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What is wrong with Return of the Jedi? — Page 3

call me scum of the earth, but i know i wouldnt.
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)

Originally posted by: GundarkHunter
Teenagers really have no sense of humour, do they?
Apparently not. *lol* But if it's any comfort to you, I found your reaction extremely funny. *big grin*


Originally posted by: jimbo
You don't have go into insults. Theres nothing wrong with appreciating a girls looks.
Of course not. But if that's the only thing you value (and you made it sound as if it was), then you are shallow.

I am a woman and I found your statements insulting. Besides, I was talking about charisma/sex-appeal, and you stated that Natalie's looks made her "hot". Which is bull***t, because good looks don't equal charisma. Charisma and sex-appeal are things that radiate from inside. I have met quite a few people in my life that you would probably consider ugly as hell, but still, they had charisma and therefore can be considered sexy.

Furthermore, I fit mostly into your description of what you consider a "hot chick", but I wouldn't want anyone to reduce me to my looks (and fortunately most people don't). Because that is shallow and it is insulting.



Edited to correct a typo...
Taylor: Oh H, whatever happened to the way of the warrior??
Harold: The way of the warrior doesn't stand a chance against the way of the wife.
('K2', 1991)
Im a guy. Thats how all guys are. You can accept it or not. It is the only thing I value. Good thing non of the girls I know read the website.

Originally posted by: jimbo
Im a guy.
A boy, to be more precise.


Thats how all guys are.
*lol* Bulls**t! Almost all of my friends are men and that's not how they are. There is no such thing as sex-specific stupidity. That is only a character trait, and fortunately not all people have it.


You can accept it or not.
There's nothing to "accept". You're not part of my life, so I don't care how you think.


It is the only thing I value.
Poor guy. I guess you must be very lonely, if you haven't learnt to value more things about women. *rolls eyes* Life will teach ya.


Good thing non of the girls I know read the website.
It's our little secret.

Taylor: Oh H, whatever happened to the way of the warrior??
Harold: The way of the warrior doesn't stand a chance against the way of the wife.
('K2', 1991)
Im a guy at any age. I am 16.
Please Jimbo. Stop making us teenagers look like absolute morons. Especially on *MY* thread.


Phew... thanks, Darth Chaltab! You re-installed my hope. *g*
Taylor: Oh H, whatever happened to the way of the warrior??
Harold: The way of the warrior doesn't stand a chance against the way of the wife.
('K2', 1991)

Originally posted by: Darth Chaltab
Please Jimbo. Stop making us teenagers look like absolute morons. Especially on *MY* thread.

Fuck you
See you did it again! Real mature.... Hey... This board doesn't have a language filter? Go figure.



Originally posted by: Darth Chaltab
See you did it again! Real mature.... Hey... This board doesn't have a language filter? Go figure.

Language filters suck ass. Just like you.
If you insist on making an idiot of yourself go right a head. I'm not going to argue with you anymore. Let's get back to

George Lucas's definiteve vision *chuckles* of RETURN OF THE JEDI.

BTW. I know plenty of curses and swears Jimbo. It's more of a test of maturity if you can argue without using them. You failed.


You forget though you were the one who resorted to name calling just because you disagreed with my opinion. Thats as imature as they come.
So you compensate for your own immaturity by pointing out mine. Fine. I suppose we're even now. So forget it.


guys guys... chill... lets try and be civil.
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)
Yeah, but I suppose this thread has gone about as far as it will go anyway. So we'll just let it fade into obscurity.


No nothing I like better then pointing out Return of the Jedis flaws.
How about I point out some of AotC's flaws?

1. The dialogue in the Ani/Padme romance is freaking awful.
2. The actors collectively give bad performances even though they aren't bad actors
3. Natalie Portman's monotone speach is only slightly less annoying/ then it was in TMP but thankfully less frequent
4. Why am I numbering them?
5. CG is used in nearly every shot, including many in which it isn't needed.
6. The CG army at the end looks incredibly fake.
7. Nearly every one liner is painfully unfunny
8. Haden Christiansen is topless in bed and screaming in a bad acting mode *cringes*
9. Jar Jar Binks isn't as funny as he was in TMP, and that says a lot.

Over all I really enjoyed Attack of the Clones but... this crap is hard to ignore.



Originally posted by: Darth Chaltab
How about I point out some of AotC's flaws?

1. The dialogue in the Ani/Padme romance is freaking awful.
2. The actors collectively give bad performances even though they aren't bad actors
3. Natalie Portman's monotone speach is only slightly less annoying/ then it was in TMP but thankfully less frequent
4. Why am I numbering them?
5. CG is used in nearly every shot, including many in which it isn't needed.
6. The CG army at the end looks incredibly fake.
7. Nearly every one liner is painfully unfunny
8. Haden Christiansen is topless in bed and screaming in a bad acting mode *cringes*
9. Jar Jar Binks isn't as funny as he was in TMP, and that says a lot.

Over all I really enjoyed Attack of the Clones but... this crap is hard to ignore.

1. No it wasn't. It was a great story of love vs duty. A romance for the ages.
2. All preformances were great. Especially Natalie Portmans
3. It establishes her character well
4. No idea
5. No it was only used when needed. It was always needed
6. I didn't even know it was CG. The effects were incredibly well done
7. The "good job" gave me a chukkle but I don't think most were ment to be funny. This is Star Wars not Futurama
8. Something for the ladies. I just ignore it
9. He was only in 5 minutes and it finally gave his character purpose
ok everyone, there is no use arguing him. Jimbo obvously is too much of a child to listen to reason. I sugest that we leave this thread and let him banter to himself.

Jimbo, in twenty years you're going to realize how stupid you're sounding right now.

Originally posted by: Warbler
ok everyone, there is no use arguing him. Jimbo obvously is too much of a child to listen to reason. I sugest that we leave this thread and let him banter to himself.

Jimbo, in twenty years you're going to realize how stupid you're sounding right now.

Your the one not listening to reason. The truth is Return of the Jedi is definutly the worst Star Wars movie. Attack of the Clones is the best.
lol sorry jimbo but being straight up....

you are making yourself sound like a ****ing idiot...

im not even gonna make you explain all your points...


5. No it was only used when needed. It was always needed

man can Lucas use CG to fix your unbelievably stupid posts...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
There is no such thing as too much digital effects. They are the best means of telling a story.
and thats why the prequels won so many razzy's...
now i understand
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
Hey. I just thought of something. Is Jimbo for real, or is he trying to be funny?.. you know. Demonstraiting absurdity by being absurd.