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Post #462050

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THE STAR WARS SAGA - 1080P AVCHD DVD-9 for PS3 & Blu-Ray players - Episodes 1, 4 & 5 available now
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Date created
9-Jan-2011, 2:52 AM

I'm a big fan of Adywan's color corrected The Empire Strikes Back. Since Adywan removed Greedo shooting first in the A New Hope HD version, maybe he could remove the Vader going back to his shuttle sequence. Also restore the line of dialogue "Bring my shuttle." Or maybe remove Luke's yell while he's plummeting down the big shaft in Cloud City. Or maybe remove the sound of Luke's saber turning off while he's running out of the Wampa cave. I have nothing but the greatest respect for Adywan and what he's done. I mention these things because  they take me away from enjoying the film. These changes sound simple to me at least. :), If I'm asking for something that I have no bother asking then you all have every right to flame me to death, especially you Adywan.