^lol Bingo
C3PX said:
*Fortunately (or not so) so many people got into the whole fan editing thing that it has really proven to be a joke, I can't imagine anyone actually watching one of the edits out there and taking it seriously enough to try to take legal action against it. It basically takes bad movies, and makes them laughably worse by hacking them up, making them make less sense, and filling them with hard cuts. Good stuff. Like a bunch of little kids tearing pages of famous paintings out of books, scribbling all over them with crayon, excitedly passing them off with pride, and pretentiously commenting on how Vincent Van Gogh obviously didn't "get it", but thankfully they were able to fix the problems with their meticulous scribbling skills.
Yeah, well, that's like, your opinion, man.
Sure, a lot of fanedits suck, but there are many that improve a great deal on the original, and in excellent quality too. adywan's work (as you mentioned in your reason for edit), TMBTM's War of the Stars, Jorge's Total Recall edit, and so on are vastly different takes on the originals that make for a completely new experience. But there are plenty of other less drastic edits that still do great stuff and in a very professional manner. L8wrtr's TPM edit and Q2's AVCHD edits of Crystal Skull and Terminator Salvation are recent works that immediately come to mind.
I'm a little offended at your dismissive attitude.