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Post #542285

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OFFICIAL: Library of Congress had original prints replaced with 1997 SE
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Date created
30-Sep-2011, 7:17 AM

TMBTM said:

As english is not my language I had some trouble to follow the article.

From what I understand:

The LoC have old 35mm prints of at least SW and ESB, but in very poor condition (scratches, faded colors). They asked for new prints to Lucasfilm, who proposed the 97 SE "instead". LoC would also like to preserv the 97 SE, indeed, but it was not what they were asking, so they declined the offer.

So the old, poor and unexploitable prints are all the LoC have.

Am I right?

That was my understanding of it. If this is the case, it's basically a win-win scenario for Lucas as the original prints would seem to not be available for public screening. I still find his behaviour baffling and, frankly, unacceptable. He's wheezed on about 'they're my movies' for so long the Lucas fanboys have accepted this as a mantra and refuse to acknowledge that he's fucking around with something that had a huge cultural impact simply because they're either too young to have seen the original versions in cinemas or, more probably, that they just want a 'quick fix' and be able to look at their SW BD box on their shelf and think 'right, that's that done...'

Unfortunately, the opinion here that the OOT should be preserved and released along with his subsequent atrocities would seem to be in the minority, which is a shame.