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A B C said:

The blue filter on the left is sure awful, but the "pristine" contrasts + the sharpness look "too much" (for me) on the right.

I agree.  The image on the left looks more natural; the one on the right seems manipulated.


The guys are carrying huge glowing sticks, if that doesn't draw your attention, I'm not sure what will. ;-)

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


I'm not that type of guy which is fascinated only by a fact that someone holding huge glowing stick.


You must be a bummer at raves. ;-)

But seriously, what do you guys want from that shot? Less detail? It looks great in the whole scene.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Darth_Coconut said:

I'm not that type of guy which is fascinated only by a fact that someone holding huge glowing stick.

I like this guy.. :D

It looks great in the whole scene.

Dont tell us.. We havent seen it yet





doubleofive said:

It looks great in the whole scene.

And doubleofive would know, having seen the 'workprint'.

From the snippet seen in the final trailer, the overall look now seems far superior to me I have to say, as the SE version is 'blue-tinged' and overly dark compared to how it is now.  And adywan's also done a couple of terrific additional tweaks on top.  Count me delighted with how this turned out.


ImperialFighter said:

Count me delighted with how this turned out.

I second that notion without a moment's hesitation ;)

OT Forum_; FanEdit.org:_ Radi0n FanEdit Forum: Kal-El
tehPARADOX**Galen_Marek_True_Jedi **(I know… <span style=“padding: 0px; margin: 0px; text-decoration: underline;”>don’t ask</span>)
My Man of Tomorrow (Superman Returns) Fan Edit (FanEdit forum link)





Alright gentlmen... Let me end your debate on what military roll Leia has in the Rebel Alliance right now. Princess Leia definitely does hold military rank, HOWEVER, the royal title of "Princess" out ranks any title in the military so that doesn't matter. As you see from the picture above Leia has a rank badge on her left breast pocket. She IS military... that much is certain.

As to what level of military rank... that is very debatable because it's never mentioned but I think it's akin to how the President of the United States is "Commander and Chief" but tactics wise and military doctrine he doesn't possess those skill sets outright and would need to be briefed and advised by those who are career military leaders ie General Riekian. Leia I'd say is second in command of the Alliance armed forces only behind Mon Mothma with the available information I have. Therefore technically, I'd say she out ranks the senior officer General Riekian at Echo Base.

As whether she is qualified to give a basic military briefing... This is a woman who was elected to the senate at age 18 and thus speaking in high pressure situations comes naturally. Militarily speaking, I'm pretty sure in a off screen military briefings they had layed out the contingencies for evacuation along with plans of action even prior to Riekian even giving the official order to "begin the evacuation:. Thus relaying the basic jist of the evacuation plan to a bunch of snub fighter jockeys is not a problem from someone of Leia's caliber especially if they've discussed such a plan as a preconditioned tactic.

The Rebel Alliance always prepares their bases as mobile units along with pre-planned evacuation procedures. Such things are generally on a need to know bases restricted to high ranking officers and high ranking leaders of the Alliance.  Otherwise, you'd just have a chaotic bunch of guys with guns cramming whatever into ships without any coodination at all.

           Ca Rogues

                          The impossible is what Rogues do best...


^Agreed. That debate was ridiculous. She's a movie heroine with obvious military skills. Her giving a briefing makes sense. Whether she's a princess or not, she's proven herself more than capable in battle, and she can therefore be assumed to be a high rank (otherwise she wouldn't be giving the briefing!!!!)

Seriously, who cares what rank she has? It's never mentioned. All that's important is that we can assume it's high enough for her to give a military briefing. Being a princess and a military leader with a proactive role is completely plausible in a galaxy far far away.


Rieekan clearly defers to her ("I don't think we can protect two transports at a time.") She is definitely in a position of authority and would be well versed in all military issues regarding Echo Base.

I can imagine that she would be seen as quite an inspiring figure to the soldiers of the Alliance.

Seriously, who wouldn't fight for this Princess?


I rest my case...

"Darth Vader... tall and threatening in his black helmet, flowing black cape, and a face, forever masked, by a foreboding metal breath screen...

Darth Vader... a figure, who moves forever in a cloud of awesome evil!"


brash_stryker said:

She's a movie heroin...



Rogue Leader said:

This is a woman who was elected to the senate at age 18...

Hmmm hi!

Where/when do we get Leia's or Padme's age so all this can have a point?

From the movies and only the least that leia looks like in ANH is 25+ (IMO) despite the fact that Carrie's age was 21.

So from the movies and only we dont get a clear sense of age or we have to bother with it.





vaderios said:

Rogue Leader said:

This is a woman who was elected to the senate at age 18...

Hmmm hi!

Where/when do we get Leia's or Padme's age so all this can have a point?

From the movies and only the least that leia looks like in ANH is 25+ (IMO) despite the fact that Carrie's age was 21.

So from the movies and only we dont get a clear sense of age or we have to bother with it.




She was 18, wasn't she? Hamill was 25.


Some of you are talking about Leia and some of you are talking about Fisher, I think.


^Yeah. Anything that's only mentioned in the books is a non issue. 

E.g. I found it ridiculous that Amidala was apparently meant to be only 14 in TPM. Way to go ineptly trying to close the gap between her and Anakin's ages, George (rather than just making Anakin older to begin with)


I used to think Luke and Leia were different ages until my mom smacked me upside my head and said "They're twins!"

Anyway, we'd get the characters ages from the time passed between Episodes 3 and 4, and I think the official number is 20.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Imrahil said:

She was 18, wasn't she? Hamill was 25.

We dont know that dont we? ;)

Tell me if am i wrong but we never get a clear definition how many years passed through the episodes (ignoring the the visual growing up of characters) dont we?

EU or starwars.com doesnt count as answers or sources.





Carrie Fisher was 19 at the time of shooting ANH.

Mark Hamill was 25.

What I find even more absurd than Amidala's purported age of 14 is that she was ELECTED to be Queen... seriously? A society "electing" a teenage monarch and giving her absolute authority? Good grief...

"Darth Vader... tall and threatening in his black helmet, flowing black cape, and a face, forever masked, by a foreboding metal breath screen...

Darth Vader... a figure, who moves forever in a cloud of awesome evil!"


Leia was born 19 BBY and her ship (with her in it) was captured 0 BBY.
So a clumsy little sum would make her 19, 20 at best, no?
Amidala was born 46 BBY and got bumped by the Trade Federation 33 BBY, so that would have made her 13 or 14 around that time, indeed.

That was either a really stupid attempt from Lucas to make Amidala seem like the early mature type, much like Leia in the OT, or it was just plain stupid, period. At least Leia had reached early adulthood... Amidala probably hadn't even gotten her first...--you know--... :)

OT Forum_; FanEdit.org:_ Radi0n FanEdit Forum: Kal-El
tehPARADOX**Galen_Marek_True_Jedi **(I know… <span style=“padding: 0px; margin: 0px; text-decoration: underline;”>don’t ask</span>)
My Man of Tomorrow (Superman Returns) Fan Edit (FanEdit forum link)




But all these details are not known from the movies... So dont try any further. :P


Zod!.. I hate EU!





Seriously guys...you're all quoting info that can only be found in supplemental books.

Nowhere in the movies does it say the time elapsed between episodes or the ages of the characters.

Working out ages based on the B.B.Y dates (again only in books) is again ridiculous. Plus many of the books contradict eachother anyway.

To quote Redlettermedia:

"and don't let me hear any of you f***ers tell me it was explained more in the novelisation, or some star wars book. What matters is the movie"


Bravo Zulu said:

What I find even more absurd than Amidala's purported age of 14 is that she was ELECTED to be Queen... seriously? A society "electing" a teenage monarch and giving her absolute authority? Good grief...

To be fair, there's nothing in TPM that really clarifies just how much authority she has.


brash_stryker said:

Quick question, Ady. Seeing as you're working with the HD source which is 23.97 fps, will you be applying the 4% PAL speedup to it to make it consistent with ANH:R? (which was sourced mainly from the PAL DVD, and therefore was 4% faster and 4% higher in pitch at 25 fps)

Consistency between episodes is something you seem to be striving for in these edits (e.g. the same shade of yellow in the opening crawls) It would be a real shame if the speed and pitch didn't match. Especially when it comes to the crawl music.

Apologies if this has been brought up before. I've read the entire thread but don't remember seeing anything on the subject.

The HD source is 25fps which already has had the speed-up applied. The NTSC conversion will be done exactly the same way as it was for ANH:R

vaderios said:

ady are aware of this? http://www.thefoundry.co.uk/products/cameratracker/

It might solve some tracking problems you have :)



That plug-in would be exactly what i need if it does what it says. There is just no way i would be able to afford it as the funds dried up a long time ago

fishmanlee said:

vaderios said:

A B C said:

Not only the "ommhhh" from the special edition sounds like Vader through his mask, but in addition you really recognize James Earl Jones voice what is not the case of the old one.

I agree. The SE sounds more like vader rather a random arg from a dude. Besides the pre SE sounds like someones is spiting after he was smoking for 30 years.

If you all stacked with the pre SE arg i suggest adding a more robot effect to the voice like ady did in ANH:R? I still vote for the SE one


 they both sound like Vader/Jones, end of story, in fact the AAAAUUUUUUGGGGHHHHHH! sounds more like Vader/Jones to me

End of story? Mr arrogant strikes again

In fact the "augghhhh" sounds like he's throwing up in his helmet. If i can eliminate the gurgling effect then i'll probably be returning it back to its original state as the SE effect is just a repeat from a few seconds earlier.

Darth_Coconut said:


I don't like new version of this shot:

In new version duel is getting lost in lights of the tunnel. Old version is better in this. Background in original is more dark for good of duel visibility. I think it's not good to fix background. I'm getting lost in all that lights of new version


You're seeing a very early version of that matte. The background did need changing because it doesn't match the colouring of the rest of the sequence. The lightsabers are overblown and the gantry matte doesn't match the studio set. Here is the finished version of the matte. As you can see there have been a few changes:


A B C said:

... A work based on this shot would be awesome, and it looks really like another famous shot I have in high res from this sequence. These are for me the true colours:


I hate to tell you A B C but you've been thinking that these are the tru colours from a very faded/ desaturated photograph. Here is the original photograph taken from the behind the magic CDROM:

Darth_Coconut said:


Aren't these scenes in blue depth because on planet is getting late? Han and Luke stay outside over the night so.....


I give up. Why doesn't anybody ever bother reading the information on the Youtube videos before moaning about the blue depth of the revisited video.

And i'm not even going to get involved in the whole Leia debate apart from the fact that she was a leader even in ANH. She was never just some princess and showed leadership qualities during the escape from the detention cell. She took charge. Unless i was watching a completely different movie from you?

The people who have the new workprint will be able to vouch for the blue colouring and how much darker it appears in the proper video

ImperialFighter said:

doubleofive said:

It looks great in the whole scene.

And doubleofive would know, having seen the 'workprint'.

Hmmm. You should have been one of them. I sent you out a copy of it last week.

vbangle said:

Adywan, give us an update on your health....here's hoping you are doing better and feeling good.

Well things are almost back to normal. I'm still on the tablets but the headaches have gone.


I've started back to work on ESB:R full time now. The workstation just needs the lights installing but i've got everything set back up so it's full steam ahead ( pictures/ video of the workstation coming next week). The model/ set building resumes at the weekend. I need to get some extra fur as my plans for the Wampa have changed slightly and i need to make a little extra than i was going to originally. I'd also totally forgot about the large slug mouth set i need to build so i've got to get extra materials to get this thing done. I've also been given a lead on getting a casting from the original mould of Harrison's face used for the carbon block so i can build the section of the block to replace the incorrect shirt. Main problem is that the funds dried up a while ago and i'm in desperate need of help with this. I'm just so eager to get stuck back into this after everything that has happened.





Did Ady just say what I think he said: he's going to physically make a new Han-in-Carbonite to fix the ANH shirt problem? That's crazy/awesome!

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Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress