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Post #451055

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Idea & Request: Aliens (1986) SE Recut
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Date created
31-Oct-2010, 3:52 AM

I was wondering if someone consider to make a recut of special edition of Aliens. There are couple of scenes which in my opinion are unneeded. As source i would use Alien Anthology 1080p.

I would cut these

  • holographic park, conversation about Ripley’s daughter

  • Scenes inside the colony (outside shots are fine)

  • Scenes with Newt’s family (after discover of the Derelict)

  • Hudson talk about how badass he is in drop ship

Fine scenes

  • Longer shot inside the sleeping Sulaco

  • Automatic guns scene

  • Outside shots of the colony

  • Newt’s family discover Derelict (only to the point where father said “Folks we have scored big this time”, let scene end with car closing to the Derelict and then cut)

  • Negative “contact” inside the colony (mouse inside the cage)

Is there anybody who would do this?