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Song Of The South - many projects, much info & discussion thread (Released) — Page 18


It's been a while since I've gotten back to this board. I've recently acquired a piece of equipment that will capture 16mm film and it''s audio really well.  I need to send it out for an upgrade that will take me a couple of months.

I can't remember who it was that expressed an interest in the audio from my 16mm film of SOTS but if you would post we can maybe discuss getting a wav from the 16mm to you, but like I say it will still be a couple of months.


It was not me regarding the audio. However, a 16mm transfer? That sounds nice perkyporker. I've just been wanting to see this film in any state. But a 16mm transfer would be great if you are looking to do something like that in the future.

I'd be interested in the *video*...

"Right now the coffees are doing their final work." (Airi, Masked Rider Den-o episode 1)


As would I. I always like to see films as they would appear on 16mm. Probably why I've amassed a small collection... :)


perkyporker said:

It's been a while since I've gotten back to this board. I've recently acquired a piece of equipment that will capture 16mm film and it''s audio really well.  I need to send it out for an upgrade that will take me a couple of months.

I can't remember who it was that expressed an interest in the audio from my 16mm film of SOTS but if you would post we can maybe discuss getting a wav from the 16mm to you, but like I say it will still be a couple of months.

I believe that was me.

I don't want it for a project i was just interested in how good the audio on 16mm print is after seeing puggo's star wars aka grande.

Mr good friend Dr G who was the main guy keeping the mentor cap alive might be interested in it as well, who knows.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


Wow, a lady I work with asked me if I knew where to get a copy of Song of the South not even two weeks ago.  Anyone have any idea where I might be able to find a copy for her?  I've read through a number of posts on this thread, but don't really see a definitive answer.  Thanks.


I'm supposed to be getting a copy from DrGonzo. I'll PM him and ask if I can pass on the copy. Also, I've got a lead on two separate PAL tape recordings, so if you want a copy of those as well, just let me know.


A couple of people who have responded seem to be under the impression that I meant I could make a transfer of this 16mm film.   And I could once I get the machine upgraded.

But, if you read back through the post you'll see that my 16mm film of SOTS is a very poor and aged 16mm.  It is all yellow and there is dirt crawling all over it. Just watching it makes you want to go take a shower.

But in the original discussion of it skyjedi2005 suggested that the audio could still be worth salvaging.  And that is what my last post was discussing. I didn't mean to get anybody's hopes up for a nice transfer of this film.

An excellent transfer of this 16mm print would look like garbage.


Just for giggles (and to teach myself VDub) I pulled out my PAL VHS tape of SotS. I realize that it is not the measure for quality, as I believe the Mentor cap has replaced it. Nonetheless, I spent some time playing with the contrast and RGB ratios. Here are some screencaps. What do you guys think?












edit: I don't know how to get these images to show up. I would imagine you could copy the URL into your browser to view them.


ww12345 said:
Just for giggles (and to teach myself VDub) I pulled out my PAL VHS tape of SotS. I realize that it is <span style="text-decoration: underline;">not</span> the measure for quality, as I believe the Mentor cap has replaced it. Nonetheless, I spent some time playing with the contrast and RGB ratios. Here are some screencaps. What do you guys think?











edit: I don't know how to get these images to show up. I would imagine you could copy the URL into your browser to view them.

Img code is a little bizarre here. [ img = URLHERE ]. I've fixed that for you here.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


Considering I have never seen this film, it looks pretty good to me.


Now it says on the listing that it is an IB print, and will never fade, but the colors look rather washed out to me.

When I color-corrected mine, I looked at some 35mm nitrate film frames for reference, but I don't know how accurate my color transfer is.

Also, I didn't say it in my original post, but if anyone wants a copy of this for completion, just let me know. It is my favorite movie, and I would be more than happy to share it with others! :)


Too much dirt and grain in that for a modern home video transfer, still would make a nice rarity i mean if you were rich enough to buy it.

Not too many years ago a print of star wars in 35mm IB tech was at auction for the starting bid price of 2000 dollars.  It went for like 4000 but the bidder did not pay and the item was removed and never re-listed.

The gentleman who owned that print is the same guy who loaned it to the place in Baltimore.

For that price of song of the south you could purchase the entire original star wars trilogy and in LPP too on 16mm. Or at least a few years ago you could now i think because of Lucas tactics these items prices will skyrocket.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


The picture is a little dark but I think it looks great! Shame it's so expensive... hopefully the right person picks it up and knows what to do with it.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


Thanks bkev for fixing my images. So I guess I put all of the URLS inside of the [img= ]? Cool, I'll keep that in mind.


Anyone want to buy the 16mm print? I wonder if the guy would let us borrow it for a while to make a copy... :)


Those caps look really vibrant. Love the colors. From what I remember, I don't even think the color was that vibrant in the BBC broadcast?


Disney is preserving song of the South in a 4K scan but have no release plans.

This move along with the rest of their degrading films on nitrate is a move to protect their archived materials.


“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


Disney’s annual shareholder meeting was held this year on March 23rd in Salt Lake City, Utah. Once again, Disney CEO Robert Iger has dismissed the possibility of releasing Song of the South on DVD. Since 2006, shareholders have annually raised the question at every shareholder meeting. In 2006 and 2007, Iger assured shareholders that they were taking another look at the film due to the “numerous requests” they received. By 2008, however, his tone began to change, and by 2010, he was calling the movie “antiquated” and “fairly offensive”. And now, for 2011′s response—shareholder Matthew Hansen was able to squeeze in the meeting’s final Q&A question:

Hansen: My name is Matthew Hansen; I’m a shareholder here locally. This year is a large anniversary for one of Disney’s classic films. Disney restoration team artistic supervisor Dave Bossert recently said, ‘There’s been a lot of internal discussion about it, and at some point we’re going to do something about it. I don’t know when, but we will. We want people to see it because we realize it’s a big piece of company history and we want to do it the right way.’ With this year being the 65th anniversary of Song of the South, I was wondering when we might see that. [Applause]

Iger: [laughs] We almost got through the meeting! I thought you were going to say it’s the 60th anniversary of Peter Pan, I was kind of hoping for that. I said last year at our shareholder’s meeting that I had watched Song of the South again and, even though we’ve considered from time to time bringing it back, I didn’t think it was the right thing for the company to do. It was made in a different time. Admittedly you could use that as context, but I just felt that there are elements to the film, while it was a relatively good film, that wouldn’t necessarily sit right or feel right to a number of people today. And, just felt that it wouldn’t be in the best interest of our shareholders to bring it back, even though there would be some financial gain. Sometimes you make sacrifices on the financial side to do what you believe is right and that’s an example of that.

Hansen: Would it be possible to have, kind of how they have the Disney exclusive videos that aren’t available in stores?

Iger: I just don’t feel that it’s right for us to use company resources to make it available, whether it’s wide or whether it’s narrow… narrowly available. It’s a strong belief that I have— consulted with other top executives of the company. They all agreed, and I think, just remember it as it was, and don’t expect to see it again for… at least for awhile, if ever.


However, I am still hopeful that they are preserving the film for an eventual release. It's more a glimmer of hope than we've seen thus far. Eventually this film will become public domain, will it not? Isn't that what happened in Japan with the Laserdisc releases?


I've put my color-corrected copy of Song of the  South on Myspleen, if anyone wants to download it. Right now, I am still having trouble with the deinterlacing, so if someone wants to download the video and do either Restore24 or Srestore on it, that would be awesome.


I’m new here & just found this forum. I’ve been a big fan of SOTS for a long time & have the Japanese LaserDisc which I bought brand new many years ago. I always had the impression this was best version, even though it has subtitles. I have seen the PAL VHS to NTSC DVD copies being sold at State Fairs & shown on small TVs. I presumed the PQ would not hold up if displayed on big screens, so I never really investigated these DVDs.

A few weeks ago the subject of DVD versions came up & someone gave me a copy. They had purchased the PAL VHS tape from the UK and had it converted locally to NTSC DVD. Of course now I have to compare things. The LD is sharper, but colors frequently are weak. The VHS>DVD is not as sharp and in some scenes the colors are over-saturated. Now I start searching to see if there have been any new developments as far as any “perfect” versions. And that’s how I got here.

I’ve completely read through this thread twice and it appears Doctor M has tweaked a BBC PAL recording of SOTS into a good NTSC version. I realize the DVD is not HD, but was the source BBC broadcast in HD? I have not seen his name mentioned in this thread for several months. Does anyone know if he still involved with his project as I sure would like to get a copy of his DVD?


DrGonzo369 has a copy of the Doctor M dvd, and should be sending me a copy.

Otherwise, I did a VHS color-correction based on the original 35mm cels which is hosted over on Myspleen. PM me for more info.


The Mentor DVD appeared to be a DVDr recording of a standard definition BBC broadcast... but I couldn't swear to it.

I'm thinking there isn't an available HD master for anyone to broadcast on TV.  But Disney is working on it.  (I'm not saying they'll release it, but they are making an HD transfer.)

Dr. M