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Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!) — Page 31


Akwat Kbrana said:

Yeah, that would be nice. Sadly, it's already been confirmed that the theatrical cuts will not be included on this release. Go figure.

Pardon me while I split hairs.

I recall a quote from Lucas saying the original versions were not a high priority.

But I don't recall him saying that ONLY the new versions would be on the Blu-Ray set.

But I have been known to make mistakes ... from time to time.

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?


I was going off the following quote from Lucas, with respect to the upcoming Blu Ray release:

“Releasing the originals is kind of an oxymoron because the quality of the original is not very good. You have to go through and do a whole restoration on it, and you have to do that digitally. It’s a very, very expensive process to do it. So when we did the transfer to digital, we only transferred really the upgraded version.”

My assumption is that, since work on the new set has already commenced, and George claims not to have made a digital transfer of the original, the above-mentioned quote therefore basically amounts to an admission that the OUT will not be on the upcoming release. That's how other news sites seem to be taking it, too.

Slashfilm.com said:

Lucas said that the original trilogy films included on the Blu-Ray release will be the remastered special editions.

Movieonline.com said:

Only the 1997 special editions of the original trilogy — the one’s that added such unnecessary things as Greedo shooting first — will get the Blu-ray transfer.

Et cetera and so forth.

Every 27th customer will get a ball-peen hammer, free!


I think it's fair to assume we aren't getting the OOT on this release.  There's a non-zero chance of it happening, but it's pretty unlikely.


I think it will eventually come in an acceptable way. It won't ever be what it should, but it will finally arrive several sets down the line. Lucasfilm will put a small trivial amount aside for a basic transfer and we'll finally have a anamorphic transfer that is up to probably 2005 standards with the 93 mix.

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:


Darth Vader said:

The Emperor does not share your optimistic appraisal of the situation.

Every 27th customer will get a ball-peen hammer, free!


Now assuming they are going to re-mix and fix the films audio on blu-ray which source of the audio will they use the 77 theater mix the 85 mix other SE's from 97 and 04? I've heard on other blu-ray movie titles that they try to get the best mix possable for different films that are released on BD.


I think another reason many are less than enthusiastic about this release is that we've been double-dipped by LFL in the past. ("That's like putting your whole mouth right in the dip. From now on, when you take a chip, just take one dip and end it.")

When I say I absolutely will not buy any Star Wars set that doesn't include the OUT, it's not just vitriol; I'm really genuinely not interested in the least to see George's "improved" versions, regardless of resolution, audio compression, or format. Even if the color timing was corrected and the audio mix was, as kenkraly2007 is fond of prognosticating, "fixed," I still couldn't care less. These aren't the movies I'm looking for.

That feeling is just intensified when I remember paying full price for the trilogy on DVD in 2004 only to shell out again two years later when the GOUT was released. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. I'll gladly wait until until a decent transfer of the OUT is completed before buying another Star Wars product. If that time never comes...oh well, it's not like I'm interested in any of the other cheaply-made, soulless, mass-produced Star Wars garbage coming out these days.

Every 27th customer will get a ball-peen hammer, free!


kenkraly2007 said:

Now assuming they are going to re-mix and fix the films audio on blu-ray which source of the audio will they use the 77 theater mix the 85 mix other SE's from 97 and 04? I've heard on other blu-ray movie titles that they try to get the best mix possable for different films that are released on BD.

We have no idea which mix they will use.  And I have no confidence that Lucasfilm will "get the best mix possable".  With each release the mix keeps getting worse, because they seem to be more interested in making changes than in restoring it.  If there were an office betting pool, I'd put my money on their using the most recent mix, and just pooping in a bunch more changes.

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


Akwat Kbrana said:

I think another reason many are less than enthusiastic about this release is that we've been double-dipped by LFL in the past. ("That's like putting your whole mouth right in the dip. From now on, when you take a chip, just take one dip and end it.")

When I say I absolutely will not buy any Star Wars set that doesn't include the OUT, it's not just vitriol; I'm really genuinely not interested in the least to see George's "improved" versions, regardless of resolution, audio compression, or format. Even if the color timing was corrected and the audio mix was, as kenkraly2007 is fond of prognosticating, "fixed," I still couldn't care less. These aren't the movies I'm looking for.

That feeling is just intensified when I remember paying full price for the trilogy on DVD in 2004 only to shell out again two years later when the GOUT was released. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. I'll gladly wait until until a decent transfer of the OUT is completed before buying another Star Wars product. If that time never comes...oh well, it's not like I'm interested in any of the other cheaply-made, soulless, mass-produced Star Wars garbage coming out these days.

Great post.

I feel betrayed every time I see another Star Wars product these days. Even a Yoda-adorned birthday card I received recently made me resentful of LFL.


avoidz said:

Akwat Kbrana said:

I think another reason many are less than enthusiastic about this release is that we've been double-dipped by LFL in the past. ("That's like putting your whole mouth right in the dip. From now on, when you take a chip, just take one dip and end it.")

When I say I absolutely will not buy any Star Wars set that doesn't include the OUT, it's not just vitriol; I'm really genuinely not interested in the least to see George's "improved" versions, regardless of resolution, audio compression, or format. Even if the color timing was corrected and the audio mix was, as kenkraly2007 is fond of prognosticating, "fixed," I still couldn't care less. These aren't the movies I'm looking for.

That feeling is just intensified when I remember paying full price for the trilogy on DVD in 2004 only to shell out again two years later when the GOUT was released. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. I'll gladly wait until until a decent transfer of the OUT is completed before buying another Star Wars product. If that time never comes...oh well, it's not like I'm interested in any of the other cheaply-made, soulless, mass-produced Star Wars garbage coming out these days.

Great post.

I feel betrayed every time I see another Star Wars product these days. Even a Yoda-adorned birthday card I received recently made me resentful of LFL.

Ha! I got a Yoda birthday card too! With me it was kinda fitting though, since me, my sister and our cousins had been constantly quoting the Plinkett AOTC review earlier that week. My sister actually wrote "Number One: Everything" in it.


Akwat Kbrana said:

I think another reason many are less than enthusiastic about this release is that we've been double-dipped by LFL in the past. ("That's like putting your whole mouth right in the dip. From now on, when you take a chip, just take one dip and end it.")

When I say I absolutely will not buy any Star Wars set that doesn't include the OUT, it's not just vitriol; I'm really genuinely not interested in the least to see George's "improved" versions, regardless of resolution, audio compression, or format. Even if the color timing was corrected and the audio mix was, as kenkraly2007 is fond of prognosticating, "fixed," I still couldn't care less. These aren't the movies I'm looking for.

That feeling is just intensified when I remember paying full price for the trilogy on DVD in 2004 only to shell out again two years later when the GOUT was released. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. I'll gladly wait until until a decent transfer of the OUT is completed before buying another Star Wars product. If that time never comes...oh well, it's not like I'm interested in any of the other cheaply-made, soulless, mass-produced Star Wars garbage coming out these days.

I might as well have written this post myself because it's exactly what I'm feeling.  I already own:  the '95 Faces VHS set, the '97 SE VHS set, the 2004 DVDs, a DVD transfer of the '95 Faces Laserdiscs, and the 2006 GOUT (having thrown away the 2004 discs that came with it).  I don't think I own anything else that many damned times.  I have little use for any more versions, especially considering the GOUT is the only thing I still watch, and I sure as hell am not going to free up any shelf space for anything that's not the original version.

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.


Akwat Kbrana said:

I think another reason many are less than enthusiastic about this release is that we've been double-dipped by LFL in the past. ("That's like putting your whole mouth right in the dip. From now on, when you take a chip, just take one dip and end it.")

It is starting to feel like they are filling their whole mouths with dip, chewing on it a few times and spitting it into the dip bowl.


I can see why the audio for episode 4 back in 2004 for the dvd is so messed up because when you listen to the english track the audio is  all over the place then when you listen to the french track is pefect now when and if they do the new audio mix for blu-ray release and base it more on the french audio mix but in english in 5.1 or 7.1 then I think everyone will be happy. No or yes?


I will absolutely not be happy, no matter what, until the OUT is released in a halfway-decent quality.  I don't care how good the Extra Extra Special Editions look or sound.  (Or, exactly what Akwat Kbrana said.)

Hell, I'm not even asking for a Baraka-level restoration here.  I just want to be able to watch it with people who aren't huge Star Wars fans and not have them bitch about how crappy it looks.


Same here.  Whatever audio job is done for the SEs have absolutely no bearing on the real movies, and it certainly won't be enough to convince me to buy them.  I admit I would give them a small amount of kudos if they prove themselves to be actually competent for the first time in a while, though.

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.


Fang Zei said:

Ha! I got a Yoda birthday card too! With me it was kinda fitting though, since me, my sister and our cousins had been constantly quoting the Plinkett AOTC review earlier that week. My sister actually wrote "Number One: Everything" in it.

Was it the interactive one with the light-up green saber on the front and the music playing?


Yeah I also own the 95' faces versions.  And, they are the only versions of the OOT I own.  I recently donated the 97' SE VHS versions along with the rest of my VHS movies to a charity.  The 95' versions I think, were remastered and "cleaned" up as mentioned in the advertising, so I dont know why Luca$ says the originals are too damaged for cleaning up for bluray.  Sounds like more lying BS from luca$.  Lots of people were fooled into buying the OTSE DVD's. thinking that they were original versions, and I've talked with some of them.  Ive also heard that since george changed the movies, starting in 97', that he doesnt have to pay royalties to the actors due to some legal loophole he found.  Anyone know anything about this?  If its true, I wouldnt be surprised. 

"There's no cluster of midiclorians that controls my destiny!" -Han Solo, from a future revision of ANH


kenkraly2007 said:

I can see why the audio for episode 4 back in 2004 for the dvd is so messed up because when you listen to the english track the audio is  all over the place then when you listen to the french track is pefect now when and if they do the new audio mix for blu-ray release and base it more on the french audio mix but in english in 5.1 or 7.1 then I think everyone will be happy. No or yes?

No. The original versions are what people are really after here and unless the original versions are in the bluray set then it wont really make much difference basing the new mix on the French mix might solve a few problems assuming they still have all the source files used for the French mix but there are many problems with the dialog levels in the 2004 English mix so unless they spend extra time adjusting the dialog levels it will ultimately be a waste of time.

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?


avoidz said:

Fang Zei said:

Ha! I got a Yoda birthday card too! With me it was kinda fitting though, since me, my sister and our cousins had been constantly quoting the Plinkett AOTC review earlier that week. My sister actually wrote "Number One: Everything" in it.

Was it the interactive one with the light-up green saber on the front and the music playing?

Nowhere near as elaborate.


adywan said:

I'm developing ways to not have to use a full frame from the GOUT to make a EPIV reconstruction in the highest quality i can. Will it be possible? I won't know until i see whats actually on these sets but i'm hopeful  that i can pull it off

 Adywan , could you please give us some more information on this please ,and will you be waiting until the blu ray dvd's come out until you start the reconstruction ?


In another thread he said he will be waiting for the Blu Ray, and tackling it after ESB:R is done.


Now I don't know a hole about about film transfers but here's what I sort of know. 35mm film is the best for film resolution and you can't remaster a film in 1080p for blu-ray you have to do a 4K or 8K transfer for blu-ray. Now I am talking about older films not new ones. I hope when all 6 star wars films come out on blu-ray they will do a new 4K transfer for all 6 films and not slap on the dvd transfers of all the films. That whould be dissapointing if that happened.