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Post #536926

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What was the "fatal flaw" of the Prequels if you think they sucked? (aka. Let's take a break from hating on the blu-rays)
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Date created
16-Sep-2011, 11:39 AM

theprequelsrule said:

I always pictured the fall of Anakin to be something very basic; power corrupts and abolsute unlimited power corrupts abolsutely unlimitedly (is that a word?). So Anakin was a great Jedi who fell in love with himself, his prestige etc., and caused him to commit more and more heinous acts to preserve these things.

Are you a sincere 'prequels lover' ? ;)  It's OK if you are.  I hate Eps. 1 and 2, but I like Episode 3--though I still have problems with how Anakin turned to the dark side.

Whether it's Anakin being given a terrible choice, or whether power corrupts him, there needed to be something very dramatic.

All I know is that I consider the prequels to be apocryphal and non-existent and I never watch them anymore.  The back story that was built up by Alec Guinness playing Obi Wan Kenobi and telling Luke how the Republic lasted for a thousand generations (years?) and how his pupil Darth Vader betrayed and murdered his father is far more poignant in my mind.