Once again I will state that I have had it with the fucking nitpicking. Harmy has delivered what we were all shooting for and way more. This fucking thing is the balls balls and Harmy is the fucking man. The only reason that any of you little bitches nitpick at this point it because you are so jealous of the great and powerful harmy. "Harmy I noticed a tiny glitch", and "Harmy I see a slight discoloration in one frame"...oh go fuck yourselves you little bitches. Harmy has created the greatest Star Wars related thing of any type since the original theatrical release of ESB. Harmy is the Wiz and nobody beats him. You sad little turds don't deserve to smell Harmy's shit, and your criticism of him at this point is clearly intended to force an undeserved audience with his royal highness for your own self aggrandizement. Stop criticizing and start heaping praise. Harmy saved us all from Lucas. HARMY SAVED US ALL FROM LUCAS!
Post #509849
- Author
- Rob
- Parent topic
- Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)
- Link to post in topic
- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/509849/action/topic#509849
- Date created
- 26-Jun-2011, 6:12 PM