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Okay, what did we LIKE about the Special Editions? — Page 7

For me, yes, the contras are more than enough. I'm more a fan of story and dialogue than I am picture and sound. I'll take the speckled black and white of Clerks over refined looking films with crap story and dialogue any day of the week. Pretty doesn't make it perfect.

Welcome back, Doc. Where ya been?
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic

Originally posted by: Bossk
For me, yes, the contras are more than enough.
I'd normally agree. But now that I have the *coughs* originals *coughs* on DVD.... I don't know, I don't even recall every tiny little change, since it's been so long that the SE was shown in theaters. Hence the vague memories.


Originally posted by: Bossk
I'm more a fan of story and dialogue than I am picture and sound. I'll take the speckled black and white of Clerks over refined looking films with crap story and dialogue any day of the week. Pretty doesn't make it perfect.
True. BUT, as I stated above, I'll have to see that again for myself. If it's really that bad (and I recall being quite disappointed back in 1997), I can still sell the set on eBay.


Originally posted by: Bossk
Welcome back, Doc. Where ya been?
Never left!! Just cut down on posting here, because it's quite addictive, plus I don't have the time (see Knights of the Old Republic thread ... I started working on an AD&D 3rd Edition in my spare time *lol* ... yeah yeah, I know, I'm nuts ).

Taylor: Oh H, whatever happened to the way of the warrior??
Harold: The way of the warrior doesn't stand a chance against the way of the wife.
('K2', 1991)

Originally posted by: DocCovington
True. BUT, as I stated above, I'll have to see that again for myself. If it's really that bad (and I recall being quite disappointed back in 1997), I can still sell the set on eBay.

I get the feeling there will be many sets on eBay.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
You're not alone in that feeling.

Princess Leia: I happen to like nice men.
Han Solo: I'm a nice man.


I guess you're right, guys.

Taylor: Oh H, whatever happened to the way of the warrior??
Harold: The way of the warrior doesn't stand a chance against the way of the wife.
('K2', 1991)
That might mean you can pick it up relatively cheap. Might wanna wait for a couple of weeks and see what shows up. Get it down to half price, possibly.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
"I get the feeling there will be many sets on eBay."

Agreed, definitely. I really think that many, many people who buy/order the DVD's will assume they are the OT's. And when they discover they're not they won't want them much anymore. I think this would apply more to people who buy lots of DVD's more than fans, as most fans will know about the changes.
-Everyone is entitled to my opinion-
I disagree on that one, Samatar.

I believe that many people who are going to buy the sets don't even recall the original theatrical cuts.

Sad, but true.

Taylor: Oh H, whatever happened to the way of the warrior??
Harold: The way of the warrior doesn't stand a chance against the way of the wife.
('K2', 1991)
"I believe that many people who are going to buy the sets don't even recall the original theatrical cuts."

I agree, many people may not. But I still think many others will. Mind, I am not saying the majority, or even a large percentage, but I think there will be more refunds than if it had been the OT, which will be what many are expecting. Anyway I could be wrong, it's jut a thought I had. Don't know if there will be any statistics released on such a thing so maybe we will never know.
-Everyone is entitled to my opinion-

Originally posted by: DocCovington
I believe that many people who are going to buy the sets don't even recall the original theatrical cuts.

My dad did not. He watched TESB SE back in 1997, and I remember him saying "wow how could they achieve all those SFX back in 1980?", and I had to explain to him what the SE was, and he said he remembered seeing the movie back in 1980, and he said it was exactly the same.
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
A lot of people will realize that they are not the OT. And they may be turned off enough to sell them. However, the vast majority truly does not know the difference and will keep them anyway. Yet that small number of people who do sell may provide enough catalyst for people who don't know the difference to investigate and see why they are being sold and then realize that they do not have the true version.

One can hope...
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
lets all hope, not just one.
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)

Originally posted by: Bossk
A lot of people will realize that they are not the OT. And they may be turned off enough to sell them. However, the vast majority truly does not know the difference and will keep them anyway. Yet that small number of people who do sell may provide enough catalyst for people who don't know the difference to investigate and see why they are being sold and then realize that they do not have the true version.

One can hope...

They won't give a shit
You're probably right, but as I said, one can hope...
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic

Originally posted by: DocCovington
I disagree on that one, Samatar.

I believe that many people who are going to buy the sets don't even recall the original theatrical cuts.

Sad, but true.


Very unfortunate. It's been seven years since the SEs were released, and it's difficult to remember a time without them. It's probably even worse for the casual fan. The main change that I liked in the SEs, though, was the end music of ROTJ (not the celebration sequence itself, just the change of music). This is probably because of this one day when I was home sick from school and watched the original ROTJ (back before the SEs), and as I lay miserably on the couch afterward, Yub Yub echoed in my head and made me feel worse.

My Blog
Currently Reading: Shatterpoint, by Matthew Stover
Unrepentent Nader Voter
I thought I'd revive this thread and state my opinions on this topic. Besides the sond and picture was there anything to like about the Special Editions? Well, for me there were several things that I did like.

1. I did like the new approach to Mos Eisley. It did open up the city much more and showed it in a grander scale. It could have been done better but over all I liked it very much.

2. The Han and Jabba scene. I have always felt that this needed to be there. It was one of my favorite scenes in the book. True, the digital Jabba didn't look that great and it totally needs improved but overall the scene worked for me. Even Han stepping on the tail. It's for the kids so I can live with it.

3. The added Falcon taking off from docking bay 94 and landing on Yavin IV. Both seemed to be executed very well and it did add a bit more demensin to those scenes but over all I think they were really not needed.

4. The X-Wings and Y-Wings taking off from Yavin IV. This I thought was a huge improvement over the original.

5. The removal of the cardboard people. However, being a nut for film errors I think this one is just hilarious.

6. The Biggs scene. Loved it, loved it, loved it.

Most of the other stuff, Ben's house, the sky, the Sandcrawler (which I didn't know about until I read it here), and Han and the Stormtroopers I really don't have any feelings one way or another.

1. The snow battle and removal of the transparent cockpit. Being able to see the battle through the snow speeders cockpuit clearly was a marvelous improvement.

2. The approach to Cloud City and the Cloud Car fly by. I liked these along the same lines as the Mos Eisley stuff.

3. The windows. However, they need to be a little more consistent. ONe minute they are there and the next they are gone. Let's make up our minds shall we?

The wampa thing isn't a like or a dislike. I can live with it but it really wasn't needed. Some of the other small changes I'll have to go back and compare the original to the SE to judge.

1. The Bantha herd. I though this was neat and unexpected.

2. The end music but not the celebration scenes.

Most of the rest of the changes to Jedi I really didn't care for or they were in my opinon just not needed.

Keeping The Star Wars Hoiliday Special alive. Once person at a time. Stir, stir, whip, whip, stir, beat, beat.

The Special Editions are what most members grew up with, but not all members. The special editions were not that bad, but people insult them because after the release of the VHS/LaserDisc/DVD of the 1997 Special Edition, people realised the original versions will never be re-released again. (forget the 2006 bonus discs). And that is the reason why so many complain about the Special Editions, but sure, there are some who actually hate the special editions.



Director said:

“The special editions were not that bad, but people insult them because after the release of the VHS/LaserDisc/DVD of the 1997 Special Edition”

Well ,the 97 Special Edition was never released on DVD , but even further changes were made to the movies in 2004 for the DVD debut of the OT , and then again in 2011 for the blu ray , and again in 2019 for D+

" people realised the original versions will never be re-released again."…you got that right , its the reason this here site exists .

and the 2006 DVDs were a slap in the face



The 1997 German 35mm Prints show just how good the 1997 looked in cinemas it was incredible.

Every new release has been worse than the last.

1997 Special Edition trilogy had Greedo shoot first, and Wingreen as Boba Fett voice and original Emperor scene. And Seb Shaw as Anakin as a Force Ghost.

It was far more acceptable to me than the version that has Hayden, Tem as Fett, and the awful Revenge of the Sith Emperor in Empire Strikes Back. But of course, you still have alert my star destroyer instead of bring my shuttle.

Then in 2011 Lucas had to add awful Vader yelling noooo!, R2-D2 behind rocks, the ridiculous cgi door at Jabba’s, and blinking Ewoks. The new Krayt Dragon yell and so many other pointless changes. I also missed the other dumb 2004 ones like Jar Jar saying Weesa Free and a Dug in Jabba’s palace. Adding the Jedi temple is relatively minor and coruscant was added already in 1997.


screams in the void said:

Director said:

“The special editions were not that bad, but people insult them because after the release of the VHS/LaserDisc/DVD of the 1997 Special Edition”

Well ,the 97 Special Edition was never released on DVD , but even further changes were made to the movies in 2004 for the DVD debut of the OT , and then again in 2011 for the blu ray , and again in 2019 for D+

" people realised the original versions will never be re-released again."…you got that right , its the reason this here site exists .

and the 2006 DVDs were a slap in the face

The Special editon was released on DVD, but not many have the DVDs of them.



Director said:

screams in the void said:

Director said:

“The special editions were not that bad, but people insult them because after the release of the VHS/LaserDisc/DVD of the 1997 Special Edition”

Well ,the 97 Special Edition was never released on DVD , but even further changes were made to the movies in 2004 for the DVD debut of the OT , and then again in 2011 for the blu ray , and again in 2019 for D+

" people realised the original versions will never be re-released again."…you got that right , its the reason this here site exists .

and the 2006 DVDs were a slap in the face

The Special editon was released on DVD, but not many have the DVDs of them.

^ Ummm…no . The 1997 Special editions were never officially released on DVD .There are bootlegs floating around out there that look like official product , but they are just that…bootlegs , mostly using the 97 special edition laser discs as a source .



screams in the void said:

Director said:

screams in the void said:

Director said:

“The special editions were not that bad, but people insult them because after the release of the VHS/LaserDisc/DVD of the 1997 Special Edition”

Well ,the 97 Special Edition was never released on DVD , but even further changes were made to the movies in 2004 for the DVD debut of the OT , and then again in 2011 for the blu ray , and again in 2019 for D+

" people realised the original versions will never be re-released again."…you got that right , its the reason this here site exists .

and the 2006 DVDs were a slap in the face

The Special editon was released on DVD, but not many have the DVDs of them.

^ Ummm…no . The 1997 Special editions were never officially released on DVD .There are bootlegs floating around out there that look like official product , but they are just that…bootlegs , mostly using the 97 special edition laser discs as a source .

Yeah those “Five Star Collection” DVDs that even put “Anamorphic Widecreen” on the front covers even though they were using NON-anamorphic wisdescreen LD versions.


Yep Fake DTS 5.1 mix too because they didn’t have the CDS to work from or a way to extract the audio.

They are factory pressed bootlegs, but the cover art printed on the discs does look printed nothing like a real disc would, and the misspellings and obviously computer printed cover tells you all you need to know.

The only official Asian copies were on VCD prior to 2004 that weren’t on VHS or laserdisc.

I have the official VCD.

Most of these 5 Star Collection shipped in nothing but a sleeve or envelope with the cover, not in a DVD case that tells you all you need to know.