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Star Wars OT & 1997 Special Edition - Various Projects Info (Released) — Page 26


Yeah, I don't think DJ was planning on doing any color correction beyond what's in G-Force's script (if there even is any in his script).


The G-Force script, from my memory, punches up the saturation a bit and adds a bit of a yellow shift to the image. Or at least it did in the past.


Yes, g-force's script have a slight hue tweak towards yellow, to eliminate the red/magenta shift in the GOUT video.

I agree with zombie's article that the technicolor print is the best reference there is, when the creator of the film has gone mad, (is Gil Taylor still alive?) but not the photos of it, even though they show the overall look, they can not be taken as gospel, if so R2 should also have a green tint, Mark Hamill's and Harrison's hair should also have a green tint.

We want you to be aware that we have no plans—now or in the future—to restore the earlier versions. 

Sincerely, Lynne Hale publicity@lucasfilm.com


Not necessarily, keep in mind. Print fluxuations vary by reel. If you have ever watched a black and white print that was made in the colour era you can see this--one reel might have a bit of a sepia-looking tone to it, another might be more towards red, some might be really neutral looking. So just because the beginning of the film has a bit of green tint doesn't mean the end of the film will--it might have its own problem, or it might be the same problem, or it might be fine, but its hard to know unless you were there and can see the shift during changeover (which may be impossible to tell in some cases). The problem might also be on the camera taking the photos too, making it look uniform when really the print itself doesn't have that problem. Bit of a tricky situation here for the nitty-gritty details about whether something should have 24 or 28 points of green.


zombie84 said:

Not necessarily, keep in mind. Print fluxuations vary by reel. If you have ever watched a black and white print that was made in the colour era you can see this--one reel might have a bit of a sepia-looking tone to it, another might be more towards red, some might be really neutral looking. So just because the beginning of the film has a bit of green tint doesn't mean the end of the film will--it might have its own problem, or it might be the same problem, or it might be fine, but its hard to know unless you were there and can see the shift during changeover (which may be impossible to tell in some cases). The problem might also be on the camera taking the photos too, making it look uniform when really the print itself doesn't have that problem. Bit of a tricky situation here for the nitty-gritty details about whether something should have 24 or 28 points of green.

Jesus H Christ enough please.

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.


What?  Why?  Because he's adding to the discussion?  How horrible of him.


Yeah, WTF? Do you disagree with that paragraph? Or do you just not care? If you disagree then you are probably wrong but at least tell me why, and if you don't care then why the hell would you enter a discussion on restoring Star Wars?


I know I can ignore, but it sure would be nice to kick people out of a thread to, make your own please.


DJ, I understand that you and Zombie haven't always gotten along (particularly relating to this release), but he seems to be perfectly willing to add peacefully to the discussion. And, in fact, I don't see anything wrong with his most recent comment. As for VBangle, well he knows how I feel about him.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


I don't have a problem with anyone. I criticized the previous releases (in, like, a total of three instances or so), and thats it, there were elements that merited criticism and everyone should be open to it. My criticisms of the past ones weren't even relating to Dark_Jedi, if anyone it should be G-force that shouldn't like it because the imaging work was his script, DJ's main original efforts are in the audio which I have always praised. If DJs previous comment was directed at me like Vbangles then thats just stupid since I didnt start or bring up that tangent but was correcting and adding to a discussion already in progress.


Well this thread is about the V3 set I am going to work up, I will not color match this to some old ass bright looking print being shown through images on the net, if that is what he wants the answer is very simple, make your own.

Yes we do have a past, and I would like to keep it that way, I surely do not want a present or future with him, the ignore feature is cool here but I still see his name that he commented, and then others quote him, so I am still reading the shit.

and for the record, I have done NO altering of g-force's color settings, He said this script all works together, the only thing I did is add msycamores subs, Thanks dude!


Wow dude, get a fucking grip and stop being such a whiny baby. You kept saying that it didn't bother you that I had a criticism of SOMEONE ELSES script (not even yours) but the truth comes out. Everyones work deserves criticism. Including my own. And I wouldn't want to release something without people making constructive comments, this is how we improve, especially if what people are saying is legit. But again, isn't any criticism I had of the image something for G-force to be concerned about? You seem to act as though the credit is your own, but your efforts are mainly making an audio package to G-force's script and then authoring a release, right, so what is the deal in the first place?

Also, educate yourself. The "old ass" Technicolor print is the best reference available, not the GOUT. Neither are perfect, we are dealing with best available. If you read posts you might know why. As it stands, you just make yourself look more than a bit immature.


*ducks under the frying pan that has been thrown across the room*


The last three posts is all too typical of the bullshit that is clogging up OT.com threads now a days. You all are nothing but ass clowns that think you're being clever.

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.


Umm.  Wow.

So, anyway, I look forward to the V3, and for the record, I highly appreciate the efforts of both DJ and Zombie.

The thing to remember is that we are all here for pretty much the same set of reasons.  Talents, as well as tempers, vary.

I am only an audio guy, so the image scripts and all that are over my head, but I understand their purpose and the definite need for them.

This site has come about out of necessity.  It's unfortunate, but here we are.

Please if you cannot play nice, don't go clogging up other people's threads.  I'm sorry for doing just that, but I felt I had to say something.

All hail the projects and the exposure!


vbangle said:

The last three posts is all too typical of the bullshit that is clogging up OT.com threads now a days. You all are nothing but ass clowns that think you're being clever.

Hey look, you're the first new addition to my "ignore" list in a VERY long time!

Feel free to reciprocate.


Vbangle you're the biggest kiss-up I've ever seen. It takes real cowardice to be so two-faced.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


Marzipan, look: this is Goatface. I have a goat for a face. Like, not that I have a goat's head for a face, or that my head is a goat's head — like, my face is an entire goat. So, anyways, I was calling you ups 'cause I wanted to join your Goatface Club! Since you've got quite a goat face yourself, I figured you'd be the go-to guy, or gal. It's hard to tell with that goat face of yours. Anyways, my number is eeeeeh-uhhh! So gimme a call back! We can compare goat faces, though I can't imagine... that yours... your- is- pret-... you're ugly... Marzipan. This is Strong Bad, and you're ugly.



Sorry, what was this thread about again . . . ?


vbangle said:

The last three posts is all too typical of the bullshit that is clogging up OT.com threads now a days. You all are nothing but ass clowns that think you're being clever.

If Moth3r comes across this, I'll be more than happy to have my post removed due to being off-topic, but in the meantime...

OT Forum_; FanEdit.org:_ Radi0n FanEdit Forum: Kal-El
tehPARADOX**Galen_Marek_True_Jedi **(I know… <span style=“padding: 0px; margin: 0px; text-decoration: underline;”>don’t ask</span>)
My Man of Tomorrow (Superman Returns) Fan Edit (FanEdit forum link)




Sorry, if my comment started something here...

Anyway, here's what g-force's script says,

########## black level/gamma, hue

it improves the black level and tweak the hue towards yellow, and I think he has found a great overall balance for it. I've tried to make my own settings several times but I always come back to these same values as I think it doesn't hurt other scenes in the films that much. It really is a compromise, it would of course be great to tweak some scenes individually, the binary sunset for example, but I don't know if it's really worth the trouble with this source.

But all this would maybe fit better in g-force's own thread, cause if I understand this correctly, dark_jedi only set out to make g-force's latest version more widely available for people, not tweaking it.

We want you to be aware that we have no plans—now or in the future—to restore the earlier versions. 

Sincerely, Lynne Hale publicity@lucasfilm.com


Lol, Rad and Tv's got the best image messages.

On a sidenote, after seeing how much work goes down into this maybe i should get a cheapo player for my captures instead of the (now) insanely modded gear :).. "Nothing to see here folks.. move along"

Laserdisc for life, Denon LA3500, Sony C2ex/+\Mdp999 “Hercules”
if you want to contribute: http://paypal.me/LDRevive


vbangle said:

The last three posts is all too typical of the bullshit that is clogging up OT.com threads now a days. You all are nothing but ass clowns that think you're being clever.

 vbangle why so angry all the time ?, chill out man .Every post ive read of yours you are always calling someone names and getting angry . RELAX MAN YOU DONT HAVE TO BE A DI*K EVERYDAY OF YOUR LIFE.

Seriously , relax a bit . You dont have to like everybody on this forum but you also dont have to be so angry at everyone.