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Evil Empire... — Page 6

all countries are recognized having a currency, but you cant buy them in your own country, you have to take dollars (works best) to the country and then exchange them. the reason for this is that the currencies are not stable, there is too much risk.

although the chinese yuan might exchangeable in the USA for instance. ive checked up on it... the yuan is quite stable, its not a threat to itself.
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)
its the way of the economic world.
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)
So what did all you guys thing of the evil empire on SW?
this is the Evil Empire(s) there is in the world...

but its (the one in SW) showing its colours.
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)
Yes the Bush administration is terribly evil isn't it. Our president blows up planets and kills people for dis-agreeing with him. Hmm.. Definitely sounds like our 'president.' And also.. we massacre innocent children because they don't worship Allah the way we think they should. Down with Evil Bush!

Seriously, Motti, Grow-up.

*feels awkward telling somebody older than himself to grow up*
*reasures himself it needs to be said*
*feels better*


you know chaltab you really just shot yourself in the foot there. how many american/ non islamic kids have been killed and have been direct targets of terrorism. and Bush hasnt been blowing up other planets that disagree with him yes but he has been doing that to many different nations. in fact in the last 40 years america has done that on many occations. in SW planets are like contries so you could kind of think of countries like planets in the world, when you are comparing SW to the world.

seriously Chaltab you need to open your eyes a little.
and motti is grown up that is why he is able to make the connections.
chaltab... you need to look at a bigger and broader picture...
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)
execpt for germany, they killed 20 million jew in WWII that has got to count for something in the most kills bracket. no disrespect was intend in the previous line.
i edited the post, coz i wasnt able to find some numbers, but i think ill look at some numbers.

correction, shimraa... the germans killed around 20 million people, there were 6 million jews that died in concentration camps.
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)
yes i did, thats why i corrected it.
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)
Oh my gosh! Are you so blinded by your hatred for Bush that you suggest he intentionally kills innocents--or.. I mean orders the military to do so?

I am looking at the broader picture. America is fighting evil dictators and terrorists. Not blowing up nations that disagree with us. This is about the security of MY nation. I don't care if you don't care about the people of America--it seems that you simply don't to me.


no, thats not what i said chaltab, i never said that bush has killed 20 million people.

but i will say this: "security of YOUR country"? at the expense of other countries?

another thing: hitler also did all the things he did because he believed it was for the security of HIS country.
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)
No. That is what Hitler said. The real reason he went to war so nobody could come into his country and catch him commiting genocide.

And it makes me sick that you would compare a freakin' sick and evil man like Hitler to the president of the US.

And yes, we place the security of OUR country much higher than the whiny complaining of idiot-filled countries like France. If they're not going to help us then they need to get out of our freakin' way. Let OUR military do it's job--kill people and break things--to keep OUR country safe and the people of Iraq out of the grip of Hitler Jr. (Hussein)

Geez, Motti? Where do you live? Paris?



Originally posted by: Darth Chaltab
America is fighting evil dictators and terrorists.

OK, so a non-offensive, simple question here: what about Fidel C. and Cuba? Hundreds of people succumb to the waters of the Atlantic in their desperate attempts to escape his regime. It's close. The puny Cuban military forces are no match for the Mighty America(TM). So... ?

(stay tuned folks, the answer will be given in either in Darth Chaltab's response or my next post)


Originally posted by: Darth Chaltab
No. That is what Hitler said. The real reason he went to war so nobody could come into his country and catch him commiting genocide.

Motti is right - in his insanity (yet still some people prefer to call it "genious") Hitler believed he fights for his country - more precisely: for the pan-Germanic "Arian" race - and that the war will ensure the prosperity of a thousand year old III Reich. Their target was expansion on the east - gaining "livingspace" and natural resources (can anybody say "oil"? ). The Jews were to be eradicated, as he had a special phobia that was carried out to the whole nazi ideology.

Do not believe if someone tells you it was about the cover up of his mass murders in death camps or that it was about... my city (). Even today some people think that death camps are fake - so why would he start a war if controling information was much easier back then in totalitarian state and leaking any info was not an easy thing to do?


Originally posted by: Darth Chaltab
And yes, we place the security of OUR country much higher than the whiny complaining of idiot-filled countries like France. If they're not going to help us then they need to get out of our freakin' way. Let OUR military do it's job--kill people and break things--to keep OUR country safe and the people of Iraq out of the grip of Hitler Jr. (Hussein)

If that was a joke then you forgot smileys.


But if that was serious, then I'm really scared... You slowly start to sound like a neo-nazi. They just love to shout that their country is better than others and they are entitled to enforce their wishes on others because of their supremacy. They find any other point of view as "insane" or "hostile". Their ways are always radical ones: "kill people and break things".

What next...? If there are more people like you out there then truly let God bless America... please, God - save America
I saw the original theatrical release of the Old Trilogy on the big screen and I'm proud of it...
How did I accomplish that (considering my age) is my secret...
chaltab, i am truly sorry if you feel this way and think this way. i am honestly sorry for you and for your future. this is sad...
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)
I want to object to the "Al Gore would have been a wuss president who wouldn't have fought back after 9/11" statement. What if a cautious president would have prevented 9/11 by actually paying attention to terror threats instead of being busy scheduling the war on iraq and dismissing the warnings from several agencies. There was more fresh intelligence on a probable terrorist attack utilizing commercial airplanes as weapons, as there was proof of actual weapons of mass destruction in iraq.

I do not like George W. Bush because he's a christian fundamentalist who feels the urge to use violence as a premiere form of 'problem solving', yet he didn't have the balls to fight for his country in Vietnam. Many people in the Bush administration are the very same people who supported a policy which created all the demons they pretend to fight these days. To put it bluntly, these people scare me as much as any radical islamist does.

Corruption is running wild these days, if the United States of America truly have the desire to act as a role model, then it's first step should be the stopping of corruption - that's a fight worth fighting.
you honestly believe we hate bush. man oh man. both motti and i have said we specifically hate YOUR countries forgean policies. if YOUR country truly didnt want to hurt the innocent they they wouldnt bomb civiline cities, and cause countless amounts of collatrale damage. they would take the harder road and go in with just force. yeah it my cause more caulties but your not killing innocence. and dont think i am trying to defend terrorist either. they are more cold blooded then your forgien policies. All i am saying is that america is not ALWAYS RIGHT!!! they are not ALWAYS THE GOOD GUYS, and they are by no means INNOCENT.

All i am saying is that america is not ALWAYS RIGHT!

at the moment they are never right.

powell and rice both stated in 2001 (before WTC) that hussein posed no problem, that iraq had no WMD program, that iraq wasnt a threat to the other countries in the region. but now they bomb the shit out of a sovereign state, which is under the protectorate of the UN charter and the geneva conventions, but the USA disregards both...
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)

Originally posted by: Shimraa
you honestly believe we hate bush.

Well, those recent survey results certainly don't help our case, do they, Shimmy?

Princess Leia: I happen to like nice men.
Han Solo: I'm a nice man.

With regard to the Hitler issue. So far as I can tell from my studies of World History, Hitler's fanaticism and desire for world domination (well, at least European domination) predated his death camps by several years. Yes he had Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, et al killed at random throughout the years, but I was under the impression that death camps didn't exist until approx 1939. Hitler came in to power in the early 30s and started his German expansionism in the mid 30s, didn't he? So, Chaltab, you can't say that his "protectionist" policies were to keep people from finding out about death camps. It was to protect his "perfect" Aryan race from corruption by "lesser" cultures and races. He really believed he was doing the right thing and millions of people in his country and outside his country believed he was doing the right thing as well. There are still people who think he was right to do what he did.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

And no one can say that Al Gore would have done nothing. No one knows what he would have done because he was never put in the situation where we could find out. All you are doing is bullshit speculating. You cannot prove yourself right, but by the same token, no one can prove you wrong. So it is useless to argue it. You can't say that all democrats have a policy of non action. Hell, even Clinton initiated some missile attacks on Iraq for violating no fly zones and post Persian Gulf War I treaties. I can only imagine what would have happened if an attack had happened on U.S. soil. I can't think of a single person that would sit back on their laurels, IMHO, regardless of political affiliation.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
I never claimed Al Gore would have prevented 9/11 for sure - just that the possibilty exists that things could have been better with Al Gore as a president. I just don't buy into the "we're lucky to have George W. Bush in office" argumentation, that's all.

Also don't forget that Bill Clinton was in command during the U.S.'s engagement on the balkan war. No one claimed (nor demanded) that democrats are pacifists.

The National Socialists actually started prototyping methods of mass murder through the so called 'euthanasia' project, which basically meant that all 'unworthy life' had to be put to an end for the sake of the victims of such a fate (meaning psychologically sick people, physically impaired, homosexual persons and people who needed constant medical attention due to their old age). In the end it was all just a huge scam to save money on the social/medical sector. First experiments included a bus with barred and painted windows which had it's exhaust fumes redirected into it's interior. There were also hospitals who had a shed with a diesel engine outside, whereas the fumes were redirected into that shed and hospital personal had to crowd 'unhealable' patients and block the exit and then starting the engine. Usually relatives of these people got a standardized note of deceasment claiming the patient 'suddenly died of a lung infection' or similar excuses. This was just a prelude of things to come. The whole holocaust ordeal was planned from day one and all along of Hitlers delusions of applying a twisted version of Darwin's evolutionary theories to human society. Today one can safely assume that the whole holocaust ordeal was planned by Hitler from day one. Just my 0.02$ on this topic.
My comments aren't directed at you, MSD. Chaltab seems to be under the impression that Dems are pacifist tree huggers. Nobody is when provoked. That's the only point I'm trying to make with him.

And Chaltab, yes, I'm from the U.S. No, I'm not Democrat. Nor am I Republican. I don't believe either party is 100% correct in their views. Both sides have their faults. But neither is willing to fess up to them. But isn't this the case in any political party around the world?
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic