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I'm gonna go way out on a limb and say that this is a very moot point since I am guessing Ady would never put cartoon ANYTHING into Revisited


DF Shadow said:

Hoth showed up in the Clone Wars cartoons....there may or may not have been some local wild life in the background that could be used. Even if they are cartoony style they might be so small in AdY's edit you wouldn't even notice.

 Wait, I thought we were talking about Dagobah?


The Golden Idol said:

DF Shadow said:

Hoth showed up in the Clone Wars cartoons....there may or may not have been some local wild life in the background that could be used. Even if they are cartoony style they might be so small in AdY's edit you wouldn't even notice.

 Wait, I thought we were talking about Dagobah?

True. But maybe Shadow only intended to refer to the wildlife itself, not their home planet per sé? Although I agree on saying cartoon bits (let alone animals) are probably a no-go.

OT Forum_; FanEdit.org:_ Radi0n FanEdit Forum: Kal-El
tehPARADOX**Galen_Marek_True_Jedi **(I know… <span style=“padding: 0px; margin: 0px; text-decoration: underline;”>don’t ask</span>)
My Man of Tomorrow (Superman Returns) Fan Edit (FanEdit forum link)




lol...yeah my bad guys. Also I mixed up Hoth with dagobah....in any case - Goofy suggestion. : P

I gotta lay off the booze.


DF Shadow said:

I gotta lay off the booze.

 Or at least share with everybody else....


muddyknees2000 said:

DF Shadow said:

I gotta lay off the booze.

 Or at least share with everybody else....

Here here :)
Hey Shadow, how about changing  your user title to Rebel Rum? =D

OT Forum_; FanEdit.org:_ Radi0n FanEdit Forum: Kal-El
tehPARADOX**Galen_Marek_True_Jedi **(I know… <span style=“padding: 0px; margin: 0px; text-decoration: underline;”>don’t ask</span>)
My Man of Tomorrow (Superman Returns) Fan Edit (FanEdit forum link)




Hey, I've actually got a techincal question about TESB-Colour Correct version. I've tried using Imageburn to burn to DVD-DL but it's not working correctly. I've searched the technical/how-to forum but didn't see anything (except for a thread about Nero).

If somebody has a "how-to" I'd appreciate it if they could PM me. Thanks.





What are everyones thoughts on the background of hoth you can see through the blast doors in the hanger, when the commander says to liea 'Im sorry princess the shield doors have to be closed' The backround just appears blue, it reminds me of watching a play on stage where they have different painted background's on set.  I imagine it might be really tricky though, theres alot of camera movement.


I like it very subtle! thats just the sort of thing I was thinking about. and to echo one of the replies on you tube "I'm sure adywan will take a stab at it"!


Now that that scene has been brought up, I always wondered if it would look better if that entire area was redone with something closer to what we see when Han finds Luke (not to mention that the scene above has a very "enclosed set" look to it).

Here are some alternatives...
(CGI/animated/live snowstorm footage overlayed on top of the background image, which could be desaturated or given a closer look to the overall blue-grey color timing of the Luke and Han night scenes):


Here are some alternatives to show that the cave roof would probably be darker in the shot with backgrounds similar to above (even with a snowstorm overlayed over the background image).  Something else to keep in mind: it was dusk when we pull away from Han after he stuffed Luke into the Taun-Taun belly.. it wasn't full-on night yet (such as what we see in the original version of this shot).  So realistically, the outside should represent dusk (regardless of whether we can actually see the sun) to at least synch up with what we see in the following shot with Han and Luke:

In the last shot, maybe the "Han on Taun-Taun coming out of Ben's ghost" could be flipped and slightly altered to look more like a regular rebel solder to show one last scout barely making it back in as the gates are in the process of closing (this could help with the sense of distance and space).

BTW, any tute links on how to create layers (in GIMP)?  If it looks sloppy, it's because I used the CLONE tool to copy info from one image to another...


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


Ooh, I really like the first goldish sunset one- maybe a little desaturated, and it would look beautiful. It's a pity we never got any similar sunset shots in the exterior scenes- might not match at all- probably too much snow in the air to see it.


Just found something on an old external drive that i did when i first started ESB:R. When i was doing ANH:R i really wanted to have the crawl as it appeared in 1977 without the episode number or title. but decided to scrap the idea due to the crawls on the rest of the saga. When i started ESB:R i decided to do a test to see what it would look like having the crawl match the original 1997 ANH one. I really liked the idea of not having the title or episode number in every crawl and that the crawl would fit back in to the original music cues to how it was originally written. But i dropped it because i had already done ANH:R with the titles. But now i'm going to be redoing ANH:R in 720p i could go back to my original idea.



Can't go through everything that's been posted over the last few days cuz i'm off to bed. catch ya later :)




About the addition of more "life" on Dagobah; what would everyone prefer: entirely new creatures, more of the same creatures, or creatures from the expanded universe?


adywan said:


I dunno, Ady, I think losing the title of the movie wouldn't be a good thing. It makes sense for ANH since "Star Wars" was the original title, but losing the "The Empire Strikes Back" title completely doesn't sit right with me. Maybe replace the Star Wars logo with the original ESB logo?


Also, Ady, will you be adding more "earthly" creatures to Dagobah (like the snakes and lizards in the original movie), or will you be adding more "alien" creatures?


darthmunky said:

About the addition of more "life" on Dagobah; what would everyone prefer: entirely new creatures, more of the same creatures, or creatures from the expanded universe?

I've always liked Gizka in the Kotor games :-)


Chainsaw had some good ideas a while back:

Then 005 had colour ideas

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

<span> </span>


I really like the new crawl idea and I think replacing STAR WARS with the ESB logo would tie it all together perfectly.

Forum Moderator

The Golden Idol said:

I dunno, Ady, I think losing the title of the movie wouldn't be a good thing. It makes sense for ANH since "Star Wars" was the original title, but losing "The Empire Strikes Back" completely doesn't sit right with me. Maybe replace the Star Wars logo with the original ESB logo?
I'm not hot on dropping the episode name right off, but I kind of like re idea of each logo receeding. Not enough to lose the titles and numbers though...

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I like em with titles...even ANH....preserves that old serial feel to it


You could keep the title of the movie and changing the episode number, episode II instead of V because Star Wars clearly can't be seen in numeral order.

Actually it would be funny if episode II was  the best episode of the saga.


Otherwise you could remove the episode number and replacing the star wars logo by the empire's one.


Though I don't like the idea of just getting rid of the ESB title, I actually am pretty accepting of the idea of replacing the Star Wars logo with a blue-colored Empire Strikes Back logo, just like the one EyeShotFirst pointed out that Chainsaw Ash made. In fact, I think it would be interesting to have the whole crawl in blue, as suggested here by DoubleoFive in the thread for Chainsaw Ash's Star Wars: The Trilogy edit. Then, as suggested, ROTJ could be red. If you choose to do the prequels, TPM could be purple, AOTC could be green, and ROTS could be orange.


EyeShotFirst said:

Chainsaw had some good ideas a while back:

I am loving this idea!  Very very cool!

I also like the first pic of the Hoth mockup.  I agree that the original looks like a closed set now compared to those.


I'm not a big fan of dropping the episode #s.  If the Revisited edits were designed to be a stand-alone trilogy I'd maybe think otherwise, but I've always felt that, being special editions, part of what they do is bridge the gap with the PT.  As such, I don't see the point in dropping the episode numbers, since we're not necessarily trying to avoid having them work with the PT.  Besides, I've always liked the roman numeral designations in the Star Wars movies... it makes them feel like chapters in some ancient tome.

“It’s a lot of fun… it’s a lot of fun to watch Star Wars.” – Bill Moyers


As for the different logos / different colours... neat idea, but I'd hate to see that iconic Star Wars logo, along with accompanying gold text, replaced with anything else.  It's that logo and colour scheme that, in part, lets you know every time that you're not just watching some movie, you're watching a STAR WARS MOVIE!!

“It’s a lot of fun… it’s a lot of fun to watch Star Wars.” – Bill Moyers