbo he has proven it 3 times... and even thats being generous considering he didnt direct TESB or ROTJ..

hey Galahad_Skywalker... if you want to ask Jay what he thinks about it first and he says its cool i would definatly help you out with something like that...
i just wanna make sure he's cool with it first just so we're not doing anything behind his back...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."

Originally posted by: Luke Skywalker
jimbo he has proven it 3 times... and even thats being generous considering he didnt direct TESB or ROTJ..

hey Galahad_Skywalker... if you want to ask Jay what he thinks about it first and he says its cool i would definatly help you out with something like that...
i just wanna make sure he's cool with it first just so we're not doing anything behind his back...

American Graffiti wasn't bad, Luke.

And I'll definitely ask Jay about the Criterion thing...I need to send him a custom avatar anyway, so I can kill two birds with one stone.

My Blog
Currently Reading: Shatterpoint, by Matthew Stover
Unrepentent Nader Voter
OMG, criterion release for the original trilogy would be awesome. Now that's what is truly meant by archival. It is a piece of history and pop-culture past. They do a marvelous job with those DVD's, Any of Kurosawa's movies are amazing on those releases.
16 years I wait and this is what I get???

Originally posted by: Luke Skywalker
jimbo he has proven it 3 times... and even thats being generous considering he didnt direct TESB or ROTJ..

hey Galahad_Skywalker... if you want to ask Jay what he thinks about it first and he says its cool i would definatly help you out with something like that...
i just wanna make sure he's cool with it first just so we're not doing anything behind his back...

Since he didn't direct Return of the Jedi I wonder if its his fault or the directers that Return of the Jedi is the worst Star Wars movie. He has proven it 8 times with all the Star Wars and Indiana Jones movies.
Please tell me, my god, you are speaking of the original trilogy that I will buy. Most love the original because it was ground breaking and true. ESB was the darkest and most compelling. So I will buy, with general consensus that while ROTJ was good the other two were better...but for the love of god, please tell me you are not saying the Phantom Menace or ATOC is better??!!! TPM, are you out of your mind? Wait I know the answer to that.
16 years I wait and this is what I get???
Oh yeah! A Criterion collection would be awesome. I'd buy it for sure!

Keeping The Star Wars Hoiliday Special alive. Once person at a time. Stir, stir, whip, whip, stir, beat, beat.

Originally posted by: Obi-wonton
Please tell me, my god, you are speaking of the original trilogy that I will buy. Most love the original because it was ground breaking and true. ESB was the darkest and most compelling. So I will buy, with general consensus that while ROTJ was good the other two were better...but for the love of god, please tell me you are not saying the Phantom Menace or ATOC is better??!!! TPM, are you out of your mind? Wait I know the answer to that.

Attack of the Clones is so so so much better then Return of the Jedi. Its like comparing Kristanna Loken to Rosie Odonald. Attack of the Clones beats it in every possible way. The Phantom Menace is flawed but overal even thats better then Return of the Jedi. The Phantom Menace is ewok free at least.
But GL would never agree to a Criterion OT. He still thinks of them as "rough drafts" not fit for public consumption. Can't violate that artistic vision, can we?
DarthSheba.com - just your average unassuming Sith chick.

Originally posted by: jimbo

Originally posted by: Luke Skywalker
jimbo he has proven it 3 times... and even thats being generous considering he didnt direct TESB or ROTJ..

hey Galahad_Skywalker... if you want to ask Jay what he thinks about it first and he says its cool i would definatly help you out with something like that...
i just wanna make sure he's cool with it first just so we're not doing anything behind his back...

Since he didn't direct Return of the Jedi I wonder if its his fault or the directers that Return of the Jedi is the worst Star Wars movie. He has proven it 8 times with all the Star Wars and Indiana Jones movies.

It's not the worst Star Wars movie. Worst of the original trilogy, possibly, but it's an awesome movie and better than The Phantom Menace or Attack of the Clones.

Richard Marquand did a great job on directing Return of the Jedi. The only thing that's his "fault" about it is how great it is.

Can't violate that artistic vision, can we?

Of course not! That would be sacrilege! The Lucas has spoken. We must follow. Never question. Just accept.
Keeping The Star Wars Hoiliday Special alive. Once person at a time. Stir, stir, whip, whip, stir, beat, beat.
to get it in to his head how about we make him eat the 3 ot vhs tapes
I'll hand him the salt. Who's got the pepper?
Keeping The Star Wars Hoiliday Special alive. Once person at a time. Stir, stir, whip, whip, stir, beat, beat.