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Other SW DVD releases- expected by year's end — Page 3

Actually I'm pretty sure Waterworld was made for less than $200 mil, as Titanic came later and its $200 mil budget trumpt it.

It's not a great film and Kevin Reynolds is a heavy-handed director, but Waterworld isn't compeletly deserving of its bad rep. It has a few decent scenes and great atmosphere, you can almost believe what it's like to live on a water all the time, kinda like a wet road warrior. I dunno, may someone like Magnoliafan can re-edit it into a decent picture with better pacing!
The original Star Wars trilogy: Our cultural history deserves to be preserved and should be available to the public like all great works of art!
Ok, to try and stear this back on topic a bit. How many Droids cartoons were made?
Keeping The Star Wars Hoiliday Special alive. Once person at a time. Stir, stir, whip, whip, stir, beat, beat.
From the first page:

Originally posted by: starkiller
Droids lasted 15 episodes, from Sept. 1985 to Nov. 1985, with the last 2 episodes showing later, in June of 1986.

And oojason had this link.
The original Star Wars trilogy: Our cultural history deserves to be preserved and should be available to the public like all great works of art!
Thanks. I must have missed where that was mentoined.
Keeping The Star Wars Hoiliday Special alive. Once person at a time. Stir, stir, whip, whip, stir, beat, beat.
and i believe Ewoks only lasted for 2 seasons...
correct me if im wrong...

so droids could easily be done in a similar way to the simpsons seasons....
but i think Ewoks may have to be a multi release no?
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
You're right. Ewoks lasted 2 seasons, compared to only 1 for Droids.

I cannot see them doing a "multi-season" setup for Ewoks, that would just, to me at least, see silly.

How many 30-minute (actually, 22-minute, because of commercial breaks) shows can fit on a disk?
Droids would probably be a 2-disk set, if nothing else was included.
That would make Ewoks be a 4-disk for the entire show.

Originally posted by: starkiller
You're right. Ewoks lasted 2 seasons, compared to only 1 for Droids.

I cannot see them doing a "multi-season" setup for Ewoks, that would just, to me at least, see silly.

How many 30-minute (actually, 22-minute, because of commercial breaks) shows can fit on a disk?
Droids would probably be a 2-disk set, if nothing else was included.
That would make Ewoks be a 4-disk for the entire show.

No it would take a 3 disc set for droids and a 6 disc set for ewoks. Less then that would mean lower video bit rate and lack of extras.
i dunno guys...
compare the simpsons here...
the last season of simpsons had 22 episodes on 4 discs...

theres 35 episodes of Ewoks (reported by tvshowsondvd.com)
so im guessing it would be around a 6 disc set like jimbo said....

unless they release two 3 disc sets at the same time just labelling them season 1 and season 2....
both could be options...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."

Originally posted by: Luke Skywalker
i dunno guys...
compare the simpsons here...
the last season of simpsons had 22 episodes on 4 discs...

theres 35 episodes of Ewoks (reported by tvshowsondvd.com)
so im guessing it would be around a 6 disc set like jimbo said....

unless they release two 3 disc sets at the same time just labelling them season 1 and season 2....
both could be options...

Remember PROFIT drive Lucas nowadays - I'd expect a season 1 and 2 release.

“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK

im surprised we're getting as many star wars things on dvd this year...
if only the OT were one of them...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
All of these Star Wars television release will be out on November 23rd. There will be five releases. Ewoks season 1, Ewoks season 2, Droids complete series, Ewoks Caraven of Courage, Ewoks Battle for Endor. All five will retail $14.99. No details on extras are known but given the low price don't expect any.
goods news indeed...
i cant believe how cheap these are gonna be....
even the seasons of cartoons...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
That's a pretty good deal on these. I could care less if there are extra features. Is there anything of interest to say about these things?
Keeping The Star Wars Hoiliday Special alive. Once person at a time. Stir, stir, whip, whip, stir, beat, beat.
Really really bad news just serfaced. It seems the reason for the cheap price will be that Droids and Ewoks TV series will be only availble as selected episodes and not season sets. My opinion boycott this set.

Originally posted by: Hal 9000
Gah! Crap.

Just two episodes?? WTF?!

Actually 8 episodes of each series but thats not the point. The point is that any television show should be boycotted if not released as season sets. So I wouldn't buy either of the cartoon DVDs. As for the live action ewok movies buy them if you like em. I will probably rent them since I have never seen them before.

Originally posted by: Hal 9000
I guess I will buy the Droids and Ewoks DVDs and burn the episodes that aren't on it to a VCD.
And the Ewok movies. All that is missing is the holiday special...

I got the complete series of Droids on DVDr - I removed it from my list when I heard they were releasing them but leave it to GL to screw up the cartoon also - I might restart my 3 disc project now AGAIN

“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK

I wonder if the Ewok live action movies will include any changes.

Originally posted by: jimbo
I wonder if the Ewok live action movies will include any changes.

I doubt it but let's not put it past GL

“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK

I have never seen these movies or cartoons. Can someone who has seen them describe them to me. I will be renting these before buying them. Clone Wars is the only non movie Star Wars project that really looks excellent and turned out to be even better. Its a shame that we have to wait until March for that DVD. More unfortunite news on this release is that they will be in 1.0 mono and there will be no extras. I really hope Clone Wars receives better treatment.
im sure he will give clone wars a better treatment than these...

both ewok movies are pretty cheesy... im not sure if they'll be your cup of tea or not... i grew up with them as a kid and thought they were kinda neat... but if you think the OT looks fake then you aint seen nothing yet!!!!

i read that about the cartoons but im still gonna buy them... i figure if George is giving us something the way it was originally done... we might as well take advantage of that....
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."

Originally posted by: Luke Skywalker
im sure he will give clone wars a better treatment than these...

both ewok movies are pretty cheesy... im not sure if they'll be your cup of tea or not... i grew up with them as a kid and thought they were kinda neat... but if you think the OT looks fake then you aint seen nothing yet!!!!

i read that about the cartoons but im still gonna buy them... i figure if George is giving us something the way it was originally done... we might as well take advantage of that....

Thats pretty much what I figured. Not an Ewok fan. I think the ewoks were a real down turn of Return of the Jedi.