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Post #48579

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The line of dialogue "I have a bad feeling about this"...
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Date created
6-May-2004, 12:21 PM

Originally posted by: Darth Chaltab
What is the signifigance of this line? I know Han says it in it the OT, but what's the big deal? It is a very generic line that has been used in many movies...
Yeah, but it was over-used on Star Wars!

I noticed this for the first time when I watched the OT in English the other day. You have to know that in the dubbed German version they used variations of this line instead, so it didn't leave a bad impression on me.

So, when I watched the originals the other day, I laughed everytime it came up, because it reminded me so much of the DragonLance saga (Tanis uses the phrase "We've got to get out of here!" a million times in the Chronicles, instead of saying something else, like "Run! Run!", "Retreat!", "We have to find a way out of here!" or "Get out! Now!" ).

The SW writers did a lousy job in this case. I mean, they could have used "Something's wrong" or "This place is giving me the creeps" for a change.
