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Star Wars Blu Ray Impressions — Page 15


Spike is running the movies again. Creepy puppet Yoda still lives for now. ;)

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Where were you in '77?


Yes, I did! Just forgot some of the finer details.

I thought it was interesting to hear him talk about it on the commentary. I doubt George would ever mention it these days. ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


So, I borrowed The Phantom Menace on BD from a friend and am watching it right now (with this commentary mind you). And wow, is the transfer fucking ugly! I went and compared it side by side with the old HDTV capture and they are simply both awful, each in it's own unique way - the old transfer is heavily cropped, very soft and worst of all it has tons of really ugly ever present edge enhancement. The Blu-Ray on the other hand fixes all that but adds really really bad DVNR. The Phantom Menace is full of bad CG characters but in this transfer, even the real actors look like they're CG, seriously. With this transfer, the movie looks like it was a Pixar film from late 90s! Both transfers are so bad that if I was to pick which one to watch, I'd probably choose to not watch this piece of shit movie at all. I think I'll pass on the 3D after all...


yeah its ridiculous.  as I first said when I saw it, Im not someone who normally notices DNR or subtle color shifts. But it was so obvious to me, I cant believe any hometheater enthusiast with an eye for these things would give the blu ray releases high marks.  lol, yoda is a cgi character, but he is more detailed than ki-adi mundi, who was a live actor!!

and im still baffled at why the botched recut of the ending of the yoda/dooku duel in AOTC hasn't received more criticism. 

good to hear you are skipping 3d.

click here if lack of OOT got you down


Wow, I finally saw the edit in AOTC that everyone's been talking about since September. Some guy recorded it off his camera while it was playing on his tv and put it up on youtube, I couldn't find a better version.

Anyway, what a terrible change!

Yoda's sighing in defeat and Dooku's ship is still right there next to him. Slice the damn thing open with your lightsaber! And don't gimme that whole excuse of "Yoda was exhausted from the fight" or something /plinkettvoice.

Seriously, what a stupid alteration to make. Lucas once again in his "I'm gonna paint it Jar-Jar" mode.

Pretty ironic how the first two prequels have now been even further removed from their theatrical cuts and yet we now have ROTS exactly as it was (probably because the wipe was removed for the hdtv/dvd transfer without actually touching the source files and then they just forgot when they went back for the new transfer, but that's just my guess).


Fang Zei said:

Wow, I finally saw the edit in AOTC that everyone's been talking about since September. Some guy recorded it off his camera while it was playing on his tv and put it up on youtube, I couldn't find a better version.


you got a link for this? wanna send it to a few people cuz its always hard to describe.


click here if lack of OOT got you down


walking_carpet said:

Fang Zei said:

Wow, I finally saw the edit in AOTC that everyone's been talking about since September. Some guy recorded it off his camera while it was playing on his tv and put it up on youtube, I couldn't find a better version.


you got a link for this? wanna send it to a few people cuz its always hard to describe.

Yes please.

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Finally got a used copy of Empire. More unnatural looking grain abounds. The opening crawl is swimming in compression artifacts it seems. Or am I misinterpreting what I'm seeing? I can't see this looking very good on a wall sized screen.

The much vaunted Wampa arm fix loses a tiny bit of image in the corner when it occurs. Faneditors trump anonymous ILM staffers again. ;)

It's sad that Clive Revill's credit is still there when he was replaced several years ago. You'd think the credit scroll would be the easiest thing for them to update if they're going to do keep doing this.

Unintentionally funny to hear one of the ILM guys on the archival commentary get Boba and Jango confused.

Jedi came in the mail today, and was floating around loose in the package. Not a scratch to be seen on the disc. These things are a little tougher than DVD's after all.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:


It's sad that Clive Revill's credit is still there when he was replaced several years ago. You'd think the credit scroll would be the easiest thing for them to update if they're going to do keep doing this.


Wow....that is just...pitiful.


All three OT films have the 1997 credit rolls. That THX 1-800 number at the end to rat out poor theatrical presentations is probably a sex chat line now. ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


I enjoy them. It's not about the quality, it's about the magic of the films. </thingsiveheardpeoplesayabouttheoriginals>

I say never release the originals. Keep the fans talking about something.


If quality doesn't matter, we would all still be watching VHS tapes. ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

All three OT films have the 1997 credit rolls. That THX 1-800 number at the end to rat out poor theatrical presentations is probably a sex chat line now. ;)

Of course, nowadays, what we regard as a "poor" theatrical presentation will likely be an awesome one in George's eyes.


SilverWook said:

If quality doesn't matter, we would all still be watching VHS tapes. ;)

Which I still do =p

I say never release the originals. Keep the fans talking about something.


Only because you can't watch them on blu-ray. Do you still watch Pulp Fiction and Robocop on VHS? If so, why? Don't you know you can buy them for $10 in high definition?

Carry on troll, you might find an actual argument out there somewhere.


zombie84 said:

Only because you can't watch them on blu-ray. Do you still watch Pulp Fiction and Robocop on VHS? If so, why? Don't you know you can buy them for $10 in high definition?

Carry on troll, you might find an actual argument out there somewhere.

Hey, come on...I watch the VHS versions once in a while, too.

I have the BR's...as-well-as the DVD's, LD's, and Beta's.

Don't have the CED's, yet. :(

Star Wars Episode XXX: Erica Strikes Back

         Davnes007 LogoCanadian Flag

          If you want Nice, go to France


I watch many of my Doctor Who VHS tapes in preference to the DVDs because it reminds me more of the initial broadcast.

We were in a poor reception area and suffered ghosting etc.

The DVDs are arguably better quality than anyone ever saw on any television which means it's probably pointless releasing them on blu-ray.

Star Wars is a different cup of protoplasm though.


SilverWook said:

All three OT films have the 1997 credit rolls. That THX 1-800 number at the end to rat out poor theatrical presentations is probably a sex chat line now. ;)

You can hear every ugly man pretending to be a woman in crystal clear sound quality!


Davnes007 said:

Don't have the CED's, yet. :(

the CED's have been posted to the star wars

newsgroups recently.. of course you can buy them

pretty cheaply off ebay. but playing them is

a pain, unless you have a good working machine.

here's what you get vs blu-ray, (Actual size comparison,not scaled!)





[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]


Bingowings said:

I watch many of my Doctor Who VHS tapes in preference to the DVDs because it reminds me more of the initial broadcast.

We were in a poor reception area and suffered ghosting etc.

The DVDs are arguably better quality than anyone ever saw on any television which means it's probably pointless releasing them on blu-ray.

Star Wars is a different cup of protoplasm though.


Actually, to veer off-topic, that's not true. In fact, classic Doctor Who is in EXACTLY the same situation as Star Wars, which is why your VHSs are more representative of what was originally on-screen.

The "Restoration Team" have tampered and fiddled with many DW DVDs, arguing they are fulfilling 2entertain's remit to improve the old source material in every way. In reality, this means arbitrary, inconsistent results. Examples of this include (but are in NO way limited to)

-darkening the image in Warriors of the Deep to reduce the glare of the white sets

-darkening the image in episode 2 of the Chase, where a scene started at night, cut to a day shot (!), then cut back to night

-adding a CGI spanner in The Pirate Planet, and having it move on-screen in a different manner than the original show

-Freezing the reflection of Patirck Troughton in the time rotor (before he appears in the TARDIS) in the Three Doctors

-removing string holding the TARDIS spinning in the Time Monster

-paintboxing out a moving van incompletely in the Dalek Invasion of Earth

-cleaning up the recreated time scoop effect and removing jump cuts in the "as televised" version of Five Doctors special edition


negative1 said:

Davnes007 said:

Don't have the CED's, yet. :(

the CED's have been posted to the star wars

newsgroups recently.. of course you can buy them

pretty cheaply off ebay. but playing them is

a pain, unless you have a good working machine.

here's what you get vs blu-ray, (Actual size comparison,not scaled!)



The machine I have is an early model, but it still plays well.

I know they're available to download, but for me that kind of defeats the purpose.

Love the comparison pic. :)

Star Wars Episode XXX: Erica Strikes Back

         Davnes007 LogoCanadian Flag

          If you want Nice, go to France