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3D STAR WARS for the masses...has ARRIVED! — Page 31


Yeah, I wasn't sure how exactly it would do, but I expected something closer to the $30 million range. $23 million is rather dismal. Next week might bring a bit more cash but after that it's over. This thing might have a hard time crossing the $40 million domestic mark, and if that is the case then it is a money loser. But I can't say it's unfair. In fact, it seems strangely appropriate--it's got an a+ brand name, and it's not a completely terrible film, so it deserves a bit of money and will be handed more money than it deserves, but nothing too extreme. I don't even know if I care about ANH3D enough to NOT want this to bomb. AOTC certainly will.

And, you know, thinking about it--they already have converted most of ANH3D. They have spent more than the original budget, and have been working on it since 2007 I think. They will not piss that down the toilet when they know this is the most popular film of all time after Gone with the Wind. If TPM is a failure they will still release at least the original. This whole "give me your money now or I'll kill the films you love" stuff is just a bluff designed to take money from people for something they don't even like that much.



CO said:

TPM 3D made 23 million this weekend???   Thats pretty damn good for a movie thats been released before.  I swear I shake my head at this fanbase, and I think I just need to walk away for good as my only hope of a BluRay OOT look less and less possible.

I am telling you that Lucas could make a 2 hour movie of Darth Vader taking a shit in trash compactor of the Death Star, and fans would flock to it.  They would say, "Well, its still Star Wars!"  To read about these jerkoff adults dressing up for the midnight show for this slop makes me embarrassed to be a SW fan. 

I realize the website I'm on but has it never crossed your mind that some people may just sincerely like TPM and their enjoyment of it doesn't need to be interpreted as a personal attack on you and the OUT trilogy?


All I really want is each film as it was originally seen and heard in theaters; no fixes, corrections, "improvements" or modifications necessary.


It wasn't a strong opening, but I definitely wouldn't call $23M dismal considering it's 1) barely 12 years old, 2) widely available on home video, and 3) considered by many to be the worst film of the franchise and by some to be one of the most disappointing films of all time. 


zombie84 said:

And, you know, thinking about it--they already have converted most of ANH3D. They have spent more than the original budget, and have been working on it since 2007 I think.

 thats weird.  why is it taking 5 years to convert that movie?  did it not pass the eyeball test and they had to start over?

click here if lack of OOT got you down


That's without the inflated 3D ticket price. But whatever, the only thing that matters is how this affects GL's perception of the health of SW. There must have been a few people like me who were curious about Phantom 3D but too put off by the OT situation to spend 20 bucks on it. Is it really such a problem to send some film to some guy in Burbank to end this. 


hmm, true. without that, the box office is closer to $18 million.

still hard to predict next week. 99% of sales have been for 3d only.  word of mouth regarding the 3d has been 'meh'.  anyone that absolutely wanted to see this would have already done so.  anyone still waiting probably wanted to hear about the 3d first.  I would assume a huge drop-off for next week. However, someone mentioned that on TFN there are posters claiming to have seen it twice? if thats the case, I gaurantee they are certain to see it at least one more time next weekend, and that may make up for it.

and thats not even taking into account presidents day (which couldn't have come at a better time for TPM).  Man, I wish box office mojo still had its forum - was able to get a lot of insight and predictions.

on a personal note, I can't get over how hilarious that TPM3D commercial is.  Everytime that guy says "hurry up qui-gon, you don't want to be late for the celebration" I want to actually ROTFLMAO.  I have this terrible urge to take a snip of just that one piece and make it into a ringtone.   bwaaaaahahahahahaahahahahaaa

click here if lack of OOT got you down


greenpenguino's version is hilarious if you haven't seen it yet.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?



Street art outside of a theatre in Manchester, UK.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


SilverWook said:

greenpenguino's version is hilarious if you haven't seen it yet.

Yes! What he said! More views for me!!!! Maw ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!

<span style=“font-weight: bold;”>The Most Handsomest Guy on OT.com</span>


greenpenguino said:

SilverWook said:

greenpenguino's version is hilarious if you haven't seen it yet.

Yes! What he said! More views for me!!!! Maw ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!

Even more if someone posts a link I don't have to search for ;)

I just got back from seeing TPM 3D. I paid 14$ to see it in our local "ectreme 3d theater". The whole 3D thing was never a big thing for me. The best 3D movie I saw was the first 3D movie I saw and that was BEOWULF. I was blown away by the experience...snow flakes seeming to be right in front of me,,Spears coming out of the screen right at my nose,etc.  Now today was the tipping point,cause I will never pay to see another one again. First off the picture quality was just terrible..and this is in a theater with all digital projection. The image was dim,lacking good color quality and basically was like watching the regular dvd as far as definition. As for the 3D it made the movie,IMO look somehow cheap, almost as if they just cut out Closer images and placed them on top of the film stock,just to get the effect. All I got out of it was a mild headace and the desire to go home and watch it in true HD brilliance.


Great Weekend at the Box Office for The Phantom Menace

The Phantom Menace has matched expectations and brought in a very healthy $23 million dollars at the North American box office, taking fourth spot for the weekend.

It was a very bouyant weekend, 30% up on last years matching frame with four movies grossing north of $20 million, a first for February. Impressively The Phantom Menacebrought in enough to become the 29th biggest opening for a February. Not bad for a 13 year old film that was only released on Blu-ray a few short months ago.

Beyond that, the $23 million elevates The Phantom Menace domestic box office total to $454,088,301, taking it above E.T and Shrek 2 into the all-time 5th position, just behind A New Hope. While it only requires another $6 million to pass A New Hope it's unlikely to catch the 3rd place film The Dark Knight which is currently $79 million ahead.

On the worldwide front The Phantom Menace has risen from 18th to 15th positon, passing two Harry Potter entries Half-Blood Prince and Order of the Phoenix. With $947,317,558 worldwide and international figures yet to arrive it's a formality as to whether or not The Phantom Menace joins the billion dollar club. To put our prediction hats on, an admittedly optimistic $200 million worldwide haul would pull the film into the all-time 3rd position, just ahead of Transformers: Dark of the Moon.

So, now we wait for the official announcement of Attack of the Clones 3D for February 2013...



Forum Moderator

Tobar said:


Great Weekend at the Box Office for The Phantom Menace

The Phantom Menace has matched expectations and brought in a very healthy $23 million dollars at the North American box office, taking fourth spot for the weekend.

It was a very bouyant weekend, 30% up on last years matching frame with four movies grossing north of $20 million, a first for February. Impressively The Phantom Menacebrought in enough to become the 29th biggest opening for a February. Not bad for a 13 year old film that was only released on Blu-ray a few short months ago.

Beyond that, the $23 million elevates The Phantom Menace domestic box office total to $454,088,301, taking it above E.T and Shrek 2 into the all-time 5th position, just behind A New Hope. While it only requires another $6 million to pass A New Hope it's unlikely to catch the 3rd place film The Dark Knight which is currently $79 million ahead.

On the worldwide front The Phantom Menace has risen from 18th to 15th positon, passing two Harry Potter entries Half-Blood Prince and Order of the Phoenix. With $947,317,558 worldwide and international figures yet to arrive it's a formality as to whether or not The Phantom Menace joins the billion dollar club. To put our prediction hats on, an admittedly optimistic $200 million worldwide haul would pull the film into the all-time 3rd position, just ahead of Transformers: Dark of the Moon.

So, now we wait for the official announcement of Attack of the Clones 3D for February 2013...





"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!



To borrow from MadTv. ;)

Besides, they had to have dropped a couple million on all the tv ads one would need to have been under a rock to avoid seeing.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


great weekend? maybe good, but great?

if that was a 'great weekend' I wonder what they would call SW 1997 release opening weekend? armageddon?

kinda reminds me back in 2002, when AOTC lost badly to spider-man, the talking point was 'Well, this is a 25 year old franchise so its hard to keep up". And apologists around the world parroted this talking point.

so in 1999, TPM was #1 and apologists insist it had nothing to do with the legacy of the OT and it was the 'new generation'.  but just a mere 3 years later, star wars was this old, creaky decrepit franchise heading for the sunset!?  bwaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaaaa

click here if lack of OOT got you down


Remember when the much cheaper, non-3D ticket reissue of E.T. was considered a dud?


yep.  although the screening I went to had a pretty good crowd.

I guess everyone back then was expecting it to be like SW 1997.  I didn't think it would be like that, but I thought it should have made more than it did. 

Gone with the wind also came out around this time but it was limited time release, so probably doesn't count.  I missed that - but i did see the Godfather 25th anniversary :D

in any event, TPM3D made $20 milion overseas in 59 countries.  so maybe that'll help finance AOTC3D. 

but it got beat big time by Journey 2!!  ruh roh!!!


click here if lack of OOT got you down


That article was such bullshit I had to look up the source and yup--not some newspaper or industry analyst, it's just a Star Wars website called JediNews. TF.N posted a similar thing.

Lowered expectations indeed.

$23 million for a 3D Star Wars re-release is abysmal. And it was $22.6 million. No one even wanted to see the Green Hornet plus it got bad reviews and that made $35 million at the same time of the year in 2011. That's a great opening. (it made no money after, but great opening). And if you read the analysts--"as predicted"--they weren't expecting $22.6 million, they thought it would do more, one even expected it to open with $35 million like Green Hornet.

This stuff is probably coming from the same guys who used to say the PT will be remembered as fondly as the OT in 10 years, and everyone will look back and see how wrong they were and how great the films were. Then it opens to awful business and the SAME BAD REVIEWS (in fact, the film officially became "rotten" on Rotten Tomatoes because of this month) and the gushers are going "see, isn't it great?" like a bunch of crazy people who simply refuse to acknowledge something so painfully obvious. Trust me, if AOTC gets released you'll see it opening to $18 million and walking away with $30 million overall and those same idiots will be telling people its great. "For a 13 year old film guys, let's lower expectations." Explain 1997 then, idiot. TPM was a turkey in 1999 but people were going to see anything that was new Star Wars 20 times so it made money. This time they all know it sucks and it's no longer "the new SW film" so it still got the bad reviews but now everyone stayed home too. I still don't know anyone in real life that has seen it, or plans to, and I live in a house full of white male nerds in their early 20s.