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vbangle said:
These Blu-Rays are going to kick some serious ass. Thank you DJ.
Thanks vbangle, but you will know first hand soon enough, you are always my first tester, just 2 more to go and finished!
vbangle said:
These Blu-Rays are going to kick some serious ass. Thank you DJ.
Thanks vbangle, but you will know first hand soon enough, you are always my first tester, just 2 more to go and finished!
I love ol' ABC. Nobody overreacts to an idea or a mock-up like him. :)
My time is pretty full for the next month or so, so I don't want to volunteer any time and not deliver on it.
I had a chance to watch dark_jedi's GOUT v3 last night and was blown away. Like many others here, I can't believe these were sourced from the GOUT discs and just how damn good it looks and sounds!
Thanks so much for all your hard work on this!
snowtrooper said:
I was eagerly awaiting this release but I lost track of this thread a while ago.
From reading the last few pages it looks like I need a myspleen invite. I actually had an old account but it has long since expired. Any help here would be greatly appreciated.
Also if its OK with the creator I can then post these to usenet afterwards too.
PM sent.
Looking forward to your Blus, DJ. The official set will have its place on my shelf, but as you yourself has said, your set will be a nice companion piece and the one that I will watch the most.
starwarsfan8376 said:
Looking forward to your Blus, DJ. The official set will have its place on my shelf, but as you yourself has said, your set will be a nice companion piece and the one that I will watch the most.
Thanks, and you are so right, a companion set is exactly what it is, kind of like the 06 Bonus DVD's, well these will be much, much, better! I just can't get over the menu's LOL, NONE of my projects have had cool menu's like this, top menu, pop up menu, definitely takes full advantage of the Blu-ray menu system.
But since I am here I may as well give a brief update, first I want to Thank those that have expressed interest in donating blanks(PM's have been sent and a list is started, but like with the V3, spots are limited) and to the 2 that have already sent them, THANK YOU very much, but just like with the V3, you guys WILL get these first and you guys will be my final testers, again Thanks!
OK, here is where I am currently, Star Wars 77 BD25 is finished, specs are a few posts back, Empire Strikes Back 80 BD25 I was told I will have the menu's by this weekend, he said he is working up something real nice for the Empire Recordings Bonus(I can't wait to see\hear this myself) and Return of The Jedi 83 BD25 shouldn't be to far after that, there is not as many audio options on this and no bonus, so this should be done a little quicker, so it is not to far off now, we are getting there, slowly but surely.
Awesome news d_j. Compared to the DVDs, how much better would you say the video quality is on the blu's? Is it possible to post a side-by-side comparison of a DVD and blu-ray screen cap?
“It’s a lot of fun… it’s a lot of fun to watch Star Wars.” – Bill Moyers
corellian77 said:
Awesome news d_j. Compared to the DVDs, how much better would you say the video quality is on the blu's? Is it possible to post a side-by-side comparison of a DVD and blu-ray screen cap?
To be honest with you, I have deleted ALL V3 files from my hard drives, after I watched the samples of this on my HDTV, I lost ALL interest in the V3 DVD's, the 720P upscale with a pretty high bitrate running at 23.976 on my system blows the V3 DVD away, no comparison, to me anyways, plus you have to keep in mind, it is not only about the video, it is having ALL audio files on 1 Disc for each movie that is super cool to, in Dolby Digital, DTS-HD MA and LPCM, and for a bonus, the Imperial Edition score will be on the ESB Blu-ray, you just can't do what I wanted to do with shitty DVD format, even funnier is the fact that I have not even burned me copies of the V3 Set, all files, including the lossless avi and ISO's are all backed up on an external, so to answer your question, I probably will not do a side by side, because there is more at stake here than just video, sorry.
dark_jedi said:
To be honest with you, I have deleted ALL V3 files from my hard drives, after I watched the samples of this on my HDTV, I lost ALL interest in the V3 DVD's, the 720P upscale with a pretty high bitrate running at 23.976 on my system blows the V3 DVD away, no comparison, to me anyways, plus you have to keep in mind, it is not only about the video, it is having ALL audio files on 1 Disc for each movie that is super cool to, in Dolby Digital, DTS-HD MA and LPCM, and for a bonus, the Imperial Edition score will be on the ESB Blu-ray, you just can't do what I wanted to do with shitty DVD format, even funnier is the fact that I have not even burned me copies of the V3 Set, all files, including the lossless avi and ISO's are all backed up on an external, so to answer your question, I probably will not do a side by side, because there is more at stake here than just video, sorry.
**Mouth falls open in awe** :-D
Here, here! Can't wait!
OT Forum_; FanEdit.org:_ Radi0n FanEdit Forum: Kal-El
tehPARADOX**Galen_Marek_True_Jedi **(I know… <span style=“padding: 0px; margin: 0px; text-decoration: underline;”>don’t ask</span>)
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dark_jedi said:
To be honest with you, I have deleted ALL V3 files from my hard drives, after I watched the samples of this on my HDTV, I lost ALL interest in the V3 DVD's
Oh man, we're gonna have to start a new site! originaloriginaltrilogy.com, dedicated to preserving and archiving the work done at originaltrilogy.com before it gets deleted!
Regarding the sound on the V3s, I have a quick question: I only have a modest sound setup at the moment (2.1), but Hairy_Hen's mix seems "overblown" in parts when I play back ANH (the only one I've burned so far). Specifically, some highs/lows seem to really give my speakers a workout.
So, question is... is it just my crap system unable to handle the audio, or have others had a similar experience? I've never had a similar issue with commercial DVDs in the past, so I was just curious.
“It’s a lot of fun… it’s a lot of fun to watch Star Wars.” – Bill Moyers
h_h's audio didn't do any of that on my system, it does pack a pretty good punch though at times, and not so much at times, is it perfect? no, but nothing ever really is, but it is pretty damn good none the less, but when I watch the 97 SE DVD's with the DE's 5.1 in sync with it, I actually prefer these, now maybe it is my set up, or just my taste in audio, but these seem to pack a really big punch throughout, I wish I had the patience to sync up and edit DE's 5.1 97 SE rips to this BD set I am doing.
After reading through the pathetic Lucasfilm Complete Saga Blu-ray set reveal news this morning, I decided to track down the V3 DVDs so I could rid myself of the Special Editions once and for all. I only have Star Wars so far, but man am I happy I do! This looks great, dark_Jedi! The 2006 DVDs are officially off my shelf to make room for these and I'll be eagerly grabbing the other two this evening. The Blu-ray set sounds amazing as well! Seriously, thank you so much for these releases!
I replied to corellian77's question about the 5.1 audio in the 70mm thread: http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/Star-Wars-1977-70mm-sound-mix-recreation-stereo-and-51-versions-now-available/post/496578/#TopicPost496578
dark_jedi said:
h_h's audio didn't do any of that on my system, it does pack a pretty good punch though at times, and not so much at times, is it perfect? no, but nothing ever really is, but it is pretty damn good none the less, but when I watch the 97 SE DVD's with the DE's 5.1 in sync with it, I actually prefer these, now maybe it is my set up, or just my taste in audio, but these seem to pack a really big punch throughout, I wish I had the patience to sync up and edit DE's 5.1 97 SE rips to this BD set I am doing.
Yes, some of the 1997 SE audio is pretty good, it's just a shame all the changes to the films and audio mean it's difficult to sync with the originals. The Flunk version of ANH had good sound, the DTS track I mean.
I think what you have audio wise so far, is pretty damn good anyway though.
I've been periodically checking in here for news of a good release of the 1997 special edition, and can see this is definitely the way forward...I've only just joined though...is there any chance i could get an invitation to myspleen to relive the good times?
If so, many thanks, and keep up the good work!
Maybe...but not today.
25gb for each blu?
How do you plan to distribute these? Torrents would be miserable.
stplayahtn said:
25gb for each blu?
How do you plan to distribute these? Torrents would be miserable.
To be honest, I have NO idea yet, but for now, just like with the V3 DVD set, only the people that donated BD blanks will be getting them, just like the V3, they will be my Final testers, and obviously will get them way sooner than anyone else, because as you say, torrents will be miserable, that would be me seeding 65-70 GB's, and it seems you ALWAYS seed more than what the file actually is before there are any seeders, so that number would probably be a lot higher than that, so for now, I am not sure yet, sorry if that is not what you wanted to hear.
I'm saying this partly in my self interest, but you might be better off just uploading it to RS or something (please nothing where you have to do captcha for every part, that's annoying as f*ck!!!).
That would probably be the easiest thing overall.
VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:
I'm pretty sure d_j has a dim view of file sharing sites, unfortunately. Personally I love them, so too bad :-(
It sounds crazy to use a source of a non-anamorphic DVD sourced from a piece of shit master from the early nineties and end up with a 25GB file.
Even though I have no hardware capable of playing such media back, I'd be sorely interested in a short video explanation of your process. Perhaps dissect a shot or two and show us what all went in to it.
For the time being, until my home technology advances, your V3 DVDs are my archival "Star Wars Trilogy." And they ain't half bad.
I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.
Hal 9000 said:
It sounds crazy to use a source of a non-anamorphic DVD sourced from a piece of shit master from the early nineties and end up with a 25GB file.
That is why I have already stated SEVERAL times that this is NOT for everyone, I have also stated it is NOT just about the video LOL, it is having ALL the audio for each movie on 1 disc in DD, and LPCM, none of that shitty DVD limitation crap! and there are already samples throughout this thread, so, if this is not for you, GREAT, it does not bother me at all, just wonder why you posted to begin with, this whole BD project started out just being for myself anyways, but some members here convinced me to share.
I'd recommend people who are willing to upload to any site pm D_J, If he agrees to this methodology. Once a crew is set up, preferable at least three for trrnts, three for file sharing sites, three for usenet. The source disc on D_J's end is RAR split and a third goes to each team member and they put that where they can. Makes it easier on each of the people, and with all the RARs on all three sharing platforms the same, people can pick and choose where to get it from.
This might be a headache for D_J as he's going to have to explain to the randoms who don't read and don't get why one 'x' (lets say torrent) doesn't equal the whole file. But the positive is D_J is not responsible for any of the uploads, just the initial distribution by mail.
Draw backs, if one of the segments on all three platforms fails, wasted time. Also if blu-ray and star wars is mentioned in the file names, it's going to get confused with the official SW blu-ray leak, and that could mean headaches for the uploaders. But with each of them only deals with a third, maybe confusion won't take place.