Darth Solo said:
Right, i wrong to defend OCP then, but i dont think i am.
Last edited on August 31, 2010 at 12:34 AM by Darth Solo (Reason: Im not defending him or creditin him....masterady may have the same pain to come ;-)
Have these edit reasons become the forum equivalent for muttering stuff under our breaths?
Yeah, I am curious as to what you meant by that, DS. Sounds like you are suggesting that Adywan, who strictly adheres to the rules, unlike that opportunist weasel OCPmovie, is at risk of getting "shoved under the bus" someday, just like so many of you seemed to think was the case with OCP. OCP may have contributed a few things, but honestly, none of them that good by any means (SW Classic was atrocious, though I will admit his SW documentary, that I currently forget the name of, was pretty cool though). His obvious true talent was in selling the works of others.
This thread seems like a really bad idea, I have a feeling you made it just to bring up the subject of OCP. When he was first banned there were many members having a fit about it. He was, and as far as I know still is, selling edits. At that time the future of fan editing was in question and that was exactly the type of thing we didn't need members of the community doing (and still isn't), just what we wanted was for some selfish git to draw negative attention to it by making a profit, then getting us all shut down.*
There is no "yellow card" for that kind of behavior. He knew damn well he wasn't suppose to be selling edits. And as for not reading the forum rules, when you register you are agreeing to follow those rules, if you don't read them you are still breaking your end of the agreement by not following them. It is like saying that a contract should not be binding, because well, you neglected to read it.
*Fortunately (or not so) so many people got into the whole fan editing thing that it has really proven to be a joke, I can't imagine anyone actually watching one of the edits out there and taking it seriously enough to try to take legal action against it. It basically takes bad movies, and makes them laughably worse by hacking them up, making them make less sense, and filling them with hard cuts. Good stuff. Like a bunch of little kids tearing pages of famous paintings out of books, scribbling all over them with crayon, excitedly passing them off with pride, and pretentiously commenting on how Vincent Van Gogh obviously didn't "get it", but thankfully they were able to fix the problems with their meticulous scribbling skills.