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The Big Roast! (Only pick on the poster before you; NO TAGBACKS, but you can LOL the person who roasted you.) — Page 4


DoubleKO, always fighting with his sweetie pie, always ending up like this:



Ziggy Stardust cancelled the OT.com Awards because he caught the same mystery illness as Lady Gaga... from kissing Lady Gaga.


My dream last night was like a horror movie: I hear knocking.  I look towards the sound, and fortunately the door is locked.  But it unlocks!  My heart pounds and I try to run to the door to prop it shut, but I'm frozen in place.  The handle turns and the door presses open.  A blue hand reaches around, a hand with a mouth and a tongue, the most horrific thing I've ever seen.  Suddenly I am freed and I run to the door, slamming it onto the hand and dismembering it!  It falls to the floor, still squirming.  I try to lock the door again, but the severed hand grabs my ankle and I am again immobilized.  Then the door slams open, propelling me back.  The most hideous creature that could barely be called human walks through the door wearing a dirty baseball cap with the word "doubleKO" embroidered on the front, and I realize who has just passed through... THE SCARY DOOR!

Trying to take it up a notch as WD recommended ;)


Ender killed this thread by slamming it in the face with THE SCARY DOOR.


Ziggy has forsaken his androgynous glitter-god for a Skeletor knockoff. For shame!


Only Skeletor came later.

If you have to compare his current avatar to something I'd go for :

Which is from Doctor Who.

The Doctor travels via a police telephone box :



Look at Bingowings, finding all these parallels between myself and Dr. Who.