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"The Ewoks Project - Animated TV Series" DVD set (now on myspleen) (Released) — Page 6



Do you have any plans for doing these in NTSC?

I ask because I'm wondering if I should wait to grab these if you are planning to do so.

“Anakin had those qualities so rarely seen, exuding an unmistakable confidence and yet still able to touch one’s heart in simply knowing how he was so flawed… wounded.”


Sorry, no. The main reason why this exists is a "preservation" of the PAL tapes


No, I wasn't at home last weekend. But in a few hours we'll have a 4 days long weekend :-) There will be AT LEAST one disc uploaded


While I love this as news, I believe MySpleen is still experiencing issues, and therefore nothing can be uploaded until it gets worked out.  Am I right, someone?  Hopefully they'll get it fixed up soon so you can upload your another disc or two :)


I'm glad I downloaded the first two discs of season two before the meltdown. Hopefully the issue will be fixed for the four day weekend so more can be uploaded. Maybe we'll get all the remaining discs, though I suppose the first two may have to be reuploaded. Currently, only season one is visible. NTSC is lower resolution, so you should get PAL, Darth Hade. I watch on my computer using the DivX player. I don't bother with burning discs.

I look forward to Droids. This is an excellent project. I looked at my download of Droids from elsewhere last night and compared it to my restored Ewoks download - the difference in quality is substantial. My Droids episodes are terribly blocky, while my restored Ewoks episodes are not. Has the idea of splicing in DVD footage been dropped?


Sh.... I didn't notice the myspleen problems :-( I hope they fix it soon


Aphradonis said:

 Has the idea of splicing in DVD footage been dropped?

From my side - yes. There were 3 major problems :

1. Different speed. Even when both my sources were PAL, the official DVD runs faster. I guess it's because of a different NTSC > PAL conversion.

2. Complicated editing. I was playing with it during Season 1, but the editing on the official DVD was way too chaotic, the video needed too many "jumps"

3. The quality. After watching a couple of minutes I dropped the idea completely, the changes in quality were too annoying for me


pittrek said:

Sh.... I didn't notice the myspleen problems :-( I hope they fix it soon

it is fixed - you only have to upload the torrents again


sorry mackey256 - this is nonesense

actually i can leech und seed via myspleen without problems


...but you can't upload new torrents.  That is the problem.


I’ve been lurking on this and the old Droids and Ewoks threads for quite some time now, and am amazed as to just how much work has gone into this project. I can’t wait to watch these in their full glory!


of couse the upload is possible!

there are a lot of new uploads!


I uploaded disc 3 on myspleen but it looks like the server is down again :-(


Myspleen is up and running again without issue. We had to suspend uploading and invites because they would have been deleted when we returned to the current backup.

The site was down for less than a day because the site was on a temporary server while they were setting up our new one (same great host, just a new server since the last one is completely toast).

Sorry for all the issues, it's now safe to go crazy on Ewok uploads :D

If you want a Myspleen invite, just PM me and ask.



Well I couldn't get to Myspleen on Saturday for a couple of hours. Now the 3rd DVD is seeded again :-)


when will you put on the DVD 4 and 5?


thx in advance


grummel2005 said:

which weekend? ;)

I spent the last 2 weekends in a different country than my computer :-) Since I'll be away this weekend too, and I'm at home today and tomorrow, and also the next Monday and Tuesday, I have changed the strategy.

Disc 4 is being encoded right now as I write this so I will check it when it's done and it will be on myspleen in a few hours, the last disc will be up worst case next Monday.


So - any cover artists wanting to create covers as bonus materials for the last disc ? :-)


pittrek said:

So - any cover artists wanting to create covers as bonus materials for the last disc ? :-)

I've got one ready to go, but I need to know which extras you intend to include on disc 5. Could you mail me the list?


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