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The Bluray was proof that Lucas doesn't care, as he has total control over the films. I'm guessing control over games, etc. is a little more spread out, and the people creating them and testing them probably love Star Wars quite a bit... easily enough to have made their way here.

Preferred Saga:
1/2: Hal9000
3: L8wrtr
4/5: Adywan
6-9: Hal9000


nightstalkerpoet said:

The Bluray was proof that Lucas doesn't care, as he has total control over the films. I'm guessing control over games, etc. is a little more spread out, and the people creating them and testing them probably love Star Wars quite a bit... easily enough to have made their way here.

This. I'm pretty sure Lucas gives more creative license to those creating stuff for him other than the films. I think he gets out of the "Demented Auteur" mode when it's just stuff he sees as a money spinner. And that's led to things like the games feeling more Star Warsy than the prequels! The guys making the Disney ride are undoubtedly massive Star Wars nerds and secretly keep an eye on Revisited :-)


Dark_Lord_of_the_Pith said:

I did get to see that Weird Al Yankovic Phantom Menace video on the blu ray extras so it wasn't a complete waste in the end.

And It's still better than TPM itself!


I thought things were getting a bit quiet around here and the first post to break the silence didn't disappoint :-D IT'S COMING!


Awesome, I get a chance to donate :)

Ady posted some info over on the facebook page I haven't seen mentioned here:

i'm using the 6.1 DTS-HD tracks as a basis for the audio, but it will be a new mix due to all the extra elements and edits. The rear centre channel is probably the lamest channel i have ever heard in a 6.1 mix. there are only about 4 times thought the whole movie that any effects come out of the channel and that is only a split second effect. Plus the rear left/right channels are pretty lame too, with really hard music edit cuts that just suddenly come in, or ambient effects that just suddenly stop for no reason. This mix is going to be ultra surround sound. Due to the nature of this edit there is no way i can use the theatrical PCM tracks


The blu-ray version will be a BD-25. The sound mix will be a DTS-HD 6.1 mix on the blu-ray and a AC3 5.1 mix on the DVDs. When i say "ultra surround" i mean a mix that actually utilises all 7 speakers instead of just some music and sound effects now and then.


Preferred Saga:
1/2: Hal9000
3: L8wrtr
4/5: Adywan
6-9: Hal9000


i'm using the 6.1 DTS-HD tracks as a basis for the audio, but it will be a new mix due to all the extra elements and edits. The rear centre channel is probably the lamest channel i have ever heard in a 6.1 mix. there are only about 4 times thought the whole movie that any effects come out of the channel and that is only a split second effect. Plus the rear left/right channels are pretty lame too, with really hard music edit cuts that just suddenly come in, or ambient effects that just suddenly stop for no reason. This mix is going to be ultra surround sound. Due to the nature of this edit there is no way i can use the theatrical PCM tracks

The blu-ray version will be a BD-25. The sound mix will be a DTS-HD 6.1 mix on the blu-ray and a AC3 5.1 mix on the DVDs. When i say "ultra surround" i mean a mix that actually utilises all 7 speakers instead of just some music and sound effects now and then.

I'd not read this either.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Sweet!!!! A way to contribute and help Adywan get this done!!!! Come on people!!!! I challenge everyone on this forum to donate 10 pounds ($16.27 USD).  Took me all of 90 seconds!!!!!!


doubleofive said:


The Final Push!

Sweet!!!! A way to contribute and help Adywan get this done!!!! Come on people!!!! I challenge everyone on this forum to donate 10 pounds ($16.27 USD).  Took me all of 90 seconds!!!!!!


Nah, just wanted to include 005's News link. Repeating that twice isn't such a bad thing though........


This mix is going to be ultra surround sound.

I can't wait for my neighbours to 'experience' adywan's 'HOTH BATTLE'! :)

We're so lucky that he's an audio wiz on this project as well as a visual one.

Thanks for the heads-up on the latest Facebook info. doubleofive.  Hopefully we can all help towards getting these last necessary materials that are needed to complete this...and nice to see that there'll be one more preview clip released once the half-way point of this final donation push is reached.


With the greatness that was and is A New Hope Revisited, were there ever any final figures reported in regards to what the cost was for Adywan to complete that project? Any idea what ESB:R is costing him? If this was answered somewhere before, my apologies. Just curious. 


Donated £20 last night!! :)

“Did you know, the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?! Look it up.”


Just donated as well. Thank you Adywan!

May the Force be with you.


Great to see the progress on this edit.  Thank you Adywan for demonstrating that these movies can be made better with dedication and real talent.  Exciting that it looks to be on the home stretch as it were.

While we're on the topic of sound, two audio effects in ESB stand out to me as having room for improvement.  I have no idea if these are to be fixed or even if they should be tampered with all but here goes:

1. When Leia is helping repair the Falcon and repeatedly tries to rotate a handle, the sound is something like two plastic blocks knocking together.  This doesn't seem consistent with whatever she's trying to do (as in it sounds like no amount of force will move it).

2. Artoo on Dagobah makes the same sounds he makes when he gets shot by Jawas in ANH, right down to the mournful whine he makes when falling over.  Perhaps a bit more variety could be added.  I realise this may not be desirable as it may mess with fond memories, etc.



They told me they’d fixed it!


rpow2k12 said:

With the greatness that was and is A New Hope Revisited, were there ever any final figures reported in regards to what the cost was for Adywan to complete that project? Any idea what ESB:R is costing him? If this was answered somewhere before, my apologies. Just curious. 

I'm probably going to donate again, but I have to admit that I'd love to see a budget of where the money goes. I trust Ady, but I am curious.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


I don't really need or want to see where the money goes. The time commitment alone is an insane undertaking. As to where the money goes, I can tell by the final product of ANH:R that it was money well spent.  I'm just curious as to the total cost of projects like these. 


What's up revisiters? I'm a great ESB revisited enthusiast and I am looking so much forward for its release. 

Something I notice in the scene Han Solo is frozen in carbonite. With you pay attention, before going down, the "dwarves" release Solo from his restraints. You can see that Solo got his hands in the position, but there are no restraints. That happens very fast. But a think in the Blu ray version it is more obvious. I think that was just a detail not well shown in the movie. Maybe it could end the discussion about Han Solo restraints and avoid future or pointless modifications.

Please reply, or post some pictures to prove me wrong.

See Ya! 


Hey Adywan! Everything sounds fantastic! I, too, have a suggestion for the audio mix. I actually mentioned this about a year ago, but it was a busy time on the forum and I'm not sure that anyone ever really noticed it.

Anyway, in the original cut of ESB, when Lando reveals his plan to escape Cloud City to Leia, Chewie, and Threepio, Leia says, "You think that after what you did to Han that we're going to trust you?"

However, in the '97 SE, 2004 DVD, and Blu-ray cuts, Leia says, "You think that after what you did to Han that--" and then the rest of her line is cut off by Chewie's growling. This has always been a real pet peeve of mine... Never understood why they changed it, but would love to see this line restored!

I can't seem to find a clip of the OOT on YouTube, but here's what I'm talking about in the '97 SE onwards:



doubleofive said:


The Final Push!

  I wish i can help, but I am only 15, and my parents don't really care for star wars, I can help with the other revisited movies in the near future. Like the    midway point of Return of the Jedi. You and your team who has worked on these movies are awesome. Thank you.      

One day we will have properly restored versions of the Original Unaltered Trilogy (OUT); or 1977, 1980, 1983 Theatrical released versions (Like 4K77,4K80 and 4K83); including Prequels. So that future generations can enjoy these historic films that changed cinema forever.

Yoda: Try not, do or do not, there is no try.