OCP is a scumbag and i'm glad he was banned. I got a copy of his "list" and exactly how much he was charging for them. $30 for a DVD-9 version of other peoples edits: $10 to cover the cost of the DVD if a SL DVD, an extra $10 if this was a DL DVD and an extra $10 if they wanted a printed cover. How the hell can he justify this as "covering costs".And that is without postage. He said it would cost me an extra $10 to post from the USA to the UK, When i know it costs about $3. So if i wanted a DVD-9 version of say Jambe's Building Empire he was going to charge me $40. Knowing the amount of hard work that people put into their edits and then have someone profit off this is just plain wrong.
I'm surprised he's been able to get away with doing this for so long. Myself and other faneditors provide our work for free and not to have some asswipe then sell our work for his own profit