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Lucas' attitude


I posted this over in Ady's ESB:R thread but as it's kind of off on a tangent, I re-started it as its own thread.

It started with the mention of the Falcon cockpit shots being cropped in tighter on the '04 discs to make it looked more cramped.

doubleofive said:

Ripplin said:

Why would they even do something like that in the first place?
Something about Kersh building a new cockpit that wasn't as cramped as Lucas wanted (I think it was in Rinzler's ESB), so he must have decided to make it look smaller in 2004.

More and more I think there are three reasons why Lucas has gone wild trying to "dumb down" the OT and why the PT came out the way it did...

his kids.

He built up a family in the intervening years between the trilogies and in raising them, he probably got himself into the habit of talking down to them, having to simplify everything and make everything they encounter glaringly obvious instead of challenging them to put some thought into things.  This attitude carried over to the films starting with the SE's in 97 and only got more extreme as the PT came together and he futzed with the OT more for the DVDs.

Hence, we get all this justification for "wanting" to zoom in the cockpit shots to make them look more cramped, "wanting" to show the Wampa, "wanting" to show Vader's shuttle bringing him back to the Executor, "wanting" Greedo to shoot first, "wanting" to show Jabba in ANH, and so on.  I think that he doesn't really "want" to make these changes, but somewhere in his head he thinks he "needs" to change things to make the films easier for kids to understand.  "I always wanted it that way" is an excuse that nobody can argue with him about, so that's what he goes with when someone challenges him because he's afraid to admit the truth in public.

My outlook on life - we’re all on the Hindenburg anyway…no point fighting over the window seat.


Nah Lucas has always been overly descriptive and never trusted the audience, it was Kurtz who insisted on the force being ethereal and Lucas wanted the Kiber Crystal , then Lucas went back and agreed with Kurtz on compromise.

But that was before the yes men and sycophants.


Some of the worst Prequel ideas seem to have been discarded ideas from abortive drafts of the first film star wars known now as episode IV.

These prototype scripts are available for all to read on the jedi bendu script page.


I cannot prove it but i am more than willing to believe a lot of material left out of the first 3 films and discarded was simply used in the prequels because of no budget constraints and no being fought by the studio or his helpers to weave a coherent narrative, a big part of which was Marcia's sensibilities as an editor.

The most enjoyable human elements were stripped almost completely away beginning with the phantom menace in being replaced by snazy graphics that pop off the screen and say " look at me im a special effect.  No story need apply look at the pretty backgrounds pay no attention to the nonsensical story or the bad acting." And horrendous pacing and bad editing, not to mention how they ruined a good many john Williams pieces with the edits they did.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


It happens everywhere. It is said by many that Coppola had to be heavily coerced into putting over an hour back into The Godfather and that the ending was crafted by a studio editor in the nick of time.

I posted in the SE comparison thread about the cockpit croppings. I think on ESB they decided to make things look a bit less hokey and fake-by making the cockpit more crowded/lived in/battered. But the crew was a very good one who knew just how to frame shots so that there is enough information in the composition in order to tell the story. The 04 adheres to the idea that "tighter=better or more intense". This is not the case, and it does nothing to the cockpit scenes except screw with the original cinematographer's composition. If you weren't there that day, composing the shot, why are you messing with the framing?

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:


How did I know skyjedi would be the first to respond?  :-\

Every sci-fi film goes through development phases when ideas are pitched, twisted around and then either included or discarded.  The Force/Kiber Crystal thing was back in the treatment & writing phase - I don't think Kurtz was involved that far back.

I also agree that a large part of the PT was "look at all the toys we have", both literally and figuratively.  I don't deny that the "unlimited power" he gained towards and during the PT compounded the problem, what I'm trying to figure out is when and where did the "make the kids happy" mentality start?

My outlook on life - we’re all on the Hindenburg anyway…no point fighting over the window seat.


This is a good thread but I think its off in terms Lucas wanting to overly explain things for kids.

I think Lucas hated every compromise and prosthetic creature that existed in the OT.  His original synopsis was really a mix of prequel scope and OT characters.  As he began to work more on the script, everything started to become about what could be put on screen budget wise.  When he finally got on set with the mess of the practical crew and droids, it became a nightmare for him.  Worse with Empire since this crazy director he knew from USC was spending too much time and money on how a shot looked.

I think Lucas doesn't care much for the OT personally, or with the changes finds it livable.  The fact that there are incredibly devoted and hardcore fans who love every frame of the untouched OT does not matter to him.  To Lucas, the OT just looks hokey.  I think if Jurassic Park hadn't happened, there would be no prequels.  His answer to every kid about the prequels was "someday" or in his mind "When I can make a film that doesn't look really fake"

I think for years he lived with the fact the movies were not what he wanted and when CG came around, he finally got inspiration to basically fix everything, rethink characters etc.  I don't think it had anything to do with making it clear for kids or even merchandising as much as 20 years of living with something he probably didn't like.  Thats why in all the interviews, the SE is 97% his vision now.  Unfortunately, the 77 ANH is infinitely better without the CG as we all know.  But Lucas will never see it that way.  I think we're lucky we got the GOUT honestly.  Lucas apparently is into preservation but theres something about the OT as it was that he just couldn't stand and which overrides that.


"when and where did the "make the kids happy" mentality start?"


Except as a 12 year old kid, they were nothing more than another alien species to me, plausibly living in the trees.

To Lucas they were a plush merchandising opportunity to girls, and there are also quotes on record about Leia's costume changes done to promote dolls to girls etc.

Merchandising works well with excellent movies, it's barely perceptible. It's a symbiotic relationship with the "art".

When a movie (or brand) is rubbish, the merchandising just seems tacky.

I dunno, I'm not a kid anymore and I prefer Adam Curtis documentaries to anything Lucasfilm has done in the last 25 years or so.

Star Wars is like an old flame - I truly loved it back in the day, now I just let it get on and do its thing, it's not for me today.


I'm not sure what to say anymore. Lucas has always had questionable taste, but his lack of hubris in the 70s meant he was willing to accept criticism and surround himself with others whose skill sets complimented his own. The result was one good (THX 1138), one great (American Graffiti), and one Top 10 All Time Film (Star Wars).

What happened? Quite a few things.

  • Lucas seems to have lost a lot of his skills as a filmmaker in the years between Star Wars and TPM (20 years between directing films)
  • Lucas began to believe his own press.
  • I think a lot of the actors had problems with blue screen filmmaking.
  • CGI also ages badly; far worse than models (which will always look real since they are real. This was not as apparent in the 90s as it was today. TPM looks quite bad in 2011, but was already showing it's age when ROTS was released.
  • There was also no real time to reflect after each film about how to improve the next film (if Lucas secretly did feel it was a failure). He should have has someone else writing a rough draft of Clones while he was filming Menace.

When Lucas was filming Star Wars, Lucas was Luke. George is at his best when making stuff based on his life (Star Wars, Graffiti). As RLM said, there was no real reason to make the prequels - no psychological need burning in George's soul. The heart of Star Wars was Luke's struggle, which is something we could all relate to. Star Wars was about the story, and it is clear that the main reason the prequels were made was because George wanted to realize his dream of creating a photo-realistic world with CGI. When he made Star Wars he wanted to tell a story, and was frustrated because he felt that the special effects (as a tool) were not good enough to help tell the story. The story was always central though.

“It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you.”
-Kreia, Jedi Master and Sith Lord


Methinks Lucas should have gotten into the comics if he was so incensed with the inability to realize his full vision due to SFX limitations. In comics one never has to worry about going over budget creating fantastic alien creatures and worlds.


I agree with all comments in this thread. Even the contradicting ones.


"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!



skyjedi2005 said:

And horrendous pacing and bad editing, not to mention how they ruined a good many john Williams pieces with the edits they did.

Could you give a few examples?
I remember watching the movies a lot, and listening to the soundtrack a lot, and couldn't detect anything like that.

The only example I can think of is the Conveyer Belt, which I think was a pretty concise piece on the CD, but became somewhat corny in the movie by getting the Force and Love themes getting cut in all the time.

Is it anything like when the X2 intro ruined Mozart's "Dies Irae"?